So I talked to my connect over aim tonight and I figured w/ GDC and such it should be about time for some Tony Hawk Game info. I was told that they didn't want to release anything major until may. However I was able to secure us some screen shots. I am not sure how many or what they will be of and I won't know until tomorrow. The problem is they're going to email me at around noon I guess but I won't be home until after 5:30. I guess we will have to wait and see. I copied the convo below obviously replacing his real screen name. So check back here tomorrow.
bgoatwiz (8:32:
01 PM): I was hoping you could hook BGOAT up w/ some exclusive Tony Hawk game info?
CONNECT (8:32:
16 PM):lol
CONNECT (8:34:
18 PM):I will see what I can do. I will have to run it by marketing. I know they're not planning to release anything until at least may.
bgoatwiz (8:35:
09 PM): Ya thats what you were saying earlier but I was hoping you might be able to pull some strings.
CONNECT (8:55:
12 PM)

k so I talked with marketing and they said that perhaps they can swing some screen shots your way.
bgoatwiz (8:56:
06 PM): When do you think I would get them? Are you going to email them to me or are they or what?
CONNECT (9:02:
15 PM):they said they will have them tomorrow around noon and they will email them to you.
bgoatwiz (9:03:
15 PM): Thats fucking sweet I can hardly wait this is going to be HUGE for BGOAT.
CONNECT (9:04:
12 PM):as a person who has all ready seen it in action I will say that it looks amazing and works well with the board peripheral.
bgoatwiz (9:05:
19 PM): Awesome I can hardly wait.