iv been sick scince febuary... iv lost well over 60 pounds...
i was in pain and nausious 24/7 for four months and they couldnt figure out what was wrong... and why i was losing so much weight...
they did a surgery to find out why i lost so much weight... they said i had H PYLORI [i dont know how to spell it... sounds like pie... lori..]
its a bacteria infection ... and i have a SEVERE case of it in my stomich.. they dont know what causes it.
so they put me on redicuasly high doses of anti biotics for 4 weeks..
while i was on the antibiotics i was completly back to normal.. i was ready to return to my job...
and the week i finished them up i told my work to put me back on the schedual.... and a few days after i finished em up... i started feeling sick AGAIN.
it got so bad that i was in tears cause i couldnt handle the pain.
note iv been to the hospital 8 times...
so me and my girl sam were chillin at my house... and i got really sick...
so they call an ambulance and they ride us down to the hospital for the 9th time
i was in the hospital from friday night.. to monday night... 3 days.
they did some tests on me and they found out along with the h pylori... which was not completely gone... my gallblatter only functions at 39% and i had pancreatitus..
i have not been able to return to work in well over 3 months...
the worst part is...
i have to have surgery AGAIN... this friday.... ON MY BIRTHDAY!
This post has been edited by =BGOAT= water: Aug 27 2008, 02:13 PM
Unicyclists are well balanced people. 