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> Favorite Nes Memory
post Aug 8 2008, 03:16 PM
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Besides blowing the hell out of the cartridge and putting it in the console just right to get it to work. what is your favorite NES memory. Mine was using a Game gene (if anyone remembers those) to get infinite lives on Galaga then staying up all night to try to get to the final level just to realize it basically never ends and every 10 levels it repeats itself just changes symbols. what a waste of time.

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post Aug 8 2008, 04:20 PM
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i remember playing mortal kombat and mario and being like omfg these gfx are amazing. but lookin back on it now, those were some complete pixels but did i mind when i was like 5? no. i now look back and say wow those gfx aint shit compared to what we have now. but the games for nes and snes were still rockin.

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post Aug 8 2008, 07:06 PM
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Favorite moment was unwrapping it at Christmas when I was 6 (almost 20 years ago ohmy.gif). I miss the days where you'd have to blow into the cartridges, have to play with broken controllers because your older brother had anger management issues when he'd die, spending hours trying to get the Power Glove to work properly, wondering why your dad has to drag the Gun across the TV screen scratching it to shit while playing Duck Hunt and going to the States to buy games we never got in Canada.

I had a Game Genie too. Thing saved my ass a few times. Try beating games like Street Fighter 2010 without it.

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