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> 10/17/2020 My Thps1+2 100 Hour Review
post Oct 17 2020, 08:31 AM
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As someone who has now played THPS1+2 for over 100 hours I still think the game is a solid game. it does have some bugs like if holding ollie button down before the level loads you can't ollie right off you have to let go and do it again. annoying sometimes.

I think the graphics are good. they're not COD graphics but I don't think they need to be. Minecraft doesn't have good graphics and it's a great game. the levels look great on this gen console. Theres a few things like missing reflections etc. but they're small details. The lighting is great in most cases however there are a few areas that are a bit dark. the small details like birds, leaves flying up, etc are a great addition to the game and add to the overall atmosphere and feel of the game. Just simmer down on the grind sparks.

Overall I think it plays very similarly to the originals. not perfect but close enough. If you've played the old games then you will be able to pick up the controller and feel right at home. theres no slamming down on the rails or to the ground like in the past game that shall remain unnamed. it really seems like VV looked at the old Neversoft code to see how everything was handled and was able to emulate that in the unreal engine.

The sound track is solid but to be honest I never listen to it because some of the songs annoy me yes I know you can turn off the songs you don't like. I still wish there was an option to turn off the skater noises they make. it would be ok if they weren't so often and if there were more than 3 or 4 sounds. all the other background noises are ok. but there does seem to be a lot of cats that meow in at-least 5 levels. when you skate over different surfaces you can hear it. The reason the score is only a 7/10 is because those damn skater noises. AGGGHHH!!!!

The create a skater is vast in it's attire and board options but not in how your character looks overall. it doesn't matter what face you choose your character still looks like their almost as old as the pro skaters in the game. I don't want to play as a mid 30's looking dude in the game. there's also no option really for weight or height. I wish this was the case and I also wish that you could customize the stuff you wear. I don't mean just being able to change the color. yes I know you can put the emblems on certain things as well. I just wish there was more to it. like being able to add layers to create your own design. The create a park is so open ended yet the create a skater is so limited.
I can't really comment on the create a park because I haven't really played around with it. but based on the levels I have seen being made I would say it's a great tool with unlimited options. The sky is literally the limit here. the only downside is you have to reach the nearly impossible level 100 to unlock all of the items to be used in CAP. Because of the limited CAS options again a 7/10

Well if you're a completionist then there is a lot to do here. How ever with that said you have to be damn good at the game. the average person picking this game up is not going to be able to reach level 100 or get all the hard to get theres not to mention the secret boards or platinum scores. I would say the average person would probably get to level 50 and call it good. Once you go through the game and get all the goals you can't go through again with a different character and do them again. you would have to do the speed runs. which again to get some of the challenges for the speed runs won't be possible for the average Joe. you can however go through each level with each character to get the stat points to unlock a video for that character. this how ever is boring about the third time through. trust me I unlocked them all I know. the replay value on this is very low for the average person. once you unlock all the levels with your CAS for the most part this is were the game will end for most people.

Online play. online play is par right now. Theres no custom lobbies to invite friends into to skate with. no free skate. you're just thrown into a game with rando's on a random map with a random game mode. everyone's stats are exactly the same to make it "fair". it's just not fun. some of the game modes last all of 30 seconds. theres no chat option or anything. VV needs to look at how the online play for THPS4 - THAW was. custom lobbies, chat, free skate, etc. if they added those things it would bring the replay value up a bit and be a more fun game for online play

yes averaging all of the scores above it would be a 7/10 but thats those things separately. As a whole I think for a Tony Hawk game it's a great game and VV did a great job. Overall this game is great IMO and many others. but it lacks in a few areas. online play, create a skater, and replay value. the CAS and online play is easy to fix and this may increase the replay value a bit but not very much. Fix online play and CAS and then maybe a 9/10. I'm still having fun with it and I think I can do 200 hours. probably not.

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