QUOTE (Scofield«±» @ Mar 9 2009, 09:43 AM)

Rofl your saying my opinion doesn't count because I don't have the money to own both? I played both, bought the one I liked better..how can you say my opinion doesn't count? lol I'm n ot flaming the PS3 I was just saying that IMO I think that Live has a better setup than the PSN...nuff said plus why does it ruin gaming? Do you care that other people are bitching and going to the ends of the earth to say thaqt one is better than the other? Because I sure as hell don't care haha...if you were to meet me in real life and get in my face and be like "PS3 IS SO MUCH BETTER THAN 360 YOUR A BITCH FOR OWNING ONE" I would laugh at you and be like...yeah ur right I'm a bitch your tough. Unless you really honestly care what other people think about your system or having the most recent kind...then you don't enjoy gaming you do it because everyone else does. I bought my 360 cuz I liked it and again like previously stated feel that it's better than the PS3. Just cuz I can't afford both doesn't mean my opinion doesn't count thats just ignorant and you should take YOUR opinion and stuff it...no flame intended..
Nope not at all. Sorry. You missed what I was saying entirely and jumped to way too many conclusions. I'll might just forgive you for that though

My point is that I have owned and plan on owning both and have no preference WHATSOEVER to either. They both have great games, and they're both going to continue on having great games. To me that's all that matters. You became so eager to counter attack when I did not even attack in the first place. So don't even think about accusing me of being ignorant, because, quite frankly you'll just sound even more moronic.
Secondly, I do care. You know why? Because it's idiotic. Simple as that. I'm a gamer for the games, and really it has begun to ruin games. You wanna know how? Look how many fucking sequels, and even annual, games there are. Look at how different ps1 games compared to n64 games were. Now today, the vast majority of the "best" games are all multiplatform gaming titles with virtually identical experiences. How is that not ruining gaming? I could go on, but if you really feel like you need more convincing that flame wars aren't ruining gaming and the games market in and of itself, you must be incredibly dense.
Essentially, what I mean by what I had said in the previous post, that really, opinions don't mean shit at all to anyone but yourself. PERIOD. And they mean even less to me if you don't own both. DOUBLE PERIOD (lawlz)
And I really am sorry that you think I should, quote,"Take (MY) opinion and stuff it." because you must of have not realized that I didn't include an opinion whatsoever in my previous post (aside from the wolfenstien one =P). I'm very sorry you were mistaken. I hope you won't fall prey to the same blunder again.
oh and just for one finally zing,
I'm n ot flaming the PS3
ummm the previous post
over ur stanky ps3 anyday
sorry buddy but you failed here. It doesn't get more simple then that example of nonsensical fanboy flaming (albeit a mild example)