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> Things To Be Added In The Next Tony Hawk Games, skills for now
post Feb 2 2008, 03:20 PM
Post #1

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Group: Advanced Members
Posts: 21
Joined: 24-January 08
From: earth
Member No.: 484

Career skills:
paycheck: the higher u upgrade, the more money you get while getting a sponsor, shoes or decks
charm: u need to have a certain amount of charm to get in to comps or any thing that can get u a sponsor depends on high u upgrade ( you can probably get from photo challenges with your friend)
nail the trick/grab/manual:decreases the speed of the board slower if upraded skill

Rigger skills:
rig a kit: with more objects like drainage pipes or card board lined in garbage bags for kickers so it looks ghetto
upgrade the skills probably make the rigger pieces easier to skate with less gravity if upgraded
modding tool: same as last year kickers qps u have in the rigger menu.upgrade by taking a vid with ur rigger pieces
creativity points : a stat that expands the amount of pieces in the rigger menu

hardcore skills:
Skate checking/off board attack or should be skate punch: I do NOT like it when the skate checking goes too far put an option to make the skate checking far or not
if u upgrade, the bigger chance of a perfect check comes probably 5 perfect checks to 10 skill points
Climbing: should be a hardcore skill but include wall runs. if upgraded u jump higher and have higher wallruns
Carving: should look like a bert slide like what lance does in the skatin bowls cutscene if upgraded u can carve longer

earn skill points by battling different skaters in the city or wherever u should also get charm after u beat that person

story/levels coming soon

This post has been edited by izzysparks: Feb 2 2008, 04:28 PM

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