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=BGOAT= Forums _ Sony _ How They Killed Their Brand.

Posted by: =BGOAT=Biz Mar 26 2007, 11:53 PM

Gamb showed Magick, Magick showed me, thought it was funny, decied to post it. Enjoy.


Posted by: ROOK Master wiz Mar 27 2007, 06:22 AM

What a fan boy video. lkets wait a year and then see who's laughing. although I do agree Wii owns all.

Posted by: Gamb Mar 27 2007, 01:58 PM

QUOTE(ROOK Master wiz @ Mar 27 2007, 06:22 AM) [snapback]19071[/snapback]
although I do agree Wii owns all.

Good wiz.


Posted by: ll BodyBag ll Mar 28 2007, 07:38 PM

QUOTE(=BGOAT=Biz @ Mar 26 2007, 11:53 PM) [snapback]19069[/snapback]
Gamb showed Magick, Magick showed me, thought it was funny, decied to post it. Enjoy.


ROFL! i have seen that before. And about 90% of it is true. The Part about Killzone is definitly True. It was hyped beyond the sun, a week after it was released, you heard nothing of it. So far it seems like the PS3 is running on Gimmicks to help save them. ( Home, Folding @ home, and obviously there will be more)

Posted by: FeRgY Mar 28 2007, 07:51 PM

QUOTE(ll BodyBag ll @ Mar 28 2007, 08:38 PM) [snapback]19137[/snapback]
So far it seems like the PS3 is running on Gimmicks to help save them. ( Home, Folding @ home, and obviously there will be more)

How is Folding@Home a gimmick...? You might as well say St. Jude's or something's research is a gimmick. Wait a minute, another gimmick:

Posted by: ROOK Master wiz Mar 28 2007, 07:56 PM

And a new painted 360 w/ a port that should of been there in the first place (hdmi) and a bigger hard drive w/ a steaper price and an added name like elite isn't a gimmick? atleast PS3's "gimmick's" are fun and interesting not to mention folding @ home serves a purpose and can help humanity. what does the 360 do to help humanity...... hmmm....... um....... not a god damn'd thing. if you ask me the entire 360 is a gimmick by microsoft.

Posted by: ll BodyBag ll Mar 28 2007, 08:31 PM

And all i have to say is at least the 360 is selling. ROFL!!!

Posted by: Ductape Mar 28 2007, 08:35 PM

ken ur gay stfu

Posted by: ll BodyBag ll Mar 28 2007, 08:36 PM

QUOTE(Ductape @ Mar 28 2007, 08:35 PM) [snapback]19155[/snapback]
ken ur gay stfu

And your the one that said your gettin Halo 3. ROFL!!!! For someone hating the 360, Getting halo 3 involves getting a 360.

Posted by: ROOK Master wiz Mar 28 2007, 08:37 PM

How long has PS3 been out compared to the 360?.. ya thats what I thought. I don't think that web site is accurate. has sony even made 2 million PS3's? Anyways the Wii owns all and is outselling the PS3 and the 360 combined right now. Wait a year then lets compare numbers. you can't really fairly compare numbers because the 360 has been out for over aq year. the only way to fairly compare would be to take the first year of the 360's sales stats and compare them to the first year of the 360's sales stats and so on.... and besides the PS3 offers a lot more anyways. but I think this is getting off topic.

Posted by: XolrecX Mar 28 2007, 08:38 PM

I second that motion.....

I think its funny that people are comparing the PS3 to the 360 already.....

PS3 is practically still new and its game lineup hasn't sprung yet... lets wait a little bit and I guarantee that most people are gonna steer ps3...

Sony isn't stupid, I bet once a really good game comes out, they will lower the price that way everyone figures since the price is lower they should buy one and pick up the game.... worked for ps2 when GTA VC came out...

Posted by: ll BodyBag ll Mar 28 2007, 08:41 PM

If your talking about Offering more as in game wise... LOL! PS3 doesn't have 1 game that even looks cool to me. And if there are games that i like that are on the ps3 are on the 360 anyway.

Posted by: =BGOAT=Biz Mar 28 2007, 08:42 PM

i have gta vc:) anyway noice i said i found it funny not that i agree to it so there my opinion pretty much right there. Imo xbox=shit, xbox will allways=shit

Posted by: ROOK Master wiz Mar 28 2007, 08:48 PM

Well it's not shit but it's not my most favored system. The PS3 is way better then the 360 in many ways.

1. PS3 came w/ hdmi port
2. ps3 came w/ wireless internet
3. PS3 came w/ a decent sized hdd
4. PS3 comes w/ blue tooth technology
5. PS3 somes w/ a next gen format of HD playability (blue ray)
6. PS3 has built in power supply not a brick attached to a cord
7. Home is way better then any friends system that xbl can come up w/
8. PS3 can do things to help cure diseases and such while the other system does nothing.
9. PS3 can connect w/ the PSP for portable things..
10. PS3 has all this in one package and didn't need to release seperate periphriels or a new console to get it done. Need I say more.

Posted by: =BGOAT=Biz Mar 28 2007, 08:51 PM

exactly thats why ps3>360. Wii>ps3>360

Posted by: Gamb Mar 28 2007, 08:55 PM

QUOTE(ll BodyBag ll @ Mar 28 2007, 08:41 PM) [snapback]19160[/snapback]
If your talking about Offering more as in game wise... LOL! PS3 doesn't have 1 game that even looks cool to me. And if there are games that i like that are on the ps3 are on the 360 anyway.

My argument to that:

Just PS3's graphics are 10x better, nevermind, it comes with more content.

I also agree with Biz.

Posted by: =BGOAT=Biz Mar 28 2007, 09:00 PM

the biz is allways right smile.gif...well sometimes im wrong...but trust me wii>ps3>360

Posted by: ROOK Master wiz Mar 28 2007, 09:02 PM

Ken... according to that site PS3 is actually out selling the 360 by 1 console everytime it updates. I have refreshed it every minute for like 5 minutes or until it changed in numbers. heres the stats.

from to = difference
1. 10,858,618 to 10,858,623 = 5
2. 10,858,623 to 10,858,628 = 5
3. 10,858,628 to 10,858,633 = 5
4. 10,858,633 to 10,858,638 = 5
5. 10,858,638 to 10,858,642 = 4


1. 2,295,588 to 2,295,694 = 6
2. 2,295,600 to 2,295,606 = 6
3. 2,295,606 to 2,295,612 = 6
4. 2,295,612 to 2,295,618 = 6
5.2,295,618 to 2,295,624 = 6

and the Wii averages from 10 to 11 each time.

There for the PS3 is currently outselling the 360 OWNED.

Posted by: Duffers Mar 28 2007, 09:23 PM

You're all fucking stupid. How about that? Now you all have something in common. Stop bitching about consoles.

QUOTE(ll BodyBag ll @ Mar 28 2007, 09:41 PM) [snapback]19160[/snapback]
If your talking about Offering more as in game wise... LOL! PS3 doesn't have 1 game that even looks cool to me.

This is because you are a puppet-like fanboy.

Posted by: Gamb Mar 28 2007, 10:15 PM

PCWII60S3 for life.

Posted by: =BGOAT=Biz Mar 28 2007, 10:20 PM


Posted by: ll BodyBag ll Mar 28 2007, 11:22 PM

QUOTE(Gamb @ Mar 28 2007, 08:55 PM) [snapback]19164[/snapback]
My argument to that:

Just PS3's graphics are 10x better, nevermind, it comes with more content.

I also agree with Biz.

And you didn't notice they used a horrible Low Res part for the 360, Cause i have oblivion, and it's not that dark or blurry. Why don't you look at the comparison of PS3 and Xbox 360 for Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2007. Here wait lemme get it.

Ok here you go. This is a REAL one. Not a messed with video.

Posted by: =BGOAT=Nicholas Mar 28 2007, 11:53 PM

Why to argue of comparison videos on the internet? You damn well know the quality is shitty either way. If your going to try and compare a 360 to a PS3 graphically buy a PS3 and a 360 and 2 HDTVS and a copy of the same game for each console then see how it looks. Those stupid videos are always messed up by the quality of them plus how do you know what type of tv they recorded each of those off?

Posted by: ROOK Master wiz Mar 29 2007, 07:22 AM

again it's not even really fair yet to judge between 2 consoles right now. developers are still learning on how to develope the games for the PS3. right now most of them are made for the 360 and basically ported over. I mean look at THP8 for 360 and PS3. the 360 is superior mainly because it's basically ported over. once developers learn how to properly code for blue ray then the PS3 again will own the 360. it's funny that every time Ken gets proven wrong on something he has to try to point out something else that the 360 is supposedly better at. someday he will learn. the PS3 is superior.

Posted by: ll BodyBag ll Mar 29 2007, 12:12 PM

QUOTE(ROOK Master wiz @ Mar 29 2007, 07:22 AM) [snapback]19184[/snapback]
again it's not even really fair yet to judge between 2 consoles right now. developers are still learning on how to develope the games for the PS3. right now most of them are made for the 360 and basically ported over. I mean look at THP8 for 360 and PS3. the 360 is superior mainly because it's basically ported over. once developers learn how to properly code for blue ray then the PS3 again will own the 360. it's funny that every time Ken gets proven wrong on something he has to try to point out something else that the 360 is supposedly better at. someday he will learn. the PS3 is superior.

Lmao, too bad the PS3 doesn't have shit for exclusive games. So obviously it's not superior.

Posted by: ROOK Master wiz Mar 29 2007, 12:23 PM

Again wait a year. it doesn't have many exclusives because Microsoft wastes money giving it to these companies to develope for them as well. But obviously if the PS3 is out selling the 360 right now which according to that prolly not so accurate site it is. and w/ all the advances that the PS3 has over the 360 and w/ microsoft trying to give some competition w/ it's elite obviously Sony is better. I mean if Microsoft didn't think the PS3 was competition and was better do you honestly think they would release an entirely updated console that weirdly somewhat catches it up to the PS3?... Na Microsoft knows the PS3 is better thats why they are dealing out all this money to try and STEAL exclusives from Sony and produce an updated 360. it's just to bad that they didn't realize that in order to be side by side w/ the PS3 they would of not only had to put in the hdmi port and a bigger hard drive but they also needed to put in a wireless connection and have the hd dvd player built in. the 360 elite still doesn't match the PS3 as far as capabilities. Microsoft needs to keep trying. wait next year they will have a 360 elite 2 where they finally put in wireless connection and the hd dvd player. then jack the price up to match the PS3's. lol

Basically all I am saying is that right now you can't really compare game titles and sales of the 2 systems because the 360 has a year + lead. we should come back to this topic in a year then see who's foot's in who's mouth when the 360 isn't selling shit and the PS3 is in 1 out of every 3rd persons home.

Am I a PS3 fanboy nope I own a 360. but I know when something is better thats why I say the Wii owns all. will I veer get one. perhaps after I get a PS3. but the Wii is outselling the 360 and the PS3. it might not be graphically better but as a console it is a greta one. Wii>PS3>360 elite>360

Posted by: Duffers Mar 29 2007, 01:55 PM

From an unbiased standpoint, you're all wasting your brain power on thinking of ways to look like pompous fanboys...

Posted by: =BGOAT=Nicholas Mar 29 2007, 01:57 PM

Duff go play your PC....

Posted by: Dylan Mar 29 2007, 02:02 PM


Posted by: .:Hack:. Mar 29 2007, 04:14 PM

Ok wait a minute. Um wii<ps3?

No, wii is fun for a bit, but you get bored of it easily, me and my friend who has one get bored with the games so quickly. Like wii play its different, so its fun, but try playing it for more than an hour.

Try comparing excite trucks to motorstorm

With the wii you can tilt the controller to turn,
With the ps3 you can tilt the controller to turn,
+ moterstorm owns it anyway.

The wii is fun like for a party or when your drunk, but other than that ps3<wii

Posted by: Dylan Mar 29 2007, 04:18 PM

Dont you meen

Umm WII>PS3?

Posted by: .:Hack:. Mar 29 2007, 04:23 PM

Yea same difference,

i just watched the video at the top, and the thing at the end about online, resistance is so good online. Its never lagged or anything, actually there is a problem when you exit a game but its being fixed.

Posted by: bleed Mar 29 2007, 08:25 PM

the only accurate way to measure the success between the consoles is to find out how many they have made and find the percentage of how many they have sold. But for me, its all about the sega genesis.

Posted by: Gamb Mar 29 2007, 09:09 PM

QUOTE(.:Hack:. @ Mar 29 2007, 04:14 PM) [snapback]19214[/snapback]
Ok wait a minute. Um wii<ps3?

No, wii is fun for a bit, but you get bored of it easily, me and my friend who has one get bored with the games so quickly. Like wii play its different, so its fun, but try playing it for more than an hour.

Try comparing excite trucks to motorstorm

With the wii you can tilt the controller to turn,
With the ps3 you can tilt the controller to turn,
+ moterstorm owns it anyway.
The wii is fun like for a party or when your drunk, but other than that ps3<wii

But wii play sucks... besides (this goes for Wii 'n' PS3) it hasn't releases 1/3 of the hyped games.


Posted by: Requiem Mar 30 2007, 12:52 AM

QUOTE(bleed @ Mar 29 2007, 06:25 PM) [snapback]19265[/snapback]
But for me, its all about the sega genesis.


Even if they combined Ps3, Wii and 360 the SNES would still be better

Posted by: FeRgY Mar 30 2007, 02:58 PM

QUOTE(Requiem @ Mar 30 2007, 01:52 AM) [snapback]19290[/snapback]
Even if they combined Ps3, Wii and 360 the SNES would still be better

You can play SNES on PS3 so...

Posted by: ROOK Master wiz Mar 30 2007, 03:12 PM

I can play nes games on my calculator... so um no.

Posted by: Requiem Mar 30 2007, 06:36 PM

QUOTE(FeRgY @ Mar 30 2007, 12:58 PM) [snapback]19312[/snapback]
You can play SNES on PS3 so...

That's what makes the Ps3 so GRRRRRRRRRRREAT!!!!!!

Posted by: logan Mar 31 2007, 01:49 PM

[spoiler]You fanboys need to shut up.[/spoiler]

Posted by: ROOK Master wiz Mar 31 2007, 08:42 PM

Don't have to be a fan boy to know that the PS3 is better. by the way 1 image is enough I think we get the point. Also I am not a fanboy and I am married and such so that blows that images theory right out of the water. Logan FTL

Posted by: logan Mar 31 2007, 09:12 PM

Yo wiz, actually that wasn't aimed towards you...

Posted by: ROOK Master wiz Mar 31 2007, 09:50 PM

Ya I know I just wanted to add 2 cents for some reason. lol. But ya.

Posted by: logan Mar 31 2007, 10:24 PM

Ha. It was aimed more towards Bodybag, Gamb, & Biz cuz they were goin back & forth about consoles.

Posted by: Gamb Apr 1 2007, 12:07 AM

QUOTE(logan @ Mar 31 2007, 10:24 PM) [snapback]19392[/snapback]
Ha. It was aimed more towards Bodybag, Gamb, & Biz cuz they were goin back & forth about consoles.

I am?

I stand by PCWii60S3.

Posted by: logan Apr 1 2007, 12:15 AM

QUOTE(Gamb @ Mar 28 2007, 09:55 PM) [snapback]19164[/snapback]
My argument to that:

Just PS3's graphics are 10x better, nevermind, it comes with more content.

I also agree with Biz.


idk, whatever. i just felt like posting that picture, ok? =]

Posted by: Gamb Apr 1 2007, 12:19 AM

That was like... my only post almost yet you chose me. Nice comic though, I love those comics. Can you link me the site?


Posted by: logan Apr 1 2007, 12:30 AM


Posted by: ROOK Master wiz Apr 2 2007, 12:46 PM

QUOTE(ROOK Master wiz @ Mar 28 2007, 10:02 PM) [snapback]19166[/snapback]
Ken... according to that site PS3 is actually out selling the 360 by 1 console everytime it updates. I have refreshed it every minute for like 5 minutes or until it changed in numbers. heres the stats.

from to = difference
1. 10,858,618 to 10,858,623 = 5
2. 10,858,623 to 10,858,628 = 5
3. 10,858,628 to 10,858,633 = 5
4. 10,858,633 to 10,858,638 = 5
5. 10,858,638 to 10,858,642 = 4


1. 2,295,588 to 2,295,694 = 6
2. 2,295,600 to 2,295,606 = 6
3. 2,295,606 to 2,295,612 = 6
4. 2,295,612 to 2,295,618 = 6
5.2,295,618 to 2,295,624 = 6

and the Wii averages from 10 to 11 each time.

There for the PS3 is currently outselling the 360 OWNED.

Since I have posted that and at the time i am posting this the numbers have shown that the PS3 is far outselling the 360

Above it shows 360 had sold 10,858,638 and current it's at 10,891,474 for a difference of 32,836
Above it shows the PS3 had sold 2,295,624 and current it's at 2,535,150 for a difference of 239,526

Now subtract 32,836 from 239,526 and thats a difference of 206,690. That means that since I had posted the above mentioned the PS3 has sold 206,690 more units then the 360 and climbing.

Just an Update thats all.

Posted by: ukjmn Apr 2 2007, 01:39 PM

ken what 360 games that are exclusive and are going to STAY exclusive have got me jumping outa my chair to go buy a 360?

Posted by: .:Hack:. Apr 2 2007, 05:02 PM


Name at least 3 definate buy's for the xbox360 at the launch.

Id say resistance and motorstorm are both essential for the ps3.

Posted by: Gamb Apr 2 2007, 08:22 PM

QUOTE(.:Hack:. @ Apr 2 2007, 05:02 PM) [snapback]19500[/snapback]

Name at least 3 definate buy's for the xbox360 at the launch.

Id say resistance and motorstorm are both essential for the ps3.

Tell him to list 3 launch ones and put two down. Not the best point.

Posted by: ll BodyBag ll Apr 2 2007, 08:32 PM

QUOTE(ukjmn @ Apr 2 2007, 01:39 PM) [snapback]19486[/snapback]
ken what 360 games that are exclusive and are going to STAY exclusive have got me jumping outa my chair to go buy a 360?


Gears of War
Mass Effect
Bio Shock
Halo 3
Forza Motorsport 2
The Darkness
Command And Conquer 3
Lost Planet (even though the demo sucked ass it rated 8.8)
Saints Row

the list goes on and on.

Posted by: FeRgY Apr 2 2007, 08:46 PM

I think you can mark 2 off that list.

Posted by: ukjmn Apr 2 2007, 10:21 PM

of those the only ones that are remotely exciting are saints row (which will end as soon as gtaIV comes out) crackdown and halo 3 which isnt even out yet. the rest might as well as never exsisted IMO.

gears of war (the most highly regarded 360 game) tastes an awful lot like red faction did on the ps2 when the ps2 first came out. with time you fan boys will all realize what an overrated game it really is.

psch and you really think id be jumping out of my seat to drop 400 bucks so i can play forza 2? or why would i ever wanna play command and conquer on a console?

the list goes on

Posted by: lol_Doughnut Apr 2 2007, 11:46 PM

QUOTE(ukjmn @ Apr 2 2007, 08:21 PM) [snapback]19514[/snapback]

You mean Halo 3 beta invite featuring Crackdown?
QUOTE(ll BodyBag ll @ Apr 2 2007, 06:32 PM) [snapback]19510[/snapback]
Bio Shock
Command And Conquer 3

CaC sucks shit now anyways.
QUOTE(ukjmn @ Apr 2 2007, 08:21 PM) [snapback]19514[/snapback]
gears of war (the most highly regarded 360 game) tastes an awful lot like red faction did on the ps2 when the ps2 first came out. with time you fan boys will all realize what an overrated game it really is.

RF was great on PC.

Posted by: Requiem Apr 3 2007, 12:06 AM

QUOTE(ll BodyBag ll @ Apr 2 2007, 06:32 PM) [snapback]19510[/snapback]

Gears of War
Mass Effect
Bio Shock
Halo 3
Forza Motorsport 2
The Darkness
Command And Conquer 3
Lost Planet (even though the demo sucked ass it rated 8.8)
Saints Row

the list goes on and on.

Alright I pretty much kept out of this topic cause yea I've been in these bitch fights way too much but Im bored and theres nothing else to do till the Black Donnellys is on (pimp show btw) so whatever

Gears Of War - It's a good game don't get me wrong but is way to short.

Crackdown - Playing this reminded me of all those shit ass mass produced PC games that filled the bottom shelves while games like Duke Nukem were selling out everywhere in the mid-90's.

Mass Effect - Never heard of it so I cant say nothing.

Bio Shock - aka Gears Of Water meets 2000 Leagues Under The Sea. People arent gonna buy a 360 for a watered down gears of wars.

Halo 3 - Ok everyone knows this game will fly off the shelf, if they waited and brought out 360 Elite with it. Cash Cow

Forza Motorsport 2 - There is absolutely no point in posting a racing game. It doesn't matter if you like the franchise or not but absolutely no racing game can EVER top the Gran Turismo series.

The Darkness - It's for 360 and PS3 so OMG LFG FTW!!

Command And Conquer 3 - PC > All. You know it, I know it, Jesus knows it.

Lost Planet - It was a fun game. Thumbs up buddy

Saints Row - Developers can make as many of these games as they want but nothing will top the GTA series. Plus it's gonna be on Ps3 and 360 so who cares.

Huxley - Same as Mass Effect so ummm ya.

Just a reminder Ken, he said LAUNCH titles not games that came out a year after the release or games that arent out yet. GJ

Now Im not gonna start saying every Ps3 game is awesome and great, some straight up suck, Im not gonna bullshit to make Ps3 sound better. Even with 360 paying up big for the exclusives, there are really no major exclusives (besides companies they already owned before, like Bungie) that will make people go buy a 360. 360 fanboys can brag that 360 has yes sold more in a year and a half over Ps3 in 6 months, or how the Ps3 has a whapping $700 price tag while the 360 is the amazingly low price of $500. Oh yea remember to add that $300 HD player (Comes with Ps3), the $45 plug and play kit so you dont have to spend a retarded amount of money on AA baterries (Comes wth Ps3), oh yea then you have to pay again just to play the games online (Free for Ps3)..... wait a minute? Do you think Microsoft and Verizen teamed up to do the math on this? Sounds like it. Sorry but I'd rather pay $700 once then having to shell out $900 just to do the BARE functions a Ps3 can do. Hey remember you can still brag about a year and a half worth of titles compared to Ps3's 25 game titles in 6 months. 360 fanboys live it up. Tell your mom she might be proud of you and your all mighty 360 that will strike fear in the hearts of all that appose you. Muahahahahaha

Thats awesome Im done and the Black Dnnellys just started smile.gif <3

Posted by: lol_Doughnut Apr 3 2007, 09:46 AM

BioShock-the closest thing to a System Shock 3.
Perhaps the greatest PC game of all time. (System shock 2, I mean)
Besides, BioShock is a FPS, and GoW is Third Person.

Oh shit, I was going to admit defeat with your last inclusion of Huxley, ken, until I saw that IT is for PC also.

I'm not going to buy a 360 for games I can get (with better controls, btw) on the PC.

And req, Huxley=MMOFPS. It's going to kick ass. 200 player combat, 5,000 player cities, player housing, etc.

Posted by: logan Apr 3 2007, 10:26 AM


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