Rest In Peace Bgoat |
Feb 6 2010, 05:20 PM

Glitch Master Is An Understatement.

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Well i got word from Wiz hes done paying for which means when hosting expires, bGoat is officially done. PNB 2010 indeed. I looked up the expiration date on the site & hosting ends on April 5th 2010. If you dont want bGoat to die, I suggest you make things active & glitching caps on, if things keep going the way they are, all your time & effort will cease to exist. Quote Wiz, "Im not going to pay for a website that is not being used/inactive" Well if this is the last news posted i just want to say on behalf of Wiz, Thank you all for helping bGoat even make it this far.... fucking THRide, and on my behalf it was fun while it lasted. Now all of you go get a life.
This post has been edited by GlitchMasterBiz: Feb 6 2010, 05:23 PM
Feb 6 2010, 08:29 PM

The Unicyclist

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QUOTE (GlitchMasterBiz @ Feb 6 2010, 06:20 PM)  Well i got word from Wiz hes done paying for which means when hosting expires, bGoat is officially done. PNB 2010 indeed. I looked up the expiration date on the site & hosting ends on April 5th 2010. If you dont want bGoat to die, I suggest you make things active & glitching caps on, if things keep going the way they are, all your time & effort will cease to exist. Quote Wiz, "Im not going to pay for a website that is not being used/inactive" Well if this is the last news posted i just want to say on behalf of Wiz, Thank you all for helping bGoat even make it this far.... fucking THRide, and on my behalf it was fun while it lasted. Now all of you go get a life. I hate to see it go
Unicyclists are well balanced people. 
Mar 4 2010, 06:42 PM

Glitch Master Is An Understatement.

Group: Administrators
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From: Adamstown, PA
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lol, yes you are correct man, it is a blast popin bitches while high up lol. i was on derail in a SD match and i got in the elevator and started popin bitches from the sky lol people where bitching, words where said, people where pwned. but yeah, im working on something for right now. hosting is up. bgoatclan however isnt. Wiz gave me full ftp admin access to work on something new. now, if the bgoatclan hosting ends, nick and i have plans to ask wiz about hosting on nicks hosting. also, my ps3 took a shit. wont play any games, not even downloaded (including PSHome) which is balls, but right now im waiting for my boy to bring his ps3 by pop my harddrive in and see if that works, if it works, i got me a working ps3 again, if not, it may take time for I to get back in the game, but that doesnt mean any of you stop. Im going to be working on gettin a new ps3 (if this other ps3 dosnt work) and a new capture card. Im lookin to get the new HD Cap Cards, but eh, we will see money may be tight.
Mar 8 2010, 08:37 PM

Group: BGOAT Members
Posts: 11
Joined: 20-September 08
From: canada
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i cant say it doesn't sadden me to see this clan go the way of the dodo.i know i haven't been the most active of members as far as posting goes, but i do stop by once a week to see whats goin on.gonna miss that.  the tony years are over and it is fitting that BGOAT closes it. twas an honour and a privilege to know/play with you all. take care boys. =BGOAT=Z3bR@,thps4 OG
Mar 11 2010, 02:27 AM

Glitch Master Is An Understatement.

Group: Administrators
Posts: 2,008
Joined: 22-April 06
From: Adamstown, PA
Member No.: 10

well wutwut read my post, as i said earlier, can be hosted on by nicks host. also, yeah graves, ive been on 360 alot now that my ps3 took the final shit (not my 360, my brothers) ive been playing alot of halo 3 with my mlg team. and yeah i do agree with you bro, mw2 (even though i havnt played it in over 2 months) is gettin boring until the new map pack comes out, but shit, even then i most likely will be all over halo reach.
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