...they shipped 4 fucking cameras to eb games and gamestop..and they were all reserved....ONLY 4 FUCKING CAMERAS...its bullshit
and i checked wal*mart and they havent even heard of it...seeing as i hate wal mart...i really dont care
LOL and wasnt it the Xbox kids who were trying to make fun of the Ps3 shipments?
PSN - Req50187
Ps3 Games Resistance 2 - Resistance FoM - Fallout 3 - Little Big Planet - Uncharted - NHL 09 - Warhawk - Grand Theft Auto IV Rock Band - Rock Band 2 - Rock Band AC/DC - Motor Storm - Call Of Duty 4 - Metal Gear Solid 4 - Assassin's Creed Devil May Cry 4 - Star Wars Force Unleashed - Gran Turismo 5 Prologue - Turok - Burnout Paradise - Skate 2- Killzone 2 - Resident Evil 5