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> Gh4 Info
post May 13 2008, 12:07 PM
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If you read my post about GH Aerosmith not being GH4 then you will be interested in this post because ti confirms this and gives more info on what I have all ready stated before about GH4 having more stuff w/ it.


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post May 15 2008, 03:42 PM
Post #2

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QUOTE (ROOK Master wiz @ May 13 2008, 10:07 AM) *
If you read my post about GH Aerosmith not being GH4 then you will be interested in this post because ti confirms this and gives more info on what I have all ready stated before about GH4 having more stuff w/ it.


Wow Activision is really taking it up the ass from EA these days. First EA destroys Activisions skateboarding franchise making Activision delay their next game for a year and now Activision has to completely rip off Rock Band with "Guitar" Hero 4 w/ adding drums and a mic.

This post has been edited by Requiem: May 15 2008, 03:44 PM

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post May 15 2008, 04:12 PM
Post #3

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It's called keeping competitive. and in all actuality rock band ripped off GH first. Also last time I checked GH is still on top as far as sales and such go compared to RB. EA is the one that is copying people and activision is just making it harder stiffer competition.

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post May 15 2008, 04:28 PM
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Now the question is.. Will it be good?

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post May 16 2008, 09:26 AM
Post #5

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i think rock band sucks. the guitar is pitiful and the whole ripping off guitar hero is also pathetic.

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post May 16 2008, 07:05 PM
Post #6

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QUOTE (ROOK Master wiz @ May 15 2008, 02:12 PM) *
It's called keeping competitive. and in all actuality rock band ripped off GH first. Also last time I checked GH is still on top as far as sales and such go compared to RB. EA is the one that is copying people and activision is just making it harder stiffer competition.

Well if you put it that way then GH is a ripoff of DDR. They just changed it up from dancing to playing a guitar. Rock Band took the concept of GH but changed it up by adding drums and singing w/ the guitars. So now Activision realizes they dropped the ball big time and should have made Rock Band in the first place, which now they are trying to do by slapping a "Guitar" Hero sticker on Rock Band.

Do you know why GH is so far ahead in sales then RB?
It could have something to do with:

-GH has released 3 new games before RB even hit the shelves.

-GH costs about $100 and RB costs almost double that.

-GH out of the box is only 1 player, making people by an extra guitar so you don't look like such a loner, compared to RB which is 3 player right from the box, so people don't have to go out and buy extra instruments right away.

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post May 16 2008, 08:37 PM
Post #7

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QUOTE (Requiem @ May 16 2008, 08:05 PM) *
Well if you put it that way then GH is a ripoff of DDR. They just changed it up from dancing to playing a guitar. Rock Band took the concept of GH but changed it up by adding drums and singing w/ the guitars. So now Activision realizes they dropped the ball big time and should have made Rock Band in the first place, which now they are trying to do by slapping a "Guitar" Hero sticker on Rock Band.

Do you know why GH is so far ahead in sales then RB?
It could have something to do with:

-GH has released 3 new games before RB even hit the shelves.

-GH costs about $100 and RB costs almost double that.

-GH out of the box is only 1 player, making people by an extra guitar so you don't look like such a loner, compared to RB which is 3 player right from the box, so people don't have to go out and buy extra instruments right away.

I am not talking about sales figures I am talking about people who actually play the game. More people play GH3 every month then RB. It's not activisions fault the developers of rockband weren't smart enougn to sell shit seperatly to make more money. personally I haven't gotten rock band because I don't need all that extra shit taking up space. GH is just a better game. and what better way to make a good game even better. I mean what else can rockband do they all ready released everything all at once. lol. also GH4 is introducing a lot of things that rockband hasn't even prolly thought of yet.,

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post May 19 2008, 06:36 PM
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Man i just read the 9 pg article on Gameinformer. I think this game with rock my socks.

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post May 19 2008, 09:19 PM
Post #9

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i cannot wait until GH4. I played gh3, loved it. thats really the only gh game i played but the other day my 11 year old sister bought gh2 and it is fuckin' kick ass! This weekend bri is buying GH1 and i think that will be kickass. One thing i didnt like about gh2, is that the songs are sung by someone else instead of the actual band. I didnt play rock the 80s yet but i can imagine how kickass that game is. Im so stoked about GH4 due to create a track, create a rocker, the better song listings, and etc.

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post May 20 2008, 06:01 PM
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Gh4 drums look better than rock bands IMO

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post May 20 2008, 07:20 PM
Post #11

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post some screenies, i havnt seen em yet.

SIDE NOTE: did they realese any track lists for GH IV yet?

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post May 20 2008, 08:54 PM
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no track lists are out but 4 bands were official, but i don't remember them and don't feel like hunting it out on a 9 pg article.

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post May 21 2008, 07:22 AM
Post #13

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damn those drums look sick. i think they look more like an actual drum set than rock bands setup. i hope that there is more guns n roses in this GH 4. Paradise city should be too far away. Also, i hope they'd have an online music store of some sort. Also, with create a track in, that be cool to be able to upload it to the store for others to buy your tracks.

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post May 21 2008, 03:25 PM
Post #14

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QUOTE (=BGOAT=Biz @ May 21 2008, 08:22 AM) *
Also, i hope they'd have an online music store of some sort. Also, with create a track in, that be cool to be able to upload it to the store for others to buy your tracks.

They do. Free.

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post May 21 2008, 06:12 PM
Post #15

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Konami is coming out w/ a rockband/ guitar hero rip off. there calling it drum revolution.

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post May 26 2008, 10:10 PM
Post #16

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So Rock Band rips off Guitar Hero, Guitar Hero rips off Rock Band, and then Konami rips off both?

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post May 27 2008, 02:29 PM
Post #17

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to me its all about where the shit originated, i give neversoft and activision complete props for the idea of GH. The whole other guys ripping off GH they can go suck a dick, they wanna be so original, create your own game lol. anyway, yea i knew they had a online store but what i meant was since there having create a track, it be cool to incorporate that shit into the online store. like on th and shit upload your cap, cas, cag, etc. it be a cool way for lazy people to find tracks they want that there too lazy to make themselves. lol.

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post May 27 2008, 03:00 PM
Post #18

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well if people remember the first GH was made by the 2 major companies involved in GH and what is now rockband. they separated and GH went over to activision and neversoft and Rock band was created and made better by the other company. so really rockband didn't copy GH it was just a sequek done different and better by half of the company who did the first couple GH games. now activision as usual has realized it has to compete w/ money hungry EA so there upping the anti and making GH even better then RB. Konami originally came out w/ ddr so to be honest GH and rockband really copied them but instead of a dance pad they used a guitar. I don't like the looks of the Rock Revolution game so I won't be getting that am I am not a big fan of EA so I didn't get rock ban. I will however be getting GH4:WT wether I get it for free from activision or not.

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post May 27 2008, 05:37 PM
Post #19

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Well either way, GH is the biggest one that made the interactive games what they are.

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post May 28 2008, 02:27 PM
Post #20

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This is it in a nutshell.


The originators then leave and make rock band. Now somone needs to make GH3. They give the job to NEVERSOFT. So Neversoft just picked it up, they never came up with the idea.

This post has been edited by Embro: May 28 2008, 02:27 PM

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