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As many of you know I have some pretty sweet contacts over at Activision and Neversoft. mostly Activision and there PR department. Well I just got word from one of them that come next week I will be given some exclusive THX info which no other website or press site will have until atleast a week after that. This info will include such things as the title of the next game, some of the planed levels, and some new features. there not going to release to much because they don't want that EVIL other company to steal there shit like we know they would. Once I get more info I will fill you guys in. Also I got a hint of a goat in a Bee costume in the game. Considering they have rights to the Bee Movie I wouldn't be surprised if it coinsides w/ that somehow. we shall see what comes up. keep checking back here.
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QUOTE(ROOK Master wiz @ Mar 21 2008, 10:56 AM) [snapback]28843[/snapback]
As many of you know I have some pretty sweet contacts over at Activision and Neversoft. mostly Activision and there PR department. Well I just got word from one of them that come next week I will be given some exclusive THX info which no other website or press site will have until atleast a week after that. This info will include such things as the title of the next game, some of the planed levels, and some new features. there not going to release to much because they don't want that EVIL other company to steal there shit like we know they would. Once I get more info I will fill you guys in. Also I got a hint of a goat in a Bee costume in the game. Considering they have rights to the Bee Movie I wouldn't be surprised if it coinsides w/ that somehow. we shall see what comes up. keep checking back here.
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Ok the info is kinda scattered so bare w/ me.
Story mode. Story mode this time is pretty open ended theres no certain path you have to take and all the goals are open from the start almost like a THPS4 goal setup. as you do a certain amount of goals a certain story will be unlocked depending on what you have done to that point. The open world si still there and is slitely larger then that of THPG but promises to be more open and less giving. in other words your not just gonna have lines handed to you and you can't just ollie anywhere and land in a grind or w/e. your going to have to work for it. thats pretty much all I know about story mode.
Created Things. This game you can create everything. it has a tool to shape everything as well to an extent. in other words if you want your board to be 3 inches longer then normal or a couple inches wider you just "click" and drag. cut out your own grip tape etc. same w/ the face tool you can distort it if you want or anything. so your character will never be exactly like someone elses neither will your board or your skate park. they didn't give much detail about the CAP but did say it's going to be a lot larger alot more pices and the stretch customization feature. Rigger pieces I beleive have been taken out.
Levels. didn't get much on the levels except that there the largest and best detailed levels ever in a TH game.
PS2 version is going to return to being online as well as the psp version and those version are going to have different levels. also stated was that theres going to be a total of 5 new online multiplayer games.
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no i bet its a fucking april fools. dont mess with me and my ps2 >.<
neversoft wouldnt bring ps2 online back, there just not that wish granting, there too caught up with nex gen, plus, i looked on ign today and typed in tony hawks pro skater 10, dosnt look like its even for ps2...dont mess with me bc i am pissed at neversoft.
This post has been edited by =BGOAT=Biz: Mar 31 2008, 09:08 PM
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the reason IGN wouldn't show it as being for PS2 is because they don't know yet. but they do know that odds are it will be on all next gen consoles. don't always believe what you see especially on IGN. and neversoft doesn't do last gen.
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QUOTE(=BGOAT= water @ Apr 1 2008, 03:25 PM) [snapback]28943[/snapback]
eight words.
this better not be an april fools joke.
i just feel it. its gotta be a joke man. neversoft has been doggin me on ps2 for 2 yrs now. i mean thpg wasnt that bad but they are not online, and barley any features. i completly dobt ps2 espessially online.