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> Sony Doomed?
post Sep 13 2006, 09:46 PM
Post #61

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i like penis

This post has been edited by Shadow: Sep 13 2006, 10:16 PM


............................ Wii
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post Sep 13 2006, 10:15 PM
Post #62

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QUOTE(Camo @ Sep 13 2006, 10:46 PM) [snapback]4277[/snapback]

i like pudding.

u fucking fagit I ONLY SAY DAT!!!!!!!!....................... only i


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post Sep 13 2006, 10:24 PM
Post #63

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QUOTE(Camo @ Sep 13 2006, 09:39 PM) [snapback]4275[/snapback]

I know some info that if I didnt promise wiz I wouldnt say anything about I would probably fucking flip out on you. Your lucky I hold my promises to wiz.

Lol dont let Camo flip out on you. He might try to be all 1337 0/\/ jh00 and kick your ass over the internet with big words like your a fag.

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post Sep 13 2006, 10:25 PM
Post #64

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QUOTE(=BGOAT=Nicholas @ Sep 13 2006, 11:24 PM) [snapback]4279[/snapback]

Lol dont let Camo flip out on you. He might try to be all 1337 0/\/ jh00 and kick your ass over the internet with big words like your a fag.

I think he already attempted to on AIM...hmm...

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post Sep 13 2006, 10:32 PM
Post #65

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QUOTE(Shadow @ Sep 13 2006, 08:15 PM) [snapback]4278[/snapback]

u fucking fagit I ONLY SAY DAT!!!!!!!!....................... only i

I like "Tomatos" then a nice helping of Pudding

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post Sep 13 2006, 10:34 PM
Post #66

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QUOTE(Requiem @ Sep 13 2006, 11:32 PM) [snapback]4281[/snapback]

I like "Tomatos" then a nice helping of Pudding

hahaha i love you requiem!


Keeping talking smack . . . No matter what you say . . . bGoat still is the best.
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post Sep 13 2006, 11:58 PM
Post #67

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QUOTE(Camo @ Sep 13 2006, 07:10 PM) [snapback]4259[/snapback]

I mean the GC fan shit and whatnot. I swear you just made all of that up.

And duh everyone knows Sony left Nintendo after Nintendo didnt take to the disc idea. Which still blows cause they break and have long load times unlike cartridges which fucking pwn. IE NDS games load instanly while psp discs have to ..... load.

I know what Im talking because I sell GameCubes and people used to come in all the time complaining about the dead fan or the famous No Disc error. Your just some kid who searchs the net when I personally deal with these issues. You havent shown one solid fact in your defence. Everything you say is just your own personal opinion yet you say people like me and Ferg are just randomly coming up with shit (although we actually do a thing called research before we start claiming shit), but if you actually open your eyes and know what to actually look for you'd realize your being a retard who knows nothing about what you are arguing about.

Here's another example of why your stupid n have to think before you speak:

"Sony left Nintendo after Nintendo didnt take to the disc idea. Which still blows cause they break and have long load times unlike cartridges which fucking pwn. IE NDS games load instanly while psp discs have to ..... load."

Since your a Nintendo Fanboy and your trying to make fun of disc loading when you still got the GameCube which runs on discs that have to Load......... You try and make something sound bad about Playstation yet Nintendo does the exact same thing. Your saying this thing is bad but this is good even though its the same. If you are gonna try an be a smart ass atleast use examples errelevent to the comment. You went from consoles then gave an example of handhelds. 2 Different things. Oh BTW what format is the Wii games on? Oh yea that'd be disc so be ready for Loading..... Loading..... Loading....

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post Sep 14 2006, 06:12 AM
Post #68

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Haha your funny. I dont have a gamecube.
And as for selling gamecubes.
Got College?
Ever hear of it?

Any yes, Wii will have discs, but undoubtly they will load faster then your 1337 blu ray peices of shit.

And I swear if I knew where fergy lived I would kick his hippie ass.

This post has been edited by Camo: Sep 14 2006, 06:15 AM


............................ Wii
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post Sep 14 2006, 08:44 AM
Post #69

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In regards to camo's uneducated guess on drive speeds...

Opitcal Disc Drive (ODD) supports single and dual layer Wii disks, discs eject with software or button and the maximum read speed is the equivalent of DVDx6.

IPB Image

Back your shit up camo....youll lose credibility if you dont...

This post has been edited by XolrecX: Sep 14 2006, 08:49 AM

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post Sep 14 2006, 09:25 AM
Post #70

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WOW this is a very heated topic indeed. heres more of my 5 cents worth.

Nintendo..... Good company but there a little behind on the times. there to dependent on Mario and his creator. Everything that Nintendo has is because of him. I forget his name. Nintendo needs to come out w/ something new and more up to date. they need to get w/ the times. I am not saying stop making Mario or Zelda games or any of those. they were all good games. but there getting old and nintendo is to dependent on them. As for the Wii it is a neat system indeed but like everyone else has said it's not exactly next gen. some one was saying that the online aspect is new for nintendo. that I am affraid is not so. Gamecube was supposed to be online but have fun trying to get ahold of the adaptor or an online game. as for the discs it's about time Nintendo relaized that discs are better and for now can hold more data at one time for a price that is cheap. The gamecube was just an overall failure. it didn't do anything special except play GC games because of it using small discs. But Big things sometimes come in small packages and the Wii is the smallest. However it doesn't stack up to the next gen graphics. I agree Graphics are not everything. I would rather have an awesome game w/ not so awesome graphics then a shitty game w/ awesome graphics. and I would really like an awesome game w/ awesome graphics. which right now only the 360 and PS3 can offer. Nintendo Wii is just an upgraded gamecube w/ online, regular size discs, and the same old old old characters in a new game w/ the same type of game play. The only thing it really has going for it is it's new controller idea which might be a hit or might be a flop. I will how ever buy one just because I wanna try the Wiimote.

360 and PS3. truely next gen consoles. they both offer better graphics then ever really seen before and they both have awesome processors and w/e else. the only real difference is the blue ray. Yes blue ray is next gen yes it's expensive and yes it's new. but is it good? Ok so from the chart that I have seen which I dunno where it came from blue ray runs faster and blue ray has more disc space. but will a video game really use or need all that space. most likely not. PS3 has done a lot this time around to make there system truly Next gen. they have a blueray player which indeed sets them apart. they have an online thing like the 360 and the remote has changed. Yes the system is bigger but if you took the power pack of a 360 and shoved it into the case of the console how much bigger would it be? Besides blue ray I think the 360 and PS3 are bother great consoles and by far out do a nintendo wii. Now if the Wii came out when the xbox and ps2 came out then the Wii would have taken the market by storm and hurt Sony and Microsoft badly. but right now it's way to little way to late.

Games....... Each system is going to have a limited amount of release titles. some may be good some not so good. some might be sequels some may not. but it's not the release titles I would worry about. it's what titles are planned for that system afterwards. ok so the Wii has 20 release titles all great games then what? shitty games for a couple years until the sequels come out or w/e. hey guys lets release 20 awesome bad ass games to sucker people into buying our console then once they buy the console we've all ready made our money and can relax for a bit and give em shitty games and not do anything for the ones we have. the 360 I didn't really pay attention to there release titles but I am assuming some were good and some not so good. but they didn't bring out the big guns right away like halo 3. PS3 seems to be doing the same thing. they have some decent release titles but I think the great games will come later and they will come often. 360 and ps3's collections of games should be huge by this time next year. and remember the 360 has a year head start over PS3.

so to sum it up.

you can pay $2-3 hundred dollars for a dvd case that plays games that were last gen quality but use a cool Wiimote. or you can pay $400 for a 360 that has better graphics then an xbox better online place and all the other stuff xbox had and more games which just barely puts it over the next gen mark. or you can pay $600 for something that will play blueray discs and cost less then a blueray player. plays all your favorite games since PS1. has an online market place like the xbox. and can be used for so much more.

IMO I would say go get yourself a 360 or if you have the money up it up a notch w/ the PS3.

From what I have been told as far as graphics and stuff goes the 360 and the ps3 are basically the same. and this comes from people who make the games for those consoles.

Notice that THP8 is coming out on 360 and PS3, and is ported to the PS2 but yet isn't ported to the Wii. it's because the Wii still can't handle the graphics of the game even compared to the PS2. lmao.

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post Sep 14 2006, 11:46 AM
Post #71

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post Sep 14 2006, 01:14 PM
Post #72

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I still don't consider the same thing with a better graphics card next-gen. But hey it's all in the eye of the beholder.

Everything else seems like just a video card and processor upgrade.


This post has been edited by lol_Doughnut: Sep 14 2006, 01:24 PM


useless trivia: pennsylvania was the first one has moved up the pistol, spins the chamber, and we'll bust a cap in your excess shit
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post Sep 14 2006, 02:03 PM
Post #73

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QUOTE(lol_Doughnut @ Sep 14 2006, 02:14 PM) [snapback]4301[/snapback]

I still don't consider the same thing with a better graphics card next-gen. But hey it's all in the eye of the beholder.

Everything else seems like just a video card and processor upgrade.


you all are a bunch of puddings. Fucking SNES owns ALL!.


Keeping talking smack . . . No matter what you say . . . bGoat still is the best.
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post Sep 14 2006, 03:32 PM
Post #74

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QUOTE(Camo @ Sep 14 2006, 07:12 AM) [snapback]4292[/snapback]
Haha your funny. I dont have a gamecube.
And I swear if I knew where fergy lived I would kick his hippie ass.

Drag Strip, Myrtle Beach. I'm not going to be holding my breath for you to come...

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post Sep 14 2006, 03:38 PM
Post #75

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W/e like shadow said. SNES owns all. I know we can all agree on atleast that. Seriously im getting sick of the fanboy vs fanboy.
Pc> them all cause you can always add aetter graphics card and shit to a pc .
Case closed.


............................ Wii
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post Sep 14 2006, 03:41 PM
Post #76

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I disagree. I never liked the SNES. infact I never owned nor played one. I kinda skip around w/ nintendo owned a nintendo but not an SNES owned a N64 but not a gamecube will prolyl own a Wii. and this seems to be a war about consoles. PC = not console. and IMO it's better and easier to play games on a console then playing on PC. but in anycase /Flamewar

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post Sep 14 2006, 03:54 PM
Post #77

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QUOTE(ROOK Master wiz @ Sep 14 2006, 02:41 PM) [snapback]4320[/snapback]

IMO it's better and easier to play games on a console then playing on PC.

Well, it depends on what you want to play. PC kicks the shit outta any console with fps's. And RTS games.


useless trivia: pennsylvania was the first one has moved up the pistol, spins the chamber, and we'll bust a cap in your excess shit
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post Sep 14 2006, 04:22 PM
Post #78

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QUOTE(ROOK Master wiz @ Sep 14 2006, 01:41 PM) [snapback]4320[/snapback]

I disagree. I never liked the SNES. infact I never owned nor played one. I kinda skip around w/ nintendo owned a nintendo but not an SNES owned a N64 but not a gamecube will prolyl own a Wii. and this seems to be a war about consoles. PC = not console. and IMO it's better and easier to play games on a console then playing on PC. but in anycase /Flamewar

You missed out on the SNES era ohmy.gif !! Wiz go buy a SNES now. It has to be the best system ever released in North America. The system was about gamers n gaming not who has the best graphics crap which we now have to indure. Gaming used to be so simple in those days. Best system ever made though was the Super Famicom it was the Japanese SNES but was more advanced.

This has to be the most entertaining thread we've had in awhile

This post has been edited by =BGOAT=Nicholas: Sep 14 2006, 06:32 PM

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post Sep 14 2006, 04:53 PM
Post #79

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Snes owns all.


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post Sep 14 2006, 04:54 PM
Post #80

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Who deleted Biz's post? lol

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