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Glitch Database _ General _ Classic Ob2

Posted by: Ductape Jul 8 2005, 11:52 PM

*Authors Note*
I felt i needed to put this because the ob2 is a classic and very tricky way to get on and in obs impossible by most methods.

*The glitch*
Ok first find a Spot like in picture one. Now manual bail into the grass and set Cust. This should make it so when you press Goto Cust you automatic bail. This is good.!! ok now go back to the same spot .Now this time(***TRICKY PART***) When you manual bail. About 2 sec into the bail press GOTO not set cust. This should make it so you are on the grass in skate mode. You can not go into walk. This is the classic thps4 ob2. Thank you.

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