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> My Story Line Idea From Back In December of 05.
post Oct 12 2006, 01:59 PM
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START: You just made it to pro status and are locally known and have a lot of respect there. But your still a small time pro. From the money you have won along the way to become a pro you decide to start a local skate shop/ park. From there you want to start a semi pro skate team so you decide to have someone cover the skate shop while you go out and look for new talent around the nation/world. First you look in your local area since you know a few good skaters there. you start off w/ a small amount of cash and a travel van painted to advertise your new team (which you make the name of and can create the logo for). You start off finding a few kids at your local skate spot. Theres 3 that catch your eye. They each have different stats and strong points. they each have different attitudes which can effect your team and they each want something from you in order to join and each can offer the team something in return.

Guy 1. has good al around skate stats but a bad attitude that can give the team a bad ass rep. He wants you to pay him cash. almost all of the cash you have on hand.
Guy 2 Lower stats but has a good attitude and room to improve himself along the way making your team better. He only wants you to make him a famous skater if you guys become stars.
Guy 3. The lowest of stats he also has room to improve and will make your team look like a team that gives noobies a chance which inturn makes it easier to get good rep. All he wants is a nice new board to skate w/

Now which ever one of these guys you choose determines the rest of the game. Wether you want to be a team that no one really likes a team thats kinda in the middle or an under dog team rising to the top.

Now remember which ever ones you don't pick will go to other opposing teams and they will have a grudge against you and do what ever it takes to bring you down.

I am going to go w/ the under dog guy. Now since you have your own skate shop giving him a new board isn't very difficult. Now you have 2 people on your team and your respect is rather high. but in order to move on it has to be the highest it can be in that level. in order to gain repect you and your teamate have to help out the people in the current area by doing what they ask.

Once you have gained enough respect and have chossen your teamate you can then get in the van and go to the next level.

From here on out you will have to join competitions and earn respect before moving to the next level. each level will offer you new people you can recrute to your team and new challeneges depending on who you pick. it's all real time and the ending of the game is based on the amount of time it took you to finish the game and what you have done along the way. Lets say after a compition you stay awhile to sign autographs and mingle. this will add onto your total time it took to beat the game but since it was spent doing something to earn respect it goes towards a good ending. if you had the bad ass team and choose to go loot or graffiti tagging after then this of course would change your ending as well.

Everything you do or choose dipcitcs the ending. By winning comp.s and helping out the local people you earn respect, money, and sometimes new gear. you can upgrade your gear along the way by buying stuff at local skate shops and also change the appearance of each of your team members. Like thug2 you can switch teamates on the fly if you so choose.

Even though you have earned the respect in that neighbor hood it will still be manditory for you to go back and do more comps to keep that respect. you will also have sponsor challenges and gain new sponsors along the way. you will earn magazine covers and such as well.

everyone in the level will be interactive in some way. and don't forget that the opposing teams will do things to you to try and bring you down such as steal your gear. wreck your van, try to recrute some of your teamates.

About half way thru you will no longer have room in your run down van for more teamates so you will have a chance to win a tour bus or buy it if you have earned enough money. this will up the respect of your team and up there stat points a bit since they can now sleep more comfortably and w/e else.

Your ultimate goal which you find out half way thru the game will be to of course get the most respect but also to win a competition which has a grand prize of making a video game based on you and your team.

You also win stuff for your skate shop/ park which you can go back to and upgrade w/.

So basically it's kinda like a real time role playing skateboard game and the ending is based on the choices you have made during the game and how long it took to finish the game. this I believe would give the game more replay value and each ending would give you different unlockables.

Now the Game that they are making based on your team will unlock a new mode of game play. arcade mode. arcade mode would basically be like the current classic mode and is supposed to be based on you and your team and whats in the game that was made about you. Basically 2 games in one lol.

The old school levels would of course include a lot of the THPS4 levels. and some from THUG maybe throw in 1 or 2 from THPS1 and 2. And maybe expand them. Like if they included the shipyard from THPS4 expand it so we can skate in the warehouse there. maybe in college make it so there skateable areas in the sport field. and maybe a tiny area in the blimp you could warp to.

Your skate shop/ park is almost liek the skate ranch in THAW. you have to earn or collect pieces to upgrade it w/ and of course any gear you win along the way you will be able to get thru your skate shop. The more sponosrs you have the more things that will become available to you and will raise your stats. Your park is basically like a practice level.

Created Modes:

Since you have your own skate team you can name it w/e you want and there for can also create a logo for it as well. The create a logo utility will be just like the current graffiti tag utility. The CAD would return from THUG but revamped and improved. CA Tag would also return and so would create a trick. The CAP should be bigger more customizable. so you could basically create your own real level. Have it be sorta like the SIMS tool or roller coaster tycoon. you can raise and lower ground place objects on top of each other even make tunnel ways merge objects ect. ect. give us way more themes. Give us the ability to put in moving Peds. use a rail tool type thing to plot there path and wether you want them walking or skateboarding. And the main thing CAG. Create a goal was awesome why they took it out I will never know. but they need to bring it back. you should also of course be able to create your own shirt/hat logo. I think the easiest thing would be to make it so you could make lets say 5 different logos and save them and choose what you want on your board if you want one on your board one you want for a team logo a graffiti tag. etc etc.

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post Oct 13 2006, 05:07 AM
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One word: WOW. i read ALL of that. Sounds awesome, whether or not its do-able is another thing. I think i game as big as that would be awesome. Someones been thinking about this alot havent they?

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post Oct 13 2006, 06:21 AM
Post #3

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well actually it didn't take me that long to think of lol. a little while but not as long as you would think.

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post Jan 2 2007, 08:30 PM
Post #4

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Moved from the old place where it was and before that this idea was in the old forums.

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=BGOAT= Ares
post Jan 3 2007, 12:51 AM
Post #5

2 words.........scene kids :(
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my basic idea for the next tony hawk game is to not suck...


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BGOAT Ken*Dawg
post Jan 4 2007, 01:17 AM
Post #6

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I would hope that they change the whole game itself and make it something newer and not the same gameplay over and over. That's what makes the Tony Hawk games get boring super fast.
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post Jan 4 2007, 05:58 AM
Post #7

The BGOAT Glitch Finder
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there never gonna change because
SKATEBOARDING DOESNT HAVE MUCH IMPROVEMENT GAMEPLAY WISE... i mean take madden they recycle the same engine over n over just put a few new touches call it a new game. its sad but people love it none the less. u guys are just 2 hard up on thps expecting the surprise in glory as when u FIRST played a thps game. but that wont ever happen quit lieing to urself every year hoping for a better game.

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post Jan 4 2007, 09:14 AM
Post #8

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it's like chasing your first line of coke. the first time you do coke is the best time. and everytime after your expecting the same feeling but it's not quite as great so your always chasing your first line. it's the same w/ tony hawk games. I must admit though thug2 did suck some nuts. but I think thaw was getting back on the right track and P8 was also a wonderful job. it was just missing some things which I am sure will return. just gotta keep your head up and don't expect the next game to be like your first line of coke. It's like a women loosing her virginity and once she does she's always trrying to get it back. lmao.

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post Jan 4 2007, 01:34 PM
Post #9

Straight jacked homie
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To me THUG 2 and THUG were the only good games out there. Thaw was good for about 2 weeks and then I felt it got boring. As well as Project 8 has right now.

Jokes on you we still alive...
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wut wut
post Jan 4 2007, 01:51 PM
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QUOTE(ROOK Master wiz @ Jan 4 2007, 07:14 AM) [snapback]13890[/snapback]

it's like chasing your first line of coke. the first time you do coke is the best time. and everytime after your expecting the same feeling but it's not quite as great so your always chasing your first line. it's the same w/ tony hawk games. I must admit though thug2 did suck some nuts. but I think thaw was getting back on the right track and P8 was also a wonderful job. it was just missing some things which I am sure will return. just gotta keep your head up and don't expect the next game to be like your first line of coke. It's like a women loosing her virginity and once she does she's always trrying to get it back. lmao.

Good point, I like THP8, I don't see why everybody hates it. i only wish it had online play, which BIO is making, will be out in march smile.gif

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post Jan 4 2007, 01:54 PM
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Well I'm definatley getting it for PS3 then.

It looks great, next gen.

But I've not played it on ps2 since the first week it came out.
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=BGOAT= Ares
post Jan 4 2007, 09:26 PM
Post #12

2 words.........scene kids :(
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QUOTE(ROOK Master wiz @ Jan 4 2007, 06:14 AM) [snapback]13890[/snapback]

it's like chasing your first line of coke. the first time you do coke is the best time. and everytime after your expecting the same feeling but it's not quite as great so your always chasing your first line. it's the same w/ tony hawk games. I must admit though thug2 did suck some nuts. but I think thaw was getting back on the right track and P8 was also a wonderful job. it was just missing some things which I am sure will return. just gotta keep your head up and don't expect the next game to be like your first line of coke. It's like a women loosing her virginity and once she does she's always trrying to get it back. lmao.

wiz does coke? im so disapointed.

lol jk


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post Jan 4 2007, 10:13 PM
Post #13

Straight jacked homie
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He's also addicted to meth. >.>

Jokes on you we still alive...
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post Jan 5 2007, 03:59 AM
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i was gonna do one but it was continuation of THAW

wat about create a goal??? sad.gif

IPB Image

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post Jan 5 2007, 09:11 AM
Post #15

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I do not do any drugs nor have I ever. the conparison was actually given to me by someone who had done it in there past. Just clearing that up.

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post Jan 5 2007, 09:47 AM
Post #16

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welll i think i might be dont with th games if this next one sucks. im probably just saying this now and wont quit on th games but i might actally consider it. the th games did inprove like gameplay wise and etc. the things that we need back are the things like CAD CAP and better CAS options like in p8 the options were very little and graphic wise sucked ass. the skater selection is growing better and better like thp8 i liked how they had actual skaters as sercet skaters. the game is inproveing but i have some doubts for the next game but hopfully they will step it up a notch if not then ea skate here i come.

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post Jan 6 2007, 02:40 PM
Post #17

Straight jacked homie
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Come on wiz...should've gone along with it..

Jokes on you we still alive...
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=BGOAT= Ares
post Jan 6 2007, 02:45 PM
Post #18

2 words.........scene kids :(
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QUOTE(Jkidd «±» @ Jan 6 2007, 11:40 AM) [snapback]14042[/snapback]

Come on wiz...should've gone along with it..

for real, post a picture of you in your mocap suit with crack lips. hahahaha


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post Jan 6 2007, 02:47 PM
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Wiz, what did neversoft do with your mo capped stuff? You should of been a secret charrecter sad.gif
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=BGOAT= Ares
post Jan 6 2007, 02:48 PM
Post #20

2 words.........scene kids :(
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no, there is a cheat code for him.

you type in



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