They really need to recognize the fact that they killed their own online community when they put out THAW. Some people still have only dail-up. After that, they pretty much put online on the xbox and kept it like that. I really think that was a mistake. Here we are 3 years later, still living on and "growing" if you want to say it like that, but not nearly as quick we used to.
To be honest, every game after THUG was a serious let down, and THUG was the first game I had played in the series.
I guess this is a good thing, but I really stress the fact that they need to do something with it's almost non-existent online community. Neversoft needs to stop sitting on their hands and realize that SKATE has made a revolution and putting out the same crap for 4 years is not going to cut it with that sort of competition.
This post has been edited by ハロルド: May 12 2008, 08:02 PM