QUOTE (GlitchMasterBiz @ Mar 11 2009, 01:56 PM)

Sadly enough, i couldn't bare to read the full article. It is just another reminder that after this year, TH may just be dead and left as a memory. Fuck you EA for making a gay ass zero fun version of TH. EA i feel has planted the seed of destruction to the TH games. May all of EA die in a horribly good ol' fashionable death.
EDIT: Also, a big fuck you to harmonix for creating Guitar Hero giving Neversoft a new focus that made them blindside the TH series.
.....I still don't like Andy so with my other fuck yous, Andy, your a pompous asshat with a faggot attitude thinking your big shit bc you got into Neversoft by being the "Best" News flash, real life game of skate or TH style, i would fuck your whole day up, so step in the ring mother fucker. The challenge has been on the table since THUG2, yet you always block me on AIM. Exactly like i told you, WTF were you thinking with THP8? Use that as motivation you little prick.
I think your "fuck you"s are directed in the wrong direction.
The tony hawk games had the same basic formula for
9 goddamn games. Shit, even the final fantasy series found ways to mix up a stagnant genre enough to warrant a long life.
Neversoft had a monopoly on skateboarding games and they blew it. They made rehash after rehash until there was a new game on the block and people bought that shit up. It could have been the worst game in the world (it's not, really, fuck off with your fanboyism) and people would have purchased it, if only because it's new. This could have worked with neversoft, they could have experimented a bit. Yeah the first few might have been shitty but people who were desperate enough to play a skating game would buy enough copies to warrant a sequel.
But rather, Neversoft did what would be the series' demise, and that was play it safe. For years they got away with the same game with new trick animations and a minor gameplay change.
And blame Activison for giving gh to neversoft.
Don't blame Harmonix for making a popular game series that got ripped from them.
EDIT: hi guys
This post has been edited by skrattahögtmunk: Mar 12 2009, 02:39 AM