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> My Thoughts On What Needs Improving Copied From My Review Of Thpg
post Feb 4 2008, 09:02 PM
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Again these are based off of comments about THPG but these should be issues to be thought about in the next game.

Story mode:
the bad thing is that if you want a special feature like lets say the nail the manual you have to learn it first. for vets of the game re learning things like climbing and nail the trick and such is kinda redundent and frustrating.
Also it would be fun to be able to play as a pro skater in story mode or online but neither seem to be possible. the only time you can use a pro skater is on the hawk machines and then you can't use your story mode skater. (makes no sense). or in multiplayer.

The skate lounge:
the main thing that ercs me is that each object cost hard earned money. The other thing that kinda stinks is that you can't lower or raise objects.

Online/ Multiplayer:
The only bad thing from what i can see is that besides the host you can't tell who else is in the room. Also once in the room there isn't a map to tell you where the other people are. another oversite I assume.
Another kinda bad thing is there still isn't any CTF or KOTH and sometimes when you host the world playing games like Graffiti is boring.

Video editor:
the only bad thing and perhaps the biggest oversight is that you have to choose when to record. This is bad because sometimes you do things on accident and you want it on video. there should atleast be some kind of memory or backlog or something. choosing to record and going from there is kinda lame.

Rigger abilities:
would be better if you could use all the pieces from the skate lounge but then what would be the point of the lounge. The only thing bad about this is the camera tool. you have to place the tripod line it up etc etc just to take a pic. what if I wanted to take a pic on the fly. this is another oversight IMO.
Another bad thing is if you place an object you better remember where you placed it because once you get close to 30 pieces and you want to place more have fun finding where you placed other pieces to delete them. from what I see there isn't a delete all pieces option or a view placed pieces etc.

Hardcore abilites:
The one thing I wish they had for this is a stat record. I would like to know how many people I have checked the firthest distance I checked and the overall distance of said checked people. They have a stat for just about everything else how come not this. would of been cool.

Graphics/ animations:
but when it comes to things like the cars or other little things the graphics are not even par. but you won't notice unless your really really looking. The animations are good except for one crucial thing. (not crucial to me I personally don't care about it). People are complaining like little babies about the fact that there isn't a crouch animation when you ollie. I didn't notice until people pointed it out but most of those people are skate fanboys anyways so it doesn't matter.
The bad thing is no day or night feature. most everyone loved the day to night feature.

10 Things to think about for the next game:
The tony hawk series has always been a decent series and although in my opinion Thug through Thaw were kinda meh it still turns out to be a decent game each year adding just enough to keep people interested. Here's a list of things that need to be added/ inproved upon for next year.

1. The skate lounge is great but we need more themes and different areas not just the same layout in different colors. The lounge also needs to allow you to lower and raise objects and perhaps merge/stack certain objects. If it could be done like a sims game were you can use tools to raise and lower the ground and such that would be amazing.
2. The create a goal should be reintroduced also being able to make your own chalk lines would be sweet as well.
3. The video editor should have atleast a 1 minute backlog/memory so you don't have to go to record to start recording. this is my biggest gripe w/ the editor.
4. All features from previous games should be open to you at the start of the game. if you know how to do them from previous games then you shouldn't have to re learn them. only new features should be locked until you learn them or leave them unlocked so if you figure out how to do them before hand you will be all set.
5. More online games. bring back capture the flag and koth those games are awesome and would be great to play in these new levels. also being able to tell who is in a room would be a decent idea as well. not just the host.
6. with the rigger kit being able to place any piece from your skate lounge collection would be cool also a clear all would be a nice addition as well. going back to try to find out where you placed an object is killer. perhaps expand the amount of objects you can place as well.
7. stats... if your gonna have stats then go all out. I want stats on how far I skate checked someone, how many people I have skate checked, the furthest distance I skate checked a single person, and the overall total distance of those people checked. don't have stats on some things but not others.
8. Animations/ skins. make sure theres atleast an ollie animation so all the skate fanboys will stfu. I must admit though that is kinda a big oversite for a skateboarding game. also if your going to go all out on the graphics go all out on all of them. even the cars. make them look better.
9. The weather thing is great but bring back day and night as well. it was a decent feature and added to the overall feel of things.
10. more create options like create a deck and such. these things were great from Thug and most people want them back.

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post Feb 4 2008, 10:15 PM
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about the rigging thing, there is a snap option on ps2 rig that helps alot to find pieces, isnt there a snap option on nex gen pg rig? also for video editor like backups, they should have the reply type deal like they had in thps3 (and 4 i think) and be able to clip out the certain part of the replay you wanted. yea i loved cap, and cad. i also loved online. i wish online for pg ps2 would come back to play for a wider community in the th games. i personally had no real problems with thpg except that once you beat the game, what elce is there to do? i mean yeah glitch it but, when your glitched out what is there to do? sure Rig A Kit kinda helps mod the lvls to have a different experience for each spot but, thats not even fun sometimes. like you said, create a goal would certainly help with the after game boredom or other things like the classic game. dont make classic in game stuff, make a separate mode like in thug2. story mode and classic mode. i dont know im just throwing stuff out there that i would love to see.

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post Feb 11 2008, 11:57 PM
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this was from my other topic but no one replied and dont think anyone saw it
Career skills:
paycheck: the higher u upgrade, the more money you get while getting a sponsor, shoes or decks
charm: u need to have a certain amount of charm to get in to comps or any thing that can get u a sponsor depends on high u upgrade ( you can probably get from photo challenges with your friend)
nail the trick/grab/manual:decreases the speed of the board slower if upraded skill

Rigger skills:
rig a kit: with more objects like drainage pipes or card board lined in garbage bags for kickers so it looks ghetto
upgrade the skills probably make the rigger pieces easier to skate with less gravity if upgraded
modding tool: same as last year kickers qps u have in the rigger menu.upgrade by taking a vid with ur rigger pieces
creativity points : a stat that expands the amount of pieces in the rigger menu

hardcore skills:
Skate checking/off board attack or should be skate punch: I do NOT like it when the skate checking goes too far put an option to make the skate checking far or not
if u upgrade, the bigger chance of a perfect check comes probably 5 perfect checks to 10 skill points
Climbing: should be a hardcore skill but include wall runs. if upgraded u jump higher and have higher wallruns
Carving: should look like a bert slide like what lance does in the skatin bowls cutscene if upgraded u can carve longer

earn skill points by battling (trick attack) different skaters in the city or wherever u should also get charm after u beat that person

story/levels coming soon

this is what i think the skills should be PLEASE tell me what u think

This post has been edited by izzysparks: Feb 11 2008, 11:58 PM

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