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> Xbox 360 Elite
post Mar 29 2007, 01:10 PM
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Microsoft has released a enw veriosn of there 360 called the elite. earlier code named zephyer or some shit. Anyways this upgraded 360 offers a flat PS3 black color a 120 gig hdd and an HDMI port for a whopping $480. hmm no wireless connection, no hd dvd drive, what gives?. Here are some of my favorite qoutes about this slap in the face from microsoft in there attempt to try and out do the PS3. which will never happen.

Hilary Goldstein, IGN News: Does the extra $80 buy me a system that won't break after two months? No. Eff that.

The lack of an HD-DVD drive is a sign that Microsoft's lost confidence in the format. Calling a bigger hard drive and a new video port "Elite" is a joke. I would recommend against this purchase because in another year-and-a-half there will probably be a new "Extra Elite" version with some true improvements. That Microsoft thinks a 120 gig hard drive is worth $180 is proof that they have their heads up Master Chief's ass.

Mark Ryan Sallee, IGN Guides: I'll say what I told Brudvig last night when he gave me the official news.

In the immortal words of Napoleon Dynamite, "Friggin' idiots!"

Want to read the full article here's the link.

360 fan boys beware.

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