Boohoohoo, lets all boycott Sony for trying to eliminate second hand selling. If you think Sony picks on the little guy, check out the Sony vs. Immersion case. Oh what was that I heard, Microsoft sued Sony for a chart comparison, wow. Anascape sued Microsoft and Nintendo for the same thing Immersion sued Sony for. What was the bs I read about getting ripped off? "Microsoft: Xbox 360 Hack Threatens Entire Game Industry Oct 10, 2006 @ 5:48pm
Summary: Microsoft has responded to a new threat of mod chip activity on the Xbox 360, which lets players bypass the console's security system and play bootlegged games.
Piracy costs the video game industry untold millions each year, and the Xbox 360's standard DVD format makes it more vulnerable to such hacks than the more exotic Blu-ray format used by the upcoming PlayStation 3."
This post has been edited by FeRgY: Oct 24 2006, 04:40 PM