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> Wow I'm Still Paying For This Site And Hosting?
post Dec 13 2011, 05:59 AM
Post #21

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Tony Hawk HD

Tony Hawk HD news brought me back here once again...
Nostalgia is a powerful thing.

Many of us talked about this type of release since the release of HD consoles, and now it seems to finally be happening. Too bad its only 1+2. THPS2x was one of my favorite games of the last generation and all, but I gotta admit that I think another remake is kinda silly. I feel like I will buy this if only to keep my hopes alive for a proper 3+4 and possibly even THUG remake. Also, its worth noting, this is leaps and bounds better then the last 4 or so releases, none of which I have purchased, from what anyone could probably safely admit is an all but dead franchise. TH seems like an elderly relative that has slipped away steadily the past few years due to alzheimer's or dementia. The grandparent/uncle/aunt/etc is still physically there but only seem like a shell to their former self.

Anyway, despite being a 1+2 remake, ala THPS2x, I hope they include THPS3+'s revert mechanic. Otherwise, I don't see much potential for extended plays online even with the all important nostalgia factor. I can say for sure that it'll be weird and fun returning to those old levels and such. I imagine it will feel much like walking through one's old neighborhood after years away. Fuck, I know I'll probably feel especially weird not having a keyboard glued to my lap while wiping out on a million+ combo.

So, yep, there's my bit. Cheers guys!
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post Dec 21 2011, 03:58 PM
Post #22

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Gmab, Jkidd, where are you old friends?
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post Dec 23 2011, 09:53 PM
Post #23

Glitch Master Is An Understatement.
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sup ukjmn! havnt seen you in forever!

anyway, i have also seen that great news of THPShd. I for one am extremely excited and cant wait to get my glitching cap back on once again. As of right now, the plans are to reopen bgoat once again as i already have a new home page thats 80% done and looking crisp. Not only is THPShd going to rock our worlds, but a little change in play as well. I do plan on sticking with the tossed around idea to glitch all Activision games. Also, another thing that makes this extremely exciting is the fact that THPShd does indeed use the analog controller. Im not 100% sure if you can use the previous THRide or THShred motion skateboards, but the classic controller is back. The game is also being made by previous THRide and THShred creaters Robomodo but the trailer looks amazing and cmon, classic TH lvls in HD? Yes!

Stick around because come 2012, there WILL be a new bGoatclan.com.

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post Aug 4 2012, 11:50 PM
Post #24

Rage master <3
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