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> Ps3 + Psp
post Nov 9 2006, 11:18 AM
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Found this in a article...

But wait, this sordid tale of a lack of preparedness gets even better. You know all that jazz about connectivity between the PSP and PS3? Well, while the PS3 might be ready for it, it's another story for the PSP. Owners of the portable will have to download Version 3.0 of the firmware in order to use the PSP as a remote media player for the PS3 and to play PSP-compatible software that has been downloaded to the PS3 from the PlayStation Network. Unfortunately, this update won't be ready until the end of November.


So is that a good thing or a bad thing for PSP owners? I dont own a PSP but evertime theres a new firmware for the PSP it seems like most people talked about staying at like the 1st firmware they had for it.

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