Members Of The Whenever, Why they were choosen |
Aug 20 2006, 12:17 PM

never leaves

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Joined: 21-April 06
From: New Hampshire
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=BGOAT= MOTW Why they were picked
6ixvolt: 11/20/09- 1/20/10 (Submitted by Biz) The first reason I pick 6ixvolt to be MOTW is because his name itself is a sweet darkside. But no, really, I chose 6ixvolt for MOTW because since the release of MW2, he has bern busting his ass glitching & capping. 6ixvolt Is a hard worker & a great addition to this clan. I say without 6ixvolt capping for him & myself, bGoat may not have any MW2 sections or even a thread of hope. Keep up the work 6ix, & smoke one for me.
uɐlʎp: 10/09/08- 12/31/2009 I choose uɐlʎp because he is still an active member of atleast the forums and even though his name is upside down and backwards we all still know who it is. uɐlʎp has helped out here and there and is still hanging around and will hopefully continue to be around for atleast the near future. Thanks uɐlʎp for being a loyal member.
Water: 9/18/07- 12/31/07 They say that Blood is thicker then water... Well obviously "they" haven't been introduced to this water. I don't mean thick like thick headed I mean thick like thru thick and thin. Every since water has joined our little community he has done nothing but contribute to it in some way shape or form. Again not a person who posts glitches but that doesn't mean he doesn't find them or help look. He is always active on the forums and always seems to love IMing people about silly random things. which is ok w/ me. Just remember Water is the only element that can be all 3 forms of matter. (solid, Liquid, and gas).
Gamb: 04/24/07 - 9/17/07 I choose Gamb because he's a very active forum member and a good contribution to this team. Also if you view his profile it kicks ass. Even though he hasn't posted any glitches or contributed in that way we still know he means well and hopefully this next game will bring out the true glitcher in Gamb and hopefully all of us. Congrats gambino.
JKidd: 03/14/07 - 04/23/07 I Choose JKidd because since he has been here he has been an active member not only on the forums but online as well. He also doesn't hesitate to try to help people out and from what I have seen doesn't flame people over stupid things and often times try's to put out any flame war there might be. I hope in the upcoming games he has even more to offer the clan and continues to be a great member. Thanks Kidd!
Fog & Biz: 01/31/07 - 03/13/07 I choose Fog and Biz because there both equally as active in this clan right now as far as forum participation and glitch finding and posting. I couldn't choose just one because although Biz may find his glitches Fog has to cap them for him and of course Fog captures and add's his own as well. Together they make a good team and I hope they keep up there team work and there efforts to make this clan that much better and to keep the forums more lively and active. This is a special MOTW because it's the first time 2 people have been choosen at the same time and also the first time newcomers have been nominated for a MOTW award. So congrats and keep up the good work guys.
OOMPA: 09/07/06 - 10/07/06 I choose Oompa because I personally like little orange people w/ green hair. Well that and the fact the he is an active member of the forums has a great sense of humor is a decent glitcher and rarely ever puts any one down unless of course there Oompa haters. I think he is a great member of this team of ours and I hope he stays for the long haul. Congrats Oompa.
EMBRO: 07/28/06 - 09/07/06 I choose Embro because he has been very active on the forums as of lately and seems to contribute a lot to the clan. I can't wait for the next Tony Hawk game to come out to see what he is really capable of. Most of the time he has nothing negative to say and is always there to help out. Hopefully he will keep on doing a good job at being a Forum Co-Admin as well.
SHADOW: 06/22/06 - 07/21/06 The reason I choose Shadow is because who would we be with out our shadow. Anyways He's a good glitcher, always comes up with decent ideas to help out the clan, and I think he will be with us until the end of =BGOAT=. He's a very active member not only online but in the forums as well and is always around to give his two cents worth. wether it's good or bad.
FOWLANCE: 03/08/06 - 04/07/06 I choose Fow because he is a great edition to the family that we call BGOAT. he always speaks his mind wether it be good or bad harsh or nice. He is a good glitcher and is always around to make fun of.... I mean talk to. Maybe one day he will become more then just a member of BGOAT but for now he does his part for this clan and is a great member to have.
DUCTAPE: 01/21/06 - 03/07/06 I choose Ductape because he is the only member stupid enough to come back to the clan three times. No seriously though I choose him because as of lately he has been pretty much the only person adding glitcjes and being really active in the clan and on the forums. He is cool to chat to and talk to and knows how to make people laugh. He has also recently been promoted to a forum admin as well. GJ Duct.
TERRIBLE: 11/12/05 - 11/30/05 Despite his name he is not a terrible person. Infact from what I have seen just the opposite.Even though he doesn't post glitches or help out on the site often he does give his opinions on things now and again. Also he has been in =BGOAT= for a very long time hell since the good old days of THPS4. He is a loyal member and although sometimes he has his moments he is an overall cool person to chat with and play online with.
JACK0FF: 10/25/05 - 11/11/05 I choose Jack because someone had to be picked since it's been awhile. No really though Jack is a great member of our clan and has been for quite awhile. Although sometimes he gets offended or offends other people he is really a cool kid. He's cool to talk to to and also helps out on the site and such. Mainly giving advise on new things coming to the site. Even though he has his moments I believe he deserves a MOTW nomination.
JOE: 09/08/05 - 10/24/05 I picked Joe as this MOTW because he's black and I don't want anyone to think I am racist. Just Kidding <3. I really picked Joe because he is a pretty active member. I have never heard or seen him put any one down. He also had the courage to tell us some things about himself that not everyone could of done. He is also a good glitcher and for some reason always seems to be on AIM to chat with. He has made donations to =BGOAT= in the past to help out with the site and is just an all around cool guy. Not only that but it was his birthday so I wanted to give him something special.
NICHOLAS: 08/21/05 - 09/07/05 Well third time is a charm and Nick is no exception. I picked Nick because he has been with us for a very long time and is responsible for some of the most famous and well known glitches we have today. He is a stand up guy and is always around online to glitch with. I personally can't wait to see what glitches him and his brother find in THAW. Congrats.
BAKER: 07/25/05 - 08/20/05 Baker aka Rebel is our second MOTW. he has been choosen because like Ghost he helps out a lot on the site w/ images such as the square banners at the bottom of the current main page. He is cool to talk to and also moderates the forums as do others. He has also been in =BGOAT= for quite sometime. Again GJ Baker.
GHOST: 07/01/05 - 07/24/05 Congratulations Ghost you are the very first MOTW winner. The reason I choose Ghost is because I feel sorry for him. NO J/K. I picked him because he has helped out the site a lot lately w/ banners and other behind the scene's sorta things. He's always willing to help out when ever needed and is a nice person to talk to. Thanks Ghost for being a modeled =BGOAT= Member and keep up the good work.
Posts in this topic
ROOK Master Members Of The Whenever Aug 20 2006, 12:17 PM uɐlʎp Gratz dylan on new MOTW for attempting to help wiz... Feb 14 2008, 10:53 PM Requiem QUOTE(uɐlʎp @ Feb 14 2008, 07:5... Feb 15 2008, 12:36 AM uɐlʎp Whats bgoat? Feb 15 2008, 02:09 PM ハロルド Que es Ingles? Feb 15 2008, 02:16 PM uɐlʎp Si Feb 15 2008, 02:18 PM ROOK Master wiz Yay after just over a year we have a new MOTW. Oct 9 2008, 02:08 PM =BGOAT= water QUOTE (ROOK Master wiz @ Oct 9 2008, 02:0... Oct 21 2008, 01:21 PM  lol_Doughnut QUOTE (=BGOAT= water @ Oct 21 2008, 11:21... Nov 14 2008, 08:22 PM GlitchMasterBiz Damn. I didnt make the cut :\ Im always activ... Oct 10 2008, 03:12 PM uɐlʎp QUOTE (ROOK Master @ Aug 20 2006, 10:17 A... Oct 10 2008, 05:29 PM Requiem QUOTE (Requiem @ Feb 14 2008, 10:36 PM) Q... Oct 10 2008, 07:07 PM uɐlʎp Whats a Dylan? Oct 10 2008, 10:06 PM Jkidd «±» What those 2 ladies said^^ Oct 16 2008, 04:12 PM GlitchMasterBiz yays pick meh? Nov 18 2008, 11:00 AM =BGOAT= water QUOTE (GlitchMasterBiz @ Nov 18 2008, 12... Nov 18 2008, 11:44 AM meh? ya pick meh?
that would be great.
It's about... Nov 18 2008, 12:13 PM =BGOAT= water QUOTE (meh? @ Nov 18 2008, 01:13 PM) ya p... Nov 18 2008, 12:32 PM  meh? QUOTE (=BGOAT= water @ Nov 18 2008, 12:32... Nov 18 2008, 01:40 PM skrattahögtmunk I don't remember BGOAT forums poster "meh... Nov 18 2008, 01:20 PM Jkidd «±» ^^Req that isn't dial up meh right? Nov 18 2008, 01:30 PM Requiem QUOTE (Jkidd «±» @ Nov 18 2008, 10:30 AM)... Nov 19 2008, 08:34 PM GlitchMasterBiz QUOTE (meh? @ Nov 18 2008, 12:13 PM) ya p... Nov 19 2008, 09:14 PM Jkidd «±» He's apparently a BGOAT member... Nov 20 2008, 12:15 PM GlitchMasterBiz .. fuk that .. who in the hell is meh? lol wtf was... Nov 20 2008, 03:20 PM =BGOAT= water QUOTE (GlitchMasterBiz @ Nov 20 2008, 04... Nov 20 2008, 03:50 PM meh? Thanks for the support. Nov 20 2008, 04:48 PM GlitchMasterBiz no i ment me for next MOTW i said meh n he came fr... Nov 20 2008, 05:42 PM ROOK Master wiz yes we know what you meh?nt lol. Nov 20 2008, 10:26 PM =BGOAT= water QUOTE (ROOK Master wiz @ Nov 20 2008, 11... Nov 21 2008, 10:29 AM GlitchMasterBiz 6ixVolt, Ging, and Myself For MOTW! ftw, COD G... Mar 4 2009, 12:52 PM Scofield«±» ^^Screw joo.
Dylan MOTW FOR A YEAR FTW! Mar 4 2009, 06:24 PM GlitchMasterBiz If that was the case, id say fuck MOTW because it ... Mar 5 2009, 08:05 AM uɐlʎp I am a forum regular, but ging+6ixvolt and new to ... Mar 6 2009, 09:55 AM GlitchMasterBiz Well do wut water did n add him on XBL, if u have ... Mar 6 2009, 11:01 AM =BGOAT= water QUOTE (GlitchMasterBiz @ Mar 6 2009, 12:0... Mar 7 2009, 08:49 PM uɐlʎp what games do you have on xbl? Mar 6 2009, 09:46 PM GlitchMasterBiz Yep NEW MOTW CMON. :] Oct 7 2009, 09:32 PM =BGOAT= water QUOTE (GlitchMasterBiz @ Oct 7 2009, 09:3... Oct 12 2009, 12:19 PM GlitchMasterBiz New MOTW CMON WIZZY =] Nov 8 2009, 11:41 PM Scofield«±» Biz just go ahead and make yourself motw... Nov 15 2009, 03:27 PM GlitchMasterBiz Congrats 6ix Nov 22 2009, 01:19 PM =BGOAT= water all hail 6ix Nov 22 2009, 11:12 PM wut wut congrats man Nov 24 2009, 12:19 AM 6ixVolt Thanks everyone, once biz gets off his lazy ass an... Nov 24 2009, 05:32 PM GlitchMasterBiz lol well its not laziness, its the fact i need com... Nov 24 2009, 07:29 PM
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