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=BGOAT= Forums _ General _ Is It Possible That Instead Of Another Game They'll...

Posted by: Boneho Chane Jan 21 2007, 10:57 PM

...release an expansion on this one? I'm pretty sure the PS3 and Xbox 360 have features that would allow this work. I could see Neversoft adding 200 new goals, adding new skaters, adding new areas, exc. I think that would be a way cooler idea. This way they wouldn't get a bad rep about dishing out the Tony Hawk games.

Posted by: ROOK Master wiz Jan 22 2007, 08:26 AM

This won't happen heres why.

They have a lot of people working on the Tony Hawk games but those people will be working on the new game not a DLC for the current game. If anything they would only add like 1 level or something. although the consoles can do this not every developer takes advantage of it. why waste or spend time on new stuff when they could be tweeking the engines of the game and putting there effort into a new game. personally I would like a new game w/ better things then an addition to a not so great game. Also DLC isn't really profitable for the amount of time they would spend on making this content and the amount they could charge for some DLC it just isn't worth it to them. However w/ that said I think that perhaps either w/ the next game or the game after they may start to take advantage of the DLC aspect of things but right now it's harder then it sounds. the only updates I would expect for the current game is downloads that may fix bugs or something like that.

Posted by: Boneho Chane Jan 22 2007, 07:49 PM

Well Guitar Hero is probably keeping a lot of the company pretty busy, so I imagine they would have the better suited Tony Hawk developers working on something like this. I myself find this game already incredible and think that if they expanded it would be the most mindblowing thing ever. Unfortunately, I'm the only one that feels this way. I could see Neversoft adding CAP, better customization, fixing online mode a ton, and opening areas in Beaver Valley they haven't already. And there are a TON, the fenced areas behind the school, the fenced neighborhood behind the skatepark, there is a whole ton of possible space on the other side of the lake, the parking lot next to the factory, the fenced area behind the slums, the list goes on. Adding these things would make it feel so much more finished. To me, Neversoft has built the basis of an excellent game and now all they need to do is continue working on it.

Posted by: =BGOAT=Biz Jan 22 2007, 11:37 PM

yeah for somereason i kinda agree with you. it would be cool if they did add on and make online cap and the obs skateable w/ new shit. that sounds kinda like a good idea but yet i would also rather a whole new game.

Posted by: Boneho Chane Jan 23 2007, 06:47 PM

I too would love a new game as long as it stayed very true to this one. As long as I get more of this.

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