first off do the bcfg then exit out of 2 player mode and go into one player freeskater choose your chartachtor....yada yada... k now the bcfg should still be active... caveman on flat ground and then tap the left trigger ( lt ) keep tapping and when your close to the ground your skater will bend its knees , start levitating, and moving forward and then he will stop (cause of friction i guess). BEFORE the skater stops hold x to make you guy move forward ... you can now let go of all the shoulder buttons as long as you hold x , you can skate while levitating.... remember dont press and hold x till your skater bend his knees...
video coming soon..... if you need help ask me here or PM me , il help you, .....
excuse my spelling....
if this is old dont flame me... i couldnt find it anywhere.
here is the link ... if its not up now it will be soon
oh ya you can also go off a quarterpipe and do half a backflip then do this glitch and you can skate upside down
This post has been edited by water: Dec 3 2006, 02:28 PM