Well it seems that quite a few members haven't been active for awhile. most say march but thats only because of a mod I had that made members look like they were online even though they were not. some of these in active forum members include.
Psycosis basic matt (who is no longer a BGOAT member but still is on the forums oddly enough) Bhulk Camo ( spoike to him he's still good and should be back sometime soon) Pinky and it seems that Ductape is leaving soon as well
W/ that said I am curious on who is interested in joing the BGOAT team for THPS9 for fall of this year. Some of these members who aren't active may not be a part of the BGOAT team come this fall so I wanna get some ideas of who wants to join before then.
Only post if you can wait until the release of the next game, you have to have a next gen console or have one by the tie the next game comes out, and you must be an active forum member and show sometype of glitching skill before then. this does not mean you will get invited but it will be good to see ahead of time whats up.
If you have any suggestions on future members please post as well. I would like to see hubcap aka ssg be a member and Logan seems pretty cool as well.