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> How O Use A Ps3 Proxy To Install Demos And Games
post Jul 3 2007, 12:58 PM
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Ok first of all you will need the ps3 proxy tool, you can download here.

After you have downloaded it open the folder and click on 'ps3 proxy' , and a box should open, which tells you the Ip address and proxy port, you will need these so leave the box open.

This is what mine says:
IP Address

Proxy Port


Now we need to make a connection between your ps3 and pc.

To do this enter your network setting and change the preferences to be like this:


-(Leave ssid as it is)
-(Leave security as it is)
-Do not set
-(now enter the stuff that the ps3 proxy told you to)


Wired Conection
-Auto detect
-Do not set
-(now enter the stuff that the ps3 proxy told you to)

Now press -> then X and then O, Do not test!

Now go back to the ps3 proxy and click start. then press ok.

Now you need to find the URL or the game/demo you want. You can find lots on this website.


Now you have the url you have two choices.

You can Either:

- Download to your computer by following the link


- Copy the url so you dont loose it


Now you need to redirect the playstation store to the file

You can Either:

- Redirect the playstation store to a demo/game already on your computer, by clicking 'select file' on the 'ps3 proxy'


- Redirect the playstation store to the link to the demo/game you want, by clicking 'enter url' on the 'ps3 proxy'


Downloading the game/demo

Now go to the playstation store and download any game demo. (I always use ridge racer)

When it has finished downloading install it and it should change to the game/demo you really wanted.



After you have downloaded the files you want change your internet conection settings back to the way they were.

On the 'Ps3 proxy' click 'clear redirects' to retern the store to normal.


- Make sure that you dont close 'ps3 proxy while you are downloading onto your ps3 as it will stop downloading.
- If you download to pc first you cannot simply copy across with a memory stick because it wont read the file.
- If you are installing a game then download a demo from the store.

Good Luck

Any questions just ask.

This post has been edited by .:Hack:.: Jul 3 2007, 05:45 PM
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post Jan 20 2009, 01:54 PM
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Glitch Master Is An Understatement.
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I don't mean to bump an old topic, but this makes me curious. Now, can this be done to get games that cost money for free? Example: Download a demo when actually downloading a full game?

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post Jan 20 2009, 04:04 PM
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Meh this dude isn't around on the forums anymore. I only see him on ps3.

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post Feb 9 2009, 01:27 PM
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Glitch Master Is An Understatement.
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*Again sorry to be a bum fuck, but what is his PSN?*

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post Feb 9 2009, 03:49 PM
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QUOTE (GlitchMasterBiz @ Feb 9 2009, 01:27 PM) *
*Again sorry to be a bum love <3, but what is his PSN?*

Read the 360/ps3 names thread ^^ I think it is jules91 cuz he changed it

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