Game Overview:
Tony Hawk's Project 8, officially abbreviated as THP8, is the eighth installment in the Tony Hawk's series of video games. It was released on sixth-generation (PlayStation 2 and Xbox) and seventh-generation consoles (Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3). The name Project 8 refers to the "Project 8" competition featured in the storyline, and because it is the eighth game in the main series of Tony Hawk games. Project 8 features one giant streaming city to skate in (only on the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360), which contains various skateparks and "hidden sections". There are about 45 skaters in the game, including unlockable characters, who each have a unique mo-cap style (only on the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360), providing a different experience and no recycled animations. One of the new features is the 'nail the trick' option. When a player enters this mode the camera will zoom in on the side to focus on the skateboard and the characters feet. Players will then be able to use the right analog stick to control the right foot and the left analog stick to control the left foot, allowing the player to flip and rotate the board in any such manner; including tapping the underside of the board in the air and merging various techniques to form new moves. Another new ability in the game is to control the characters in the game during crashes, allowing you to obtain a high "Hospital bill", with bonus money awarded for broken bones - this feature is used in numerous challenges across the story mode (only on Playstation 3 and Xbox 360). Players can also induce a wreck manually in a way very similar to Thrasher: Skate and Destroy on the PlayStation. Lastly, players still have the option to get off their skateboard at any time and run, though it plays a very small role in the game overall, other than avoiding bails and extending combos.

Pro Skaters:
Tony Hawk
Lyn-Z Adams Hawkins
Bob Burnquist
Dustin Dollin
Nyjah Huston
Bam Margera
Rodney Mullen
Paul Rodriguez
Ryan Sheckler
Daewon Song
Mike Vallely
Stevie Williams

Game Levels:
PS3 and Xbox 360 versions:
Skate Park
Main Street
Fun Park
Capitol Building
City Park
Industrial Zone
PS2 and Xbox versions:
City Center
High School
Car Factory
Crete Park
Fun Park
PSP Version:
City Center
High School
Car Factory
Crete Park
Fun Park.
The Mall
The Ruins

360 Achievements
Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points:

Training Complete (10 points): Complete the training.
Outta the houses (10 points): Escape the suburban life.
School unlocked (10 points): Unlocked the School.
Slums unlocked (10 points): Unlocked the Slums.
Skate Park unlocked (10 points): Unlock the Skate Park.
Funpark unlocked (10 points): Unlock the Funpark.
Factory unlocked (10 points): Unlock the Factory.
First Sick Goal (5 points): Complete a goal at Sick difficulty.
All pro challenges completed (20 points): Complete all the pro's challenges.
Sick Chalk Challenges (30 points): Complete all the goals at Sick difficulty.
Sick Classic Goals (30 points): Complete all the classic goals at Sick difficulty.
Hit 50% of the gaps (20 points): 50 percent of the gaps found.
Hit all of the gaps (35 points): Skate the world and find every gap.
Scored over 1,000,000 points! (10 points): Score over 1 million points.
Nice combo! (20 points): Land a combo over 500,000 points.
Played Xbox Live (10 points): Play an online game.
50 games online (15 points): Finish 50 games online.
100 games online (20 points): Finish 100 games online.
You made it into Project 8 (50 points): Crack the top 8.
You made it to spot 4! (75 points): Crack the top 4
Ranked Number 1! (100 points): You are the number one skater on Project 8.
Secret area found (5 points): Find your first secret area. Don't tell anyone.
Manual Master (20 points): Manual for 140,000 feet..
Hang Time (20 points): Get 14,000 seconds of air time.
The Daily Grind (20 points): Grind for 140,000 total feet.
Beat a developer (50 points): Win a skate session against a member of the Project 8 development team, or someone who already has.
Suburbia Classic beaten at sick. (15 points): Get sick on the Suburbia classic goal.
Main St Classic beaten at sick (15 points): Get sick on the Main St classic goal.
Capitol Classic beaten at sick (15 points): Capitol Classic beaten at sick.
School Classic beaten at sick (15 points): Get sick on the School classic goal.
Slums Classic beaten at sick (15 points): Get sick on the Slums classic goal.
Skate Classic beaten at sick (15 points): Get sick on the Skate Park classic goal.
Fun Park Classic beaten at sick (15 points): Get sick on the Fun Park classic goal.
Factory Classic beaten at sick (15 points): Get sick on the Factory classic goal.
Full stats (50 points): Get every stat maxed.
Mullen Pro Challenge (10 points): Find Rodney and beat his challenge.
Vallely Pro Challenge (10 points): Find Mike V and beat his challenge.
Song Pro Challenge (10 points): Find Daewon and beat his challenge.
Burnquist Pro Challenge (10 points): Find Bob and beat his challenge.
Sheckler Pro Challenge (10 points): Find Ryan and beat his challenge.
Margera Pro Challenge (10 points): Find Bam and beat his challenge.
Nyjah & Lyn-Z Pro Challenge (10 points): Find Nyjah and Lyn-Z and beat the challenge.
Williams & Dollin Pro Challenge (10 points): Find Stevie and Dustin and beat the challenge.
P-Rod Pro Challenge (10 points): Find P-Rod and beat his challenge.

Additionally, there are five secret achievements:
Break 15 Bones In One Bail (10 points): Self-explanatory.
Impressing The Locals (25 points): Get 1000 Stokens.
Shhhh it's a secret (25 points): Find all the secret areas.
Sick Highscore Run (20 points): 5,000,000 point combo in High Score/Free Skate.
That combo was sick! (35 points): Land a combo over 5,000,000 points.

Cheat Codes:
All specials in shop - Enter "yougotitall" as a code to unlock. Note: This does not include decks or pro tricks.
All decks - Enter "needaride" as a code to unlock. Note: all decks except Inkblot and Gamestop.
Inkblot deck - Enter "birdhouse" as a code to unlock.
Full air stats - Enter "drinkup" as a code.
Play as Pat the Realtor - Enter "shescaresme" as a code to unlock.
Play as Christian Hosoi - Enter "hohohosoi" as a code to unlock.
Play as Colonel and Security Guard - Enter "militarymen" as a code to unlock.
Play as Dad and Skater Jam Kid - Enter "strangefellows" as a code to unlock.
Play as Grim Reaper - Enter "enterandwin" as a code to unlock. Note: Available in 2 player only.
Play as Jason Lee - Enter "notmono" as a code to unlock.
Play as Kevin Staab - Enter "mixitup" as a code to unlock.
Play as Mascot - Enter "manineedadate" as a code to unlock.
Play as Nerd and Bum - Enter "wearelosers" as a code to unlock.
Play as Photography Girl and Filmer - Enter "themedia" as a code to unlock.
Play as Travis Barker - Enter "plus44" as a code to unlock.
Play as Zombie Officer Dick - Enter "suckstobedead" as a code to unlock.
Vans No Skool Gothic shoes - Enter "hatedandproud" as a code to unlock.
Play as Anchorman - Enter "newshound" as a code to unlock.
Play as Skinny Real Estate Agent - Enter "sellsellsell" as a code to unlock.
Play as Twin - Enter "badverybad" as a code to unlock.

Click HERE To View The THP8 Glitch Database.
Darksides/Easter Eggs:
Click HERE To View The THP8 Darksides/Easter Eggs Database.