Pride... Sometimes it feels like pride is the only thing keeping me together. The drive to come to greatness. To set the example. I always strive to do this right thing, not what's easiest. You can lose everything in this world. Life is so precious. But pride is something you choose to lose. You can take my life and my soul. But one thing I will always keep is my pride.

I am a proud person. I dont like to admit I'm ever wrong. <b>ever</b>. So excuse the obscene, ignore the untrue depictions we see try and get through admitting mistakes can hurt. I'm not the last but I sure hell ain't the first. And being proud can hurt the people you care about. Shame pulses through my heart from the things I've done to you and it's hard to face, but the fact remains that this is not anything new. Living with the regrets of things that haven't even been my fault are still very alive in e today. It's hard to not let these things that happen let us get consumed by them. All I can really do is try my best to not make those mistakes again. It seems crazy but maybe those things happened so I can see just how precious life is and give me the strength to protect the people I love.

Lately I have been thinking in a different way. About what I seriously want to do with my life. I found my will to keep going, striving to get what I deserve.

"Life is hard and it will knock you down, but it is not about how hard you hit, its about how many times you keep getting up after you get knocked down that matters."

Compliments of the Rocky movie...

I feel like I'm ready to move into the next stage of my life. Start making the major decisions that I have been putting off my entire life. Even though I hadn't even realized it before. Nothing sparks my imagination like an intelligent conversation about the creation of perpetual energy or different views about a similar subject. I believe I can do anything, but some people dont seem to have that same mindset for me. They dont think I can hack it in college. Who has the right to tell someone they can't do something when they pass all the requirements? You know me, but you don't.

You ain't seen nothin yet.

When you know who you are, it's a lot easier to do what you need to do. Me? I am a listener, a motivator, and an idealist. I wish I knew more about certain things. Maybe expand myself in a new direction now. I have been changing my lifestyle quite a bit from the way I was a year ago. And it's about time I keep moving on. To change myself and expand my horizons. I think I have found a new direction to take. Something in technology maybe, who knows. It's going to take a lot of soul searching to figure it out. But whatever I chose is something that I will have to keep at as long as it takes. Never to give up,no matter what it takes. It's the pride. I love who I am and I am proud to be who I have turned out to be. Things could be better, dont get me wrong, but I think I have things going back on track now.

I can do it. Watch me as I touch the sky....

Just some random thoughts. As usual, thanks for taking the time to read. You guys are my inspiration. Keep my on the right track and I want you to know that it means a lot that you read. We all need that person who can be true to you. And that's you guys. Thanks and much love.