thanks alot biz

and ty XolrecX for making me that, tho those arnt my colors, nor is my name grad. lol (but seriously thanks for trying man, that looks pretty ill, hell, i may as well use taht if i get no others) but ya ty biz, just a few thing, make it knida liek this: =
Grand= (only colors are fades of black and white, and all rest is green,(blends would be cool.) also can you put right arrows in the background like -> (but waay better looking) in green white and black kinda liek my tag here.*kinda (you get the picture i hope). if you do that it would be just sickk. and sorry, i realize im being damn picky. sorry, then again, your doing this for no pay or reason, just to help me, so know that it is GREATLY appreciated. and thanks alot in advance. now waht kind of cookie do you want, lol. i need your address too XD
ps. ty gamb and requiem for reading