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> Sony Killed Lik-sang
post Oct 24 2006, 12:14 PM
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fucking owned


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post Oct 24 2006, 12:24 PM
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That's bullshit. I'm DEFINITELY not getting a PS3 now. Wii all the way.

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post Oct 24 2006, 03:18 PM
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Sony had the right to do it and they needed money, what would've you done? Not getting a console just because of a decision of the company-which doesn't necessarily have any affiliation with Playstation, is just kind of being blind IMO. Kotaku isn't the best of sources and Lik-Sang has ripped off some people before...but I won't go in to that.

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post Oct 24 2006, 03:54 PM
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Because it's just like what Yahoo tried to do to X-Fire, pick on the little guy.

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post Oct 24 2006, 04:04 PM
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...Sony's attempts to make gray market imports of console systems illegal

Motherfucker! Lik-Sang was a hell of alot more trustable than other, far more shady, import companies. I got Vib-Ribbon (and an accompanying PS2) from Lik...
Why don't they just sue ebay for the same reason?
"how would sony lose from this? Lik-sang has to buy the consoles from sony in order to export them. sony sells the same number of consoles regardless of where they are sold, or who buys them."

Next up: Play-Asia.


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post Oct 24 2006, 04:11 PM
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QUOTE(FeRgY @ Oct 24 2006, 04:18 PM) [snapback]7247[/snapback]

Sony had the right to do it and they needed money, what would've you done? Not getting a console just because of a decision of the company-which doesn't necessarily have any affiliation with Playstation, is just kind of being blind IMO. Kotaku isn't the best of sources and Lik-Sang has ripped off some people before...but I won't go in to that.

The info is on Lik Sang right now.

Sony didn't have the right to do anything. Lik Sang sold the PSPs with the proper adapters, and even took out anything that could cause a problem.

They LEGALLY purchased the systems. And, go look at the bottom of an NTSC power adapter for the psp. It's voltage is compatible anywhere in the world.

Sony taking Lik Sag to court in 3 differant countries was just wrong. They needed money? A company that can produce a 600 dollar system and still take a loss for each one sold doesn't need money.

Please go into how Lik Sang ripped off people. Because if it is the bullshit some guy in the UK wrote about how he bought some Game Boys or some shit, that one was a lie. When he wrote that article, and when he said he bought the items, the particular model of Game Boy Sp wasn't out yet. Or available for sale on Lik Sang.

You want to talk about ripping people off? How about rootkits installed by Sony music cds and Dvds. That shit endangered government computers. No one got sued there right?

What about those exploding batteries? Sony knew about them. They waited until after computers were catching fire (One even exploded on an airplane!) and someone figured out they were sony batteries, not dell, to issue a recall.

The holiday demo disc? Another thing Sony knew about before the disc was even packaged and shipped. Instead of not shipping the pressed discs, they let them out and that corrupted memory cards everywhere. I have two cards just sitting here. And what did Sony do? They gave me a copy of NBA something. It wasn't even worth one of the memory cards.

Shit, even their customer service is fucked up. My PS2 broke a while back. So, I call them and ask about repairing it. They say that the repairs would cost 150 dollars. I asked them why when the part I needed only costed 30 dollars? They eventually let me get it repaired free, at my cost of shipping. So I send the PS2 off. 4 weeks go by. No PS2. I call them. They blame UPS. They gave me a tracking number. I call UPS. They look up the tracking number. It isn't in their system. I call Sony back. They say that my console was shiped 2 weeks ago. So I wait one more week. I call sony back. They say that my PS2 has been shipped and recieved. I tell them that the tracking number wasn't in UPS's system. Then I ask for a supervisor. The bitch on the phone hung up. So I call back and finally get him.

He tells me that my PS2 has just gotten there and is in repair now. I go check the tracking number I recieved for the box I sent to them. It says that the package was recieved 3 days after I sent the box off. Sony's site says that they fixed the PS2 on the following Monday after that. The PS2 has been in the process of getting shipped for a month now. I call again, and speak with the supervisor. He gives me a repair number. I call that and they say they recieved the PS2, but they couldn't fix the part so they sent a new one since it was under warranty and untampered with.

I finally get the PS2 a few days later. I open it up, and it wasn't my ps2. It wasn't even new. They sent me a differant console that had marker on the top, and the tray didn't even open. I call again, and demand I speak with someone higher than the supervisor. I got him again. I tell him that they sent a PS2 that was broken, and wasn't mine. They say it was mine, but they would send a package so I could ship it back. I send them the ps2. They finally sent my PS2 back. Then the bitch had more DRE's in another few months.

I had to go buy a new PS2 because if how shitty Sony was. Then, I saw that they still charged my card for the repair that was supposed to be free. I spent 368 dollars for what should had been free.

So, after all this shit, I am done with Sony. The PS3 I am getting as a gift will be put on Ebay for 3,000 dollars or more. With that money, I am giving the person who gave the gift 800 bucks. The other 2200 will be spent on a Wii, a computer for my cousin, games for the consoles I still own, and a nice 50 inch HDTV.

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post Oct 24 2006, 04:36 PM
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Boohoohoo, lets all boycott Sony for trying to eliminate second hand selling. If you think Sony picks on the little guy, check out the Sony vs. Immersion case. Oh what was that I heard, Microsoft sued Sony for a chart comparison, wow. Anascape sued Microsoft and Nintendo for the same thing Immersion sued Sony for. What was the bs I read about getting ripped off?
"Microsoft: Xbox 360 Hack Threatens Entire Game Industry
Oct 10, 2006 @ 5:48pm

Microsoft has responded to a new threat of mod chip activity on the Xbox 360, which lets players bypass the console's security system and play bootlegged games.

Piracy costs the video game industry untold millions each year, and the Xbox 360's standard DVD format makes it more vulnerable to such hacks than the more exotic Blu-ray format used by the upcoming PlayStation 3."

This post has been edited by FeRgY: Oct 24 2006, 04:40 PM

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post Oct 24 2006, 04:49 PM
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QUOTE(FeRgY @ Oct 24 2006, 05:36 PM) [snapback]7261[/snapback]

If you think Sony picks on the little guy, check out the Sony vs. Immersion case. Oh what was that I heard, Microsoft sued Sony for a chart comparison, wow. Anascape sued Microsoft and Nintendo for the same thing Immersion sued Sony for.

That's completely different. That's just corprate dumbasses going on about how some other company supposedly "stole" thier idea, when all they want to do is get rid of them so they make another million dollars on top of the billions of dollars they already have.

With cases like Yahoo vs. X-Fire, X-Fire is a non-profit orginization and Yahoo should be ashamed for even considering a lawsuit. But hey that's my opinion. Even though Lik-Sang is a profit making company, it's still just a little guy, and honestly, they wouldn't put a dent in Sony profits even if they tried. It's just a bunch of corpate assholes worrying about 0.00006% of profit. Out of what? Like 40 billion dollars?

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post Oct 24 2006, 04:54 PM
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Ok, 1 out of 3 I listed dealing with Sony is where Sony gets the benefit. Maybe Sony wouldn't need money if the other companies would stop being greedy. Even if Sony is losing a little out of Lik-Sang's presence, Sony considers it immoral and wants to prevent them from becoming the other greedy companies IMO.

This post has been edited by FeRgY: Oct 24 2006, 04:55 PM

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post Oct 24 2006, 04:54 PM
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QUOTE(Requiem @ Apr 26 2007, 10:35 PM) [snapback]20653[/snapback]
Biz did you know, Gamb once taught Jesus how to glitch.

My GH scores All my scores are up!

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post Oct 24 2006, 05:00 PM
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You know what, forget about the consoles. PC FTW.

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post Oct 24 2006, 05:41 PM
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QUOTE(FeRgY @ Oct 24 2006, 05:36 PM) [snapback]7261[/snapback]

Boohoohoo, lets all boycott Sony for trying to eliminate second hand selling. If you think Sony picks on the little guy, check out the Sony vs. Immersion case. Oh what was that I heard, Microsoft sued Sony for a chart comparison, wow. Anascape sued Microsoft and Nintendo for the same thing Immersion sued Sony for. What was the bs I read about getting ripped off?
"Microsoft: Xbox 360 Hack Threatens Entire Game Industry
Oct 10, 2006 @ 5:48pm

Microsoft has responded to a new threat of mod chip activity on the Xbox 360, which lets players bypass the console's security system and play bootlegged games.

Piracy costs the video game industry untold millions each year, and the Xbox 360's standard DVD format makes it more vulnerable to such hacks than the more exotic Blu-ray format used by the upcoming PlayStation 3."

No, lets boycott Sony for dangerous shitty products. Did you even read what I typed? All of the bitching was about stupid things that Sony has done that was either dangerous or unethical. I have fallen victim to three of those things. (Rootkits, Memory Card corruption, Faulty PS2 which wouldn't be fixed. Not to mention an old Walkman that heated the batteries so much, one melted back in 1996.)

Microsoft never sued Sony for a chart copmparison. Sony has been making biased charts for years to say that their SHIT is better. The most recent chart says you have to spend 800 dollars on a 360 to get the same features out of the box with the PS3.

And, are you really bitching because Microsoft wants to protect it's system from modders? PS3 will have a giant fucking back door in the form of Linux boot discs (Burned DVDs) and Linux itself. Exotic blu ray discs? Writeable Blueray discs will be out this year. People will be able to burn and rip shit all the same in a few months. Exotic my ass.

This post has been edited by Jr7891: Oct 24 2006, 05:43 PM

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post Oct 24 2006, 05:56 PM
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QUOTE(Jr7891 @ Oct 24 2006, 06:41 PM) [snapback]7284[/snapback]

No, lets boycott Sony for dangerous shitty products. Did you even read what I typed? All of the bitching was about stupid things that Sony has done that was either dangerous or unethical. I have fallen victim to three of those things. (Rootkits, Memory Card corruption, Faulty PS2 which wouldn't be fixed. Not to mention an old Walkman that heated the batteries so much, one melted back in 1996.)

Microsoft never sued Sony for a chart copmparison. Sony has been making biased charts for years to say that their SHIT is better. The most recent chart says you have to spend 800 dollars on a 360 to get the same features out of the box with the PS3.

And, are you really bitching because Microsoft wants to protect it's system from modders? PS3 will have a giant fucking back door in the form of Linux boot discs (Burned DVDs) and Linux itself. Exotic blu ray discs? Writeable Blueray discs will be out this year. People will be able to burn and rip shit all the same in a few months. Exotic my ass.

You mean like the 360's overheating, freezing, and scratching discs? You wanna talk about unethical? Where'd Windows come from?
Yes they have and it wasn't biased. They equalled up the hardware specs and totaled the costs, what's biased about that?
What about Linux? Lol, how does Linux affect the gaming portion of PS3? The only way it changes is that consumers can make their own content. You know how much Blu-Ray burners cost? You know the protection on Blu-Ray discs?

This post has been edited by FeRgY: Oct 24 2006, 05:58 PM

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post Oct 24 2006, 06:14 PM
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QUOTE(FeRgY @ Oct 24 2006, 06:56 PM) [snapback]7285[/snapback]

You mean like the 360's overheating, freezing, and scratching discs? You wanna talk about unethical? Where'd Windows come from?
Yes they have and it wasn't biased. They equalled up the hardware specs and totaled the costs, what's biased about that?
What about Linux? Lol, how does Linux affect the gaming portion of PS3? The only way it changes is that consumers can make their own content. You know how much Blu-Ray burners cost? You know the protection on Blu-Ray discs?

Any console will scratch a disc if you are dumb enough to move it while it is on. Overheating? The system runs just fine. It is just hot. Freezing? It happens to me on PS2 as much on 360. Do you know how much I freeze as soon as the PS2 goes online? I have gotten frozen on THUG 2 more than my 360 and my comp combined.

How does Linux affect the gaming portion of PS3? Isos are loadable. User Created content right? User ripped media.

Dumpers got money to burn. Don't act like Blue Ray readers and writers are so expensive, people cannot afford them. Shit, they said the same things about UMDs. And by the way, a Blue ray burner will only be 500 dollars.

Protection? Every fucking console now has protection. Each one was beaten by small mistakes. PS2? PS1 games and the ELF format. Xbox? Mech Assualt running anything on a memory card. Nintendo DS? GBA slot. Sony PSP? Executables hidden on picture files. Dreamcast? CD burning becoming popular. The closer consoles get to computers, the easier it is to hack.

This post has been edited by Jr7891: Oct 24 2006, 06:16 PM

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post Oct 24 2006, 06:18 PM
Post #15

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QUOTE(Jr7891 @ Oct 24 2006, 07:14 PM) [snapback]7287[/snapback]

Any console will scratch a disc if you are dumb enough to move it while it is on. Overheating? The system runs just fine. It is just hot. Freezing? It happens to me on PS2 as much on 360. Do you know how much I freeze as soon as the PS2 goes online? I have gotten frozen on THUG 2 more than my 360 and my comp combined.

How does Linux affect the gaming portion of PS3? Isos are loadable. User Created content right? User ripped media.

Dumpers got money to burn. Don't act like Blue Ray readers and writers are so expensive, people cannot afford them. Shit, they said the same things about UMDs. And by the way, a Blue ray burner will only by 500 dollars.

Protection? Every fucking console now has protection. Each one was beaten by small mistakes. PS2? PS1 games and the ELF format. Xbox? Mech Assualt running anything on a memory card. Nintendo DS? GBA slot. Sony PSP? Executables hidden on picture files. Dreamcast? CD burning becoming popular. The closer consoles get to computers, the easier it is to hack.

My PS2 doesn't scratch discs. The freezing, overheating, and scratching discs was in the media and I've watched it at my friends house, you can't deny it. THUG 2 would most likely be a problem with that disc, dust in the console, or people freezing you or w/e.
User ripped media? You're okay with the 360, mp3 players, etc. right? How do alot of people obtain music?
I don't really care about protection anymore because I'll admit it, I'm gonna pirate as much as I can.

This post has been edited by FeRgY: Oct 24 2006, 06:20 PM

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post Oct 24 2006, 06:20 PM
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Blu-Ray Burner - $800
Blu-Ray Players - $1000
Playstation 3 - $600
Reading complaints about the PS3 costing to much...
A waste of time.

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post Oct 24 2006, 06:22 PM
Post #17

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QUOTE(=BGOAT=Nicholas @ Oct 24 2006, 07:20 PM) [snapback]7289[/snapback]
Blu-Ray Burner - $800
Blu-Ray Players - $1000
Playstation 3 - $600
Reading complaints about the PS3 costing to much...
A waste of time.

Playstation 3-$500-600 wink.gif
Or...$300 at walmart biggrin.gif

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post Oct 24 2006, 06:27 PM
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post Oct 25 2006, 05:03 PM
Post #19

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well they obviously did something wrong for Sony to go after them. but honestly I don't really care. it's not going to prevent me from buying a PS3. I mean lets count how many times Microsoft has sued someone and put it next to sony and we shall see who's rap sheet for sueing people is longer. I buy a console because I like it not because of the company behind it. except xbox. lol.

This post has been edited by =BGOAT=Nicholas: Oct 25 2006, 07:40 PM

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