8-8-8 weird. anyways BGOATclan.com is back online. it actually has been for awhile. the home page is back to normal. I am however working on a little something new. not just a new homepage but an entire revamp of the site. our main focus will still be on Tony Hawk games but w/ Neversoft not doing them anymore I think there going to be phased out before to long. with that said I am going to expand the site to all Titles by Activision. yes Activision only. Titles such as Guitar Hero, Call of Duty, Spiderman, Cabellas: hunting games, and even the new Arcade golf game. The reason I am expanding is because 1. lets face it Tony Hawk games are pretty dead. 2. if I am going to pay hundreds of dollars a year for BGOAT to be around I want some traffic and something interesting to make it worth while. 3. Tony Hawk is the only game w/ glitches and even though we may not do glitches on other games off the bat we may eventually do so. we are now going to cover more angles besides just glitches. Also considering the fact that Activision has always been good to me I might as well try to return the favor. the change is going to be a slow one considering my situation right now but it should be a change for the better. Lets just say the new BGOAT.com layout will compliment Activisions current layout nicely. So I know this may be a huge change for some of you but I think it will make the site more interesting and hey sometimes change is good.