Thinking Of Quiting., Need to talk to someone before my head explodes. |
Sep 29 2007, 08:56 PM

Resident asshole-in-training

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From: My Mother
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That's pretty sad. I have both my legs and I can't skate... But you... You have one and can skate better than a large percent of people. Don't be upset. Assholes exist and there's nothing anyone can do (except kill them in their sleep... what? nothing). RANDOM QUESTIONS ENSUE (scroll) 1) Were you born with a missing leg, or did you lose it in an accident? 2) What did they say? People shit talk you on forums and stuff all the time and you never seem to mind.
Sep 29 2007, 10:25 PM

Glitch Master Is An Understatement.

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Thanks guys. wiz, i ment like, skate with there hands, becuase people are allways like, oh its so easy to use the hands, you are just good because you use your hands and shit. it takes more than just flipping the board with my hands and people jsut dont get it. it pisses me off, but you know what, wiz, being you are a great mentor of mine and the rest of you are like family aswell, i am not giving up. i do believe tho that i will have to quit in a while though i mean, its taking a toll on my leg and my spine. i do not want to quit but sometimes i wonder what i will be like if i keep skating and dont stop. i mean, i cant stop, i got this far, i love skating, but if i never stop, ill be 20 and in a wheelchair or something. maybe i jsut have to take the right measures as to before i skate and after. i already just recently fucked my knee once again. pulled a muscle or soemthing right next to my knee so i fuckin kills on and off. it might be more than a pulled muscle but yea idk i gotta get it checked soon. ima start filming again tomorrow for a new video part and ill be sure to show youy guys once its all done.
Sep 30 2007, 10:30 AM

Resident asshole-in-training

Group: BGOAT Members
Posts: 658
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From: My Mother
Member No.: 45

QUOTE(=BGOAT=Biz @ Sep 30 2007, 10:50 AM) [snapback]26432[/snapback] yeah im not quiting. thanks to all who gave feedback. ima tear it up for guys in my next video part. Please don't cry. That ain't cool. >.<
Sep 30 2007, 04:22 PM

PSN: Req50187

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QUOTE(=BGOAT=Biz @ Sep 29 2007, 05:26 PM) [snapback]26416[/snapback] Yo guys im like on the verge of giving up on skatin. i get so much negativity towards me from some people that i cannot stand. i get the whole fuckin "you flip with your hands its easier" and all that bullshit. it pisses me off because i flip with my hands, that dosnt make a difference. i would for once like to just see someone skate the way i skate for one day. they wouldnt be able to do shit i can bet on that. it took me a long time to even learn how to adapt to skating the way i skate. skating to me is still fun but yet there is still the negativity that does not make skating fun. i dont know what to do, like, sometimes i want to give it up, but, there are others things about it that make me not want to quit. i just need some advice or anything that will help i just need some positive feedback or anything. i ask you guys because you are all family to me and i love all of you. please holla back lol. Thanks, Gentry. Biz if you quit, I'll hunt you down and kick you square in the nuts. Remember that.
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Sep 30 2007, 09:00 PM

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Oct 2 2007, 06:14 PM

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just quit already
Oct 2 2007, 10:06 PM

Group: Advanced Members
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Member No.: 17

and thats magick for ya
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