One day I was just foolin' around in the factory, and I did this: I Rail Stalled, Wallplanted, and 360 acid dropped, and continued to do that, when i did it 3 times, it got higher each time. Then I pressed RT+A and I floated off the thing, and I heard the grinding noise, and the trick didn't display!
Go to a rail that has a quarter pipe and a wall.
Rail Stall (doesn't matter which trick)
Quickly tap A RT RB then RT+Y to Wallplant, 360 acid drop and rail stall.
Do this 3 times, it may take some practice, if you did it right you should levitate, when this happens hold RT and A toward the direction of the rail, you should bounce off, and started floating.
-Found by THGM
-I think this happens because when you jump off a rail stall that animation freezes, and since you confuse the cpu into the rail stall, and grind. it levitates you!
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