Straight from MySpace...
I'll use this as my "About Me" section, the Top 1 code seems to dictate that part of the page... Well, my name is Harold, if you don't know me yet. If you want to get to know me, catch me somewhere at school, at the park, or in school. Just wherever.

My birthday is June 9th, 1991 if you want to determine how old I exactly am. I'm the oldest brother in my family--I have no sisters. My parents are seperated, so I have two houses, one in the Meadows and one across from the Randalls. I am often called a computer nerd/hacker. I do not take offense to those remarks. I do not use Windows, and I do not like software under the Microsoft name. The only software I like with their name on it is probably Windows Media Player. Hardware-wise I like the XBOX platforms. Speaking of video games, I am mainly a Sony fanboy who grew up on Nintendo. I am really a techy kind of guy.I enjoy intelligent conversations or even dumb ones like, "ROFL LOL UR TEH 1337X)R ROFL LOL!!!!!!!111111". Example: click. I know just about any kind of Internet lingo, and 1 d() |_|/../|)3|274/../ 1337. I am half white & half Mexican. Don't tell me to mow your lawn--I won't. I'm about 5' - 10'' to 5' - 11'' tall. I have lgiht brown eyes, light brown skin, and black (very dark brown) hair.

I do straighten my hair, and I don't care about your negative comments about it! I personally favor straight hair over my natural curly hair (as of August 12th, I love my wet curly hair, also). I live close to Meadows Elementary if you wanted to know.

I can't stand dirty/cluttered workspaces. I goto Dulles High School. Speaking of school, I make the best grades I can. Yes, I do get frustrated when I make low As and anything below that. I am an overachiever. I have all honors classes. I used to be a borderline student, but then someone (a beautiful someone) inspired me to do better. As for music, I LIKE ALL TYPES OF MUSIC. If it's catchy, I'll listen to it.

I have been told I act mature for my age. It's kind of funny because I used to be very immature. I can't staNd pEoPlE wHo TyPe LiKe ThIs!!!!, or liek dis lolz. Seriously, you don't bob your head up and down when you talk, so don't make your letters like that, either. I try to keep up my grammar skills on forums, blogs, and profiles like MySpace. I was probably one of the first 10-15 people to use MySpace in my grade level. (referred here by Derek) I do play THPS online (rarely), if you know what that is. I am part of a clan. Our website is I do know how to code such things as HTML, and I have my own personal website. If you want to see it, message me and I'll link you.

I like halfies, every one I've met has been either a very good friend or person. I fell on my head when I was little, but I'm not stupid. I hate drugs and alcohol (when I'm legal aged, I might try alcohol, but not now). I do not believe in sex before marriage. I like to stay in tune with the news and weather. My favorite television shows are: Mind of Mencia, The Daily Show w/ Jon Stewart, & The Colbert Report, THE WHOLE FREAKING DISCOVERY CHANNEL, and the occasional anime my brother watches like at one in the morning on cartoon network. POKEMON RULES. I like hugs, but very seldom do I get them.

What's up with that!? I know a lot about the Internet, and that's how I found out about the wonderful operating system I use today, Linux. I use the Ubuntu distro at my dads. I have tried Ubuntu (GNOME), Kubuntu (KDE), and Xubuntu (XFCE). And at my mom's, I have Arch Gimmick. It's a lot faster, and I prefer Arch over Noobuntu. As I mentioned before, I do not like Windows! But yeah... That's about it for me--if you want to talk to me on AOL Instant Messenger, message me for my screen name.
I look forward to talking to you.
