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=BGOAT= Forums _ General Console Discussion _ Fuck Yeah I Won Socom Tourny

Posted by: jack0ff Nov 6 2006, 04:42 PM

my local gamestop had a socom combined assault and i raped all the little faggots at my store and i won 1st place and won a copy of socom combined assault which is going to be released 11/07

i got online and there was 3 people and they got the game from winning their local tournament too, so we got to play the maps before anyone else did :DDD all i can say is the game fucking rocks. its like socom2 and socom3 combined but better. also you can play socom combined assault against socom3 people if they have the same maps and stuff.

its so fucking crazy the enemy are so fucking real hard, its like theyre real people playing online against me, especially on admiral mode, ITS HOLY FUCK HARD. but if you got 1337 friends you can play offline-co op with 3 other of your friends online. its awesome

i dont know what to say, the maps are amazing, theres new guns, new features and shit. theres also med packs, you can heal your buddies for a limited ammount of health. its crazy awesome

its rated T for Teen because they took off the blood............................................they did this to sell more to the little fucking whiney teenagers or kids but online theres a mute player button where you can mute whoever you want so you dont have to listen to their bullshit.

its 39.99 out 11/07

SOCOM3 and SOCOM:FTB2 compatible.

Posted by: FeRgY Nov 6 2006, 05:00 PM

It's only $40? Wow, I might not have to wait so long for it to be greatest hits. I've seen the online, how many people play in a room? It only looks like 4 because of the squad missions...but I doubt there's only 4 people on a team.

Posted by: =BGOAT=Nicholas Nov 6 2006, 05:26 PM

Fuck yeah dude Im so getting this game. Jack I know I asked you this before but please confirm with now that you have the game that sureshot is back in?

Posted by: Ares Nov 6 2006, 05:44 PM

congratulations ^^

Posted by: Dylan Nov 6 2006, 06:19 PM


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