"Take for an example, Valencia, the third largest city in Spain. Walk into an El Corte Ingles (Spain’s flagship retailer) or FNAC (a leading media entertainment retailer) in Valencia and you will see about 67% of video game shelf space given over to Sony products, with another 25% reserved for Nintendo’s portable game systems. Valencia even has entire Sony Stores devoted to Sony products. The PlayStation 2 practically defines mass market video games in Spain (and much of Europe) with its casual party franchises like Singstar and Buzz. In other words, Sony has been absolutely dominant in Spain and most of Europe. All that is now at risk with Sony’s PlayStation 3 strategy."
"At 600 euro, the PS3 would be more than 35% of the monthly household income of a family in Valencia. Combined with the 2000 euro for an HDTV that could take advantage of Blu-Ray and four games, the total cost could top 15% of a family yearly income."
hereEDIt: Yes, this article is mostly about price, but still, pretty interesting.
This post has been edited by lol_Doughnut: Sep 7 2006, 06:22 PM