Official Description:
# Battery - An armored island surrounded by anti-ship mines and shore to ship cannons, 'Battery' places soldiers on a mid-sized map based on Fort Drum (El Fraile Island) in the Philippines. Expect plent of areas to hide and heavy close quarters combat!
# Breach - Overwhelm the enemy in 'Breach', set in Berlin's overcast and crowded city streets surrounding the historic Brandenburg Gate. Only the fittest will survive in this fast-paced, dense battlefield!
# Revolution - 'Revolution' pits soldiers against each other in Russia's cold city streets and large factory environment. Keep your fingers warm, your gun loaded and your head low through this sniper-friendly territory!
# Der Riese (Zombie Factory) - The undead horde approaches! Fight for your life in "Der Riese" (Zombie Factory), an all-new Zombie map set in a secret Nazi research facility featuring the Pack A Punch Machine, a device capable of upgrading weapons at the touch of a button. Use the teleporters to escape the vicious Hell Hounds and pray that the Wunderwaffe will appear before it's too late. This map includes 10 new achievements.

