ok im sopy pasting spaces for the description.im also gonna use pics from the database to show how to get to it.
if you watch my shop guide on youtube
http://youtube.com/watch?v=nSbIOxvhetc. when you get up to the east la shop part you will see me position myself on the roof to airshuffle. well dont do this but you must do a new form of ob2 i found called the wrob2 or the ssob2.
*WROB2 is where you jump down and right before u hit the ob2 you wall run and set cust as close to the floor as you can.Which enables you to just land on the ob2 after a few tries goto'ing.*
well you do this to get onthe freeway ledge.when you manage to get on it.you must walk slowly down the ledge.we shall use the dark lines on the ledge as measurement. go 12 black lines down and set cust before the 13th one.now face away from the street and inch your way towards the end.everytime you inch attle set cust.do this over n over until u drop down into the shop.
ergh i hope this is enuff for someone to get it