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> Thmm And Thtm
=BGOAT= Ares
post Jan 16 2007, 09:44 PM
Post #1

2 words.........scene kids :(
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ok, i have 2 ideas for the new game.

one is THMM = Tony Hawk's Mini Madness

in this particular game, somehow you get shrinked by some whacky scientist and you are about the size of a fingerboard.
you will be able to skate many things and do objectives, you can skate things around the house that you would never have dreamed of. for example, drain the bath tub and skate a giant bowl, and lip the shower curtain hanger. also you have to get the items the scientist needs to bring you back to size, but this requires you getting the items to him, so you will have to find ways to bring him the items.
the whole level will be one huge house, consisting of a living room, basement, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, attic, and game room (in this room there will be mini games). you can explore and explore this huge house because you are so small, but you will have shortcuts, such as mouseholes and hot wheels tracks to ride on.

the next game i thaught of is THTM = Tony Hawk's Time Machine

in this game, you will be tony hawk all thru the game, you will begin in his past and learn from the origional pro's like tony alva, jay adams, steve caballero, and stacy peralta. you will work on your style and the things you need to make it to the top.
now you may ask, "WHAT? THERE IS NO CAS?" wrong my freind! you have to beat the game to unlock create a skater and the "Story mode #2" which you will complete with your created skater. this one will be interesting in the fact that you can chose any time frame in which you want to travel (even unlock the future) and do various goals and learn different things.

both of these games will have CAP, CAT, and CAG, and introducing CYC (create your clothes)

i hope you enjoyed my little ramble on what i would make the next tony hawk game like. ^^


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