so me and a bunch of the guys on the ign forums have been watching info trickle out about the upcoming movie spiderman 3. It's going to be an amazing movie im sure and i cannot wait till may 4th to see it. From the first few pictures that leaked out from the movie sets, we could see pics of tobey maguire wearing a black spiderman suit. If anyone here knows anything about spiderman (ultimate or marvel universe), then you owuld realize that we have that this movie might possibly have venom in it. So we were all getting really really excited about this movie and then during comic con a trailer was released. It was not supposed to ever leave comic con but someone managed to record it. and at the very end there is a short sequence w/ venom in it. It wasn't very good quality cause the screen was far away from the guy that was recording it, but we all knew it was venom.
then recently someone managed to get the trailer in better quaily, and i saw a good version of venom from the movie for the first time ever. once I saw it i almost did a backflip. It might just be an obsession, and you guys might not be as excited as i am, but i just wanted to share this with you guys who havent seen it already. the good quality movie has dissapeared from youtube, and all that is left if some pictures someone took of it before it was gone. here's the best one i have ugys have no idea how excited i am lol...