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> Pick One Any One
post Aug 30 2008, 10:34 PM
Post #1

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the third one is my favorite.

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post Sep 3 2008, 11:58 PM
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post Sep 4 2008, 06:19 AM
Post #3

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ya but that video is very outdated. Sony is owning. the RROD that is still going on and will remain to happen for the life of the console. you also have to remembr what your paying for compared to the 360. the ps3 has everything built in while the 360 you have to buy all this extra shit. Wii is a nice fad but thats all I see it as. a novelty toy not a real console.

ok first thing the video mentions is price.. ok ya but you get hat you pay for. everything is built in and it doesn't RROD a month later.

2nd thing it mentions is the Wii outselling it. yes thats true but it also way outsold the 360 as well so thats just a dumb point notice it doesn't say the 360 is out selling it..

3rd says you don't need blue ray. are we forgetting that HD dvd floped and all there is is blue ray. also I am glad it's built in so if I did want it I wouldn't have to pay xtra like the 360 and have more shit taking up space. it's all ready there. also PS3 is was the cheapest BD player out there.

4th says something about no oonline and can't find friends. funny thing is I find my friends fine. thats what happens when you release a vido when a console just comes out.

5th it shows a picture of it being a grill. last time I checked my 360 gets 3 times hotter then my ps3.

so w/ that said that video is old, outdated, and mostly false. thats why my third video is the best. it's more up to date. as a person who has both consoles I will admit I play my 360 more and hae a ton more games on my 360. how ever my PS3 is way better I just like acheievements. as soon as PS3 gets home and trophies forget the 360. not to mention little big planet, GT5, etc. the PS3 is just a better all around system.

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post Sep 5 2008, 11:03 PM
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