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well so far today I had to go to court for the divorce. it was our second divorce court date. fill out paper work and such for an hour and a half and now I am at work. Yep my birthday so far is awesome. [/sarcasim] But thanks for noticing it was my birthday. I appreciate it. no in all honesty it's not going to bad the court thing wasn't a big deal just going to be glad when it's over. it's just another day to me. no biggie. wonder if my mom will call. I forgot to call her on her b-day. I didn't forget I was just hella busy but I guess she was very upset about it. shit happens sometimes when your wrapped up in life and trying to get things back together. her b day was in july right when I was going through some tuff times. anyways. Thanks again.
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Happy Bday Wiz! Have a good one
PSN - Req50187
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Joined: 22-April 06
From: Adamstown, PA
Member No.: 10
srry wizzy i didnt get to say it quick enough. (pc is still down hoorah) but yea man i hope you made it a good one, with the herd and the alcohol and ass. i hope your fuckin cat wasnt lurking around the corner every 5 know what im sayin [/inside_joke]