QUOTE (ROOK Master wiz @ Aug 8 2008, 12:40 PM)

I disagree i thought it was a very good game. it has it's down parts but overall it was decent. your all to synical. you've been drinking to much of EA's kool aid and there darn skate game. now thats a game not even worth renting. anyways I think for $21 it is worth it. I mean I didn't pay for it period but I would pay $21 for it atleast. you guys aren't giving credit where credit is due. you want to much from a game. go out buy it rent it what ever and see if you like it for yourself. to each there own.
I'd get off the EA skate kool aid if you stop suckin on Neversofts tit. THPG was horrible, even compared to the previous Tony Hawk games. They listened no nothing we the fans wanted and just through in stuff they thought we would like.
We wanted:
Realistic = Neversoft didn't do it they kept up the cartoon crap.
C-A-P = CAP was how everyone liked it with maybe just a FEW tweeks. Neversoft first got rid of it then gave you a crap version of the previous CAPs.
Good Story = The stories just kept getting more dumb, random and stupid.
They should have went back and looked at why THPS4 and THUG were so popular and worked from that. Instead they ignored what the fans liked about the series and tried to add stuff nobody cared for and expected us to eat it up.
should have been skate. , like everyone wanted it to be. Neversoft killed it on their own. Hopefully the new company that is taking over the series doesn't dig itself in a hole it can't get out of, then abandon ship.