My idea of the game:
Title: Tony Hawk X
Platforms: PS2,Xbox,Xbox 360, PS3, PSP, PC.
For my idea o the new TH game I thought of a sorta celebration/best-of TH type game. This game would include all of the skaters that were ever in the TH games from THPS-THP8. This game also would include the best modes in the games like CAP,CAD,CAT,CAG and etc. The CAP would include some of the best CAP objects in the series. The game would also have included all the best lvls from the TH series. The story would take place in those lvls of corse but like say if its a thps 1 game for all those goals you wouldnt be able to get off deck and etc. You would learn new trick strings when you goto a new lvl. Say your in the THPS 3 lvl mall and you beat that and goto Alcatraz from THPS4. there you would learn some flatground and manuals. The unlockables would be newer CAD stuff CAP objects etc. Example: if THP8 had a cap it would prolly have something like 'funpark ramp' or something. It would also include newer themes. The CAP no longer has a fence to keep you boxed in it will insted have OBs like normal lvls. Also newer trick animations. Actuall mo-cap this time. the landings on tricks will vary depending on the skaters performance in the mocap room on that trick. Lets say we tell Bam to kickflip in mocap and he lands it how he lands it sloppy or not, it wont madder it will still be used. But lets say we tell Bob Burnquist to do a kickflip and he lands it his way. Each skater has individuality on there tricks they will all look different.
well thats a summery of my idea of the game but idk hope yah like it