skate blows and has nothing on THPG. Ya the graphics are great but the levels are empty. THPG has 10 times more things to do and is way more interesting and fun. skate levels are way to open and boring. THPG's video editor blows skates outta the park. Skate is for people who suck at TH games and can't keep up w/ it's fast pace and harder goals. most people who have got skate beat it like the first day and got all the achievements. I played the skate demo like 5 times and each time I was bored outta my mind. THPG demo on the other hand I have played over 50 times. way more fun and more things to do.
The flick it controls? please a upgraded knock off of the nail the tricks in THP8. ya the games realistic but it's so realistic it's boring. I would rather go outside and actually skate. games are supposed to be fun and out of the reality realm. but you have fun playing your boring skate game while I rip it up making kick ass videos or creating a kick ass skate park perhaps body checking some peds which by the way after awhile you will want to do in skate but you can't. oh ya I will also have fun getting off my board and walking up stairs. lmao. I will also be moding the levels the way I want to oh ya and I forgot to mention if I want to play it a bit more realistically I can just switch to sim mode.