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> Sony Doomed?
post Sep 11 2006, 06:38 PM
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This question just popped up on Attack of the show and I think they made some pretty key points.
Im not trying to be a Fanboy and be all OMFG SONY SUCKS. Im just restating what they said.
1.Ps3 is having shipping delays/shortages.
2.They are having Disc reading problems.
3.The controller will not rumble and is the same as ps2 except wireless.
4.There are no really great games that people are looking forward to playing for paying 600$ for a system.
5.The hype of Wii is overpowering ps3's hype and excitment.

Then they came up with this poll.
Is ps3 Doomed?

So Idk Like I have been saying I really dont think a system is worth 600$. I mean I can buy a snowboard, a wii, season snowboard tickets, and still have about 100$ left over when spending 600$. Thats not even paying for a game. Really all it has is blue Ray or w/e and it doesnt seem too impressive. TOP=ATOTS oppinion This last paragraph=my opinion. So yea most Sony fanboys of course are going to say its not doomed but really if you look at it from a neutral point of view it really is. Sony's Main audience is Teens 13-18 and some adults really I think this new systemis going to be mainly for adults with jobs who are willing to blow 600$ on a gaming system. Also basically the only games that look remotly good are P8 and MGS4 but deffinatly not worth 600$.

So yea go ahead bash me or w.e but its my opinion so fuck you xD


............................ Wii
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post Sep 11 2006, 06:44 PM
Post #2

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QUOTE(Camo @ Sep 11 2006, 07:38 PM) [snapback]4039[/snapback]

1.Ps3 is having shipping delays/shortages.
2.They are having Disc reading problems.
3.The controller will not rumble and is the same as ps2 except wireless.
4.There are no really great games that people are looking forward to playing for paying 600$ for a system.
5.The hype of Wii is overpowering ps3's hype and excitment.

1. It still is shipping more to the USA than Xbox360.
2. I didn't hear about this, what kind of problems? You mean the blue laser diodes? There's no major problems, they just need to be produced.
3. There was a guy that was right about like 15 things, including the storage space that "Resistance: Fall of Man" took up, before the information was released, he said rumble will come back. Also in an interview with the developer of "Warhawk", he said everything was working good-tilt, rumble, etc. Who cares if it's the same as PS2? Even though it's not the same, it wouldn't matter if it was.
4. That would be opinion, I find alot of games interesting. Also the PS3 isn't $600.
5. Doesn't matter because games is what it all comes down to, I wouldn't switch consoles if I don't like their games.

As for G4TV, they go with the herd. They bash the company getting the most negativity and exploit it, sometimes not stating facts.

This post has been edited by FeRgY: Sep 11 2006, 07:11 PM

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post Sep 11 2006, 07:00 PM
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Umm yea all of mine from G4 were fact and everything you said did you just pull form the air? LEts see some links.


............................ Wii
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post Sep 11 2006, 07:02 PM
Post #4

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Links for what?

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post Sep 11 2006, 07:17 PM
Post #5

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QUOTE(FeRgY @ Sep 11 2006, 08:02 PM) [snapback]4045[/snapback]

Links for what?

Wii owns ps3 and xbox360 cuz
1.From all nintendo serious they have great fantasy games adventure and all if they put dat in da wii series as zelda as their doin already and other games like kirby smile.gif of course people gonna get dat.
2. Idk why i got a 2 but wii owns ps3 and xbox 360. and worth da price and game.


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post Sep 11 2006, 07:26 PM
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QUOTE(Shadow @ Sep 12 2006, 12:17 AM) [snapback]4046[/snapback]

Wii owns ps3 and xbox360 cuz
1.From all nintendo serious they have great fantasy games adventure and all if they put dat in da wii series as zelda as their doin already and other games like kirby smile.gif of course people gonna get dat.
2. Idk why i got a 2 but wii owns ps3 and xbox 360. and worth da price and game.

I fucking Love you in a non gay way.
All true.

Its just the way it is.

Deal with it.

Sony is dead in our opinion and in most opinions in the gaming industry.


............................ Wii
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post Sep 11 2006, 07:27 PM
Post #7

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QUOTE(Camo @ Sep 11 2006, 08:26 PM) [snapback]4049[/snapback]

All true.

Link? LOL.

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post Sep 11 2006, 07:40 PM
Post #8

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In the way of who has the best next generation stuff the PS3 blows the rest of the competition out of the way. If your taking about oh this console has better games than that console thats ALL OPINION. Its a fact that none of the other consoles match up with the next generation specifications. The WII has nothing good in it for it to be called next generation except a new look and controller. THAT DOES NOT make it a next generation console. The XBOX360 has some good next generation specifications but not good enough. If you look at the wii, xbox360, and the PS3 specifications all next to each other you will see the PS3 went all out with next generation specifications.

Next Generation is all about bigger and better stuff. The WII hasnt gone big nor has it gotten better (just better looks to the console) the XBOX360 kinda went bigger but still is not close to the PS3. The PS3 went bigger with all of its new techonolgy in it and is way better than any previous, current, or future consoles specifications (next generation).

My two cents.

This post has been edited by =BGOAT=Nicholas: Sep 11 2006, 07:41 PM

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post Sep 11 2006, 07:49 PM
Post #9

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QUOTE(=BGOAT=Nicholas @ Sep 11 2006, 08:40 PM) [snapback]4053[/snapback]

In the way of who has the best next generation stuff the PS3 blows the rest of the competition out of the way. If your taking about oh this console has better games than that console thats ALL OPINION. Its a fact that none of the other consoles match up with the next generation specifications. The WII has nothing good in it for it to be called next generation except a new look and controller. THAT DOES NOT make it a next generation console. The XBOX360 has some good next generation specifications but not good enough. If you look at the wii, xbox360, and the PS3 specifications all next to each other you will see the PS3 went all out with next generation specifications.

Next Generation is all about bigger and better stuff. The WII hasnt gone big nor has it gotten better (just better looks to the console) the XBOX360 kinda went bigger but still is not close to the PS3. The PS3 went bigger with all of its new techonolgy in it and is way better than any previous, current, or future consoles specifications (next generation).

My two cents.

how bout wii bein online? thats something new for dem. and wtf is so big about xbox 360 and ps3? connect it to da pc oh wow.... When it comes to hot games fuck it if it lacks graphic. if people played a game cuz it had hot graphic but da story sucks thats just cuz their idiots. For yo 2 cents
i got 4 bucks in my pockets BITCH


Keeping talking smack . . . No matter what you say . . . bGoat still is the best.
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post Sep 11 2006, 07:51 PM
Post #10

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QUOTE(Shadow @ Sep 11 2006, 08:49 PM) [snapback]4055[/snapback]

how bout wii bein online? thats something new for dem. and wtf is so big about xbox 360 and ps3? connect it to da pc oh wow.... When it comes to hot games fuck it if it lacks graphic. if people played a game cuz it had hot graphic but da story sucks thats just cuz their idiots. For yo 2 cents
i got 4 bucks in my pockets BITCH

It's new for Nintendo...but not completely new. Wth about connecting to pc? The PS3 is a PC so...yea. Who says games have to suck just because the graphics are good?

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post Sep 11 2006, 07:58 PM
Post #11

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QUOTE(Camo @ Sep 11 2006, 04:38 PM) [snapback]4039[/snapback]

This question just popped up on Attack of the show and I think they made some pretty key points.
Im not trying to be a Fanboy and be all OMFG SONY SUCKS. Im just restating what they said.
1.Ps3 is having shipping delays/shortages.
2.They are having Disc reading problems.
3.The controller will not rumble and is the same as ps2 except wireless.
4.There are no really great games that people are looking forward to playing for paying 600$ for a system.
5.The hype of Wii is overpowering ps3's hype and excitment.

Then they came up with this poll.
Is ps3 Doomed?

So Idk Like I have been saying I really dont think a system is worth 600$. I mean I can buy a snowboard, a wii, season snowboard tickets, and still have about 100$ left over when spending 600$. Thats not even paying for a game. Really all it has is blue Ray or w/e and it doesnt seem too impressive. TOP=ATOTS oppinion This last paragraph=my opinion. So yea most Sony fanboys of course are going to say its not doomed but really if you look at it from a neutral point of view it really is. Sony's Main audience is Teens 13-18 and some adults really I think this new systemis going to be mainly for adults with jobs who are willing to blow 600$ on a gaming system. Also basically the only games that look remotly good are P8 and MGS4 but deffinatly not worth 600$.

So yea go ahead bash me or w.e but its my opinion so fuck you xD

LoL I love how you say ur not trying to be a fanboy then went on a tear. Kinda ate ur own words there.

I like reading your stupid little comments, kinda gives me something to laugh about now and then.

I like how people just look at the gaming aspect of the system when it is so much more. Sony said they didnt want to make just another gaming system. The PS3 is giving you so much more then 360 and Wii put together. You are getting a gaming system, then your also getting a pc, a media center, and a Blu-Ray player. If you think all that for $600 is to expensive your a complete fucktard. What does 360 and Wii have to offer? Graphics equal - less then the PS3, a DVD player (which the Wii still doesnt offer) even though 90% of the homes in North America already have one, what you think 360 and its awesome collection of games which you could just buy for your pc for $20 cheaper or the Wii with its massive collection of downloadable classics which I bet most of us here already have on our emulators. You try and say the PS3 controller is crap because its the same as PS2, the Dual Shock/2 is the highest rated video game controller in the world so why would you mess with something that works? Come on the Wii controller is just a combination of the NES controller and the Power Glove. Everyone lost intrest in the Power Glove pretty much as soon as THE WIZARD (if you remember it) movie ended. 360 isnt stepping out and offering anything drastically new. The Wii is "suppose" to bring a new way of gaming but really they are just bringing shit back from 15+ years ago adding a little spit shine and saying it's new and revolutionary when it's not.

PS3: Game Console, Media Center, Blu-Ray Player (plays DVD also), and a Computer -- $600

360: Game Console, DVD Player -- $500

Wii: Game Console -- $250-300???

So how is the PS3 considered so expensive again? Seems to be the cheapest deal for what you get since if you bought what it gives you seperatly it'd be $2000-3000+ easily. So Camo dont talk shit about PS3 when you obviously have no idea what your talking about

PSN - Req50187

Ps3 Games
Resistance 2 - Resistance FoM - Fallout 3 - Little Big Planet - Uncharted - NHL 09 - Warhawk - Grand Theft Auto IV
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post Sep 11 2006, 07:59 PM
Post #12

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I am so ruiting for the Wii to come out on top because I think the innovations it has are kinda cool and are revolutionary. they do different stuff each year. The only problem is the Wii only has one good game on it's list for it's release date and thats zelda. IMO. I will for sure buy a Wii regardless. now for the ps3 and 360.

360 is calling it'self a next gen console when really all it seems to be to me is an upgraded xbox. they added what? better graphics and a new online look and some extra shit. thats like buying a pc for $400 then a few years later buying another one for $400 because it has a tad bit more shit to it. it uses a disc type that frankly doesn't have as much space on it as a next gen console should thus limiting the ability of a game. your also saying that the PS3 doesn't have any good games and comparing it to the 360's games. hmmm the 360 has been out for how long? a year. ya lets wait for ps3 to be out for a year then compare game titles. the 360 really doesn';t bring anything OMG to the table of the next gen console except they took an xbox made it smaller and added a few things to pasaze you.

Now the PS3 although to me is huge I mean it's bigger then the damn xbox. But it has a lot of shit to it. mainly it's graphics which are far more then what the PS2 were and prolly a bit better then the 360's although I can't say for certain. it also brings Blue Ray to the table. a disc that can hold atleast 5 times what a 360 disc can hold. This means more game play more extras more everything. and although the launch titles may not be great 2 years down the road there will be more games for the ps3 then the 360 and most of them will be better. The PS3 in no way can be said to be a PS2 but upgraded. Lets move on to the online part. Although similar to the xbox's online market place or w/e you want to call it it's still something new that the PS2 didn't have and is prolly comparable to what the 360 offers and prolly cheaper then the 360 in the long run. now lets move on to the controllers. Although I am not a big fan of losing the vibration function nor am I a fan of the 8 axis tilt why change a perfectly decent controller look and feel. the made it wireless and added a little button and changed the way the analog feels to mkae it better. while the 360 has gone thru atleast what 3 or 4 different controller designs and still can;t get it right. why change what works. Now for the price. you ever heard the saying you get what you pay for. it usually rings true. Yes the PS3 is expensive but it offers so much over the other next gen consoles and later on you can use it to connect to your toaster and set it to make toast for you automatically in the morning. ok I made that up but it's functionallity is great you will have eye toy which from what I understand xbox still hasn't bnothered to dable in greatly amongst other things. so you pay $600 for a machine thats great and prolly have free online stuff. or pay shit for a system thats barely better then it's predisecor and have to pay more for online. in the long run the better choice is the PS3.

Although I am not a fan boy of really any console I do hate xbox so keep that in mind. and I do agree $600 is a bit much for a console but in the long run I thinkit will be worth it. I still say GO Wii though.

My 5 cents worth.

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post Sep 11 2006, 08:03 PM
Post #13

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ya niggaz are broke!


Keeping talking smack . . . No matter what you say . . . bGoat still is the best.
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post Sep 11 2006, 08:15 PM
Post #14

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QUOTE(ROOK Master wiz @ Sep 12 2006, 12:59 AM) [snapback]4059[/snapback]

I am so ruiting for the Wii to come out on top because I think the innovations it has are kinda cool and are revolutionary. they do different stuff each year. The only problem is the Wii only has one good game on it's list for it's release date and thats zelda. IMO. I will for sure buy a Wii regardless. now for the ps3 and 360.

360 is calling it'self a next gen console when really all it seems to be to me is an upgraded xbox. they added what? better graphics and a new online look and some extra shit. thats like buying a pc for $400 then a few years later buying another one for $400 because it has a tad bit more shit to it. it uses a disc type that frankly doesn't have as much space on it as a next gen console should thus limiting the ability of a game. your also saying that the PS3 doesn't have any good games and comparing it to the 360's games. hmmm the 360 has been out for how long? a year. ya lets wait for ps3 to be out for a year then compare game titles. the 360 really doesn';t bring anything OMG to the table of the next gen console except they took an xbox made it smaller and added a few things to pasaze you.

Now the PS3 although to me is huge I mean it's bigger then the damn xbox. But it has a lot of shit to it. mainly it's graphics which are far more then what the PS2 were and prolly a bit better then the 360's although I can't say for certain. it also brings Blue Ray to the table. a disc that can hold atleast 5 times what a 360 disc can hold. This means more game play more extras more everything. and although the launch titles may not be great 2 years down the road there will be more games for the ps3 then the 360 and most of them will be better. The PS3 in no way can be said to be a PS2 but upgraded. Lets move on to the online part. Although similar to the xbox's online market place or w/e you want to call it it's still something new that the PS2 didn't have and is prolly comparable to what the 360 offers and prolly cheaper then the 360 in the long run. now lets move on to the controllers. Although I am not a big fan of losing the vibration function nor am I a fan of the 8 axis tilt why change a perfectly decent controller look and feel. the made it wireless and added a little button and changed the way the analog feels to mkae it better. while the 360 has gone thru atleast what 3 or 4 different controller designs and still can;t get it right. why change what works. Now for the price. you ever heard the saying you get what you pay for. it usually rings true. Yes the PS3 is expensive but it offers so much over the other next gen consoles and later on you can use it to connect to your toaster and set it to make toast for you automatically in the morning. ok I made that up but it's functionallity is great you will have eye toy which from what I understand xbox still hasn't bnothered to dable in greatly amongst other things. so you pay $600 for a machine thats great and prolly have free online stuff. or pay shit for a system thats barely better then it's predisecor and have to pay more for online. in the long run the better choice is the PS3.

Although I am not a fan boy of really any console I do hate xbox so keep that in mind. and I do agree $600 is a bit much for a console but in the long run I thinkit will be worth it. I still say GO Wii though.

My 5 cents worth.

GG Wiz.
Nick your a Sony fanboy. Wii is Original and next gen.Your the one with the Sony website so of course your on their side in this.
Req notice how i said IMO. Those three letters are like god on these forums for some reason.
Some of you make no sense whatsoever.
O ps3 has the best hardware and next gen crap. Who gives a fuck if there are no games to paly on it.
Wii has so many good games coming out at LAUNCH. I cant imagine what is to come.
Sure take your HUGE Pc on wheels for 600$ have fun.
I mean all Sony wants is money. You want HD with your ps3? YOu have to go buy the cord for it. Atleast 360 has a huge bundle which is a great deal. However with the lack of games, the system destroying tis own games and whatnot, its future is not looking to bright.I really dont see how you guys can say that Wii isnt NExt gen. Have you seen the controller? Wow. You must be blind.

Another thing.
If ps3 is a pc blueray( which is basically nothing), and a suppositly has the best graphics. Wtf is all of that with no games. Fuck that. And yes, 600$ is a lot of moeny and 70-80$ a game i expansive. Fuck that Id rather have a car. SOmeone link me to ps3 suppositly being a PC?


............................ Wii
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post Sep 11 2006, 08:19 PM
Post #15

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QUOTE(FeRgY @ Sep 11 2006, 06:51 PM) [snapback]4056[/snapback]

It's new for Nintendo...but not completely new. Wth about connecting to pc? The PS3 is a PC so...yea. Who says games have to suck just because the graphics are good?

Who says games have to be good because they have good graphics?

People say the games suck when they have good graphics because that's seems to be all the matters to ALOT of people, making the developers concentrate on that and making it an instant classic.

(See: Oblivion.)


useless trivia: pennsylvania was the first one has moved up the pistol, spins the chamber, and we'll bust a cap in your excess shit
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post Sep 11 2006, 08:21 PM
Post #16

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QUOTE(Camo @ Sep 11 2006, 09:15 PM) [snapback]4061[/snapback]

O ps3 has the best hardware and next gen crap. Who gives a fuck if there are no games to paly on it.
Wii has so many good games coming out at LAUNCH. I cant imagine what is to come.
Sure take your HUGE Pc on wheels for 600$ have fun.
I mean all Sony wants is money. You want HD with your ps3? YOu have to go buy the cord for it. Atleast 360 has a huge bundle which is a great deal. However with the lack of games, the system destroying tis own games and whatnot, its future is not looking to bright.I really dont see how you guys can say that Wii isnt NExt gen. Have you seen the controller? Wow. You must be blind.

Another thing.
If ps3 is a pc blueray( which is basically nothing), and a suppositly has the best graphics. Wtf is all of that with no games. Fuck that. And yes, 600$ is a lot of moeny and 70-80$ a game i expansive. Fuck that Id rather have a car. SOmeone link me to ps3 suppositly being a PC?

There are PS3 games...wow. PS3 has so many good games coming out at LAUNCH, I can't imagine what is to come. I will take my beasty PS3/PC for $500 and have fun. You don't need to buy a cord for high def...wow. The Wii's controller technology is old, it has failed in the past. Wth are you talking about no games for? There are games. What's $70-$80? Certainly not game prices. PS3 is a PC running on Linux.
"Because we have plans for having Linux on board [the PS3], we also recognize Linux programming activities… Other than game studios tied to official developer licenses, we'd like to see various individuals participate in content creation for the PS3.
—Izumi Kawanishi on the presence of the Linux in the PS3."

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post Sep 11 2006, 08:26 PM
Post #17

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QUOTE(FeRgY @ Sep 12 2006, 01:21 AM) [snapback]4064[/snapback]

There are PS3 games...wow. PS3 has so many good games coming out at LAUNCH, I can't imagine what is to come. I will take my beasty PS3/PC for $500 and have fun. You don't need to buy a cord for high def...wow. The Wii's controller technology is old, it has failed in the past. Wth are you talking about no games for? There are games. What's $70-$80? Certainly not game prices. PS3 is a PC running on Linux.
"Because we have plans for having Linux on board [the PS3], we also recognize Linux programming activities… Other than game studios tied to official developer licenses, we'd like to see various individuals participate in content creation for the PS3.
—Izumi Kawanishi on the presence of the Linux in the PS3."

I swear you grab things from your mind. Do you watch g4 or goto ign.com? GO ahead anme the games lmao. Yes, you do need to buy a cord to conenct to high deff (see:AOTS: Show date spet 11,2006) If not 70-80 what are they then smart guy? Fuck Linux. I swear you are THEE MOST ANNOYING KID ON THESE FUCKING FORUMS.


............................ Wii
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post Sep 11 2006, 08:30 PM
Post #18

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QUOTE(Camo @ Sep 11 2006, 09:26 PM) [snapback]4067[/snapback]

I swear you grab things from your mind. Do you watch g4 or goto ign.com? GO ahead anme the games lmao. Yes, you do need to buy a cord to conenct to high deff (see:AOTS: Show date spet 11,2006) If not 70-80 what are they then smart guy? Fuck Linux. I swear you are THEE MOST ANNOYING KID ON THESE FUCKING FORUMS.

G4 is biased, IGN yes I do look. I'm not going to list out the numerous games, and most of them aren't even announced yet. No you don't need to buy a separate cord to display 1080p, component cables do that, which are becoming standard in box cables. $60 for game price smart guy. Why would I "fuck linux"?

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post Sep 11 2006, 08:50 PM
Post #19

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QUOTE(FeRgY @ Sep 12 2006, 01:30 AM) [snapback]4068[/snapback]

G4 is biased

Here comes that gay little thing you do. Thats YOUR opinion.


............................ Wii
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post Sep 11 2006, 09:27 PM
Post #20

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No good games? LOL and you say Ferg is just coming up with random shit.

Just to name a few off the top of my head

Half-Life 2
Metal Gear Solid 4 Guns Of The Patriots
Sonic the Hedgehog
Smackdown vs Raw 07
Final Fantasy XIII
Devil May Cry 4
Grand Theft Auto 4
Grand Turismo 5
Kingdom Hearts 3
Resident Evil 5
Tekken 6
Unreal Tournament
THP8 smile.gif

and that didnt take much thought.

Camo your like a diabetic arguing for a pound of sugar. (Your arguing over a system you cant have. aka afford)

PSN - Req50187

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Resistance 2 - Resistance FoM - Fallout 3 - Little Big Planet - Uncharted - NHL 09 - Warhawk - Grand Theft Auto IV
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