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=BGOAT= Forums _ Nonsense _ My Opinion

Posted by: Harold May 1 2006, 06:38 PM


Posted by: Embro May 1 2006, 08:52 PM

Gj man I agree. Props 2 u

Posted by: Harold May 1 2006, 09:11 PM

Yeah. I did that for an apology, too. I said somethnig I shouldn't have--and I deserved the response.

Posted by: KEVON May 2 2006, 03:53 PM

i support you, and all the people that will be affected by this bill... but... i dont support how amrican border controle is letting illegal mexicans acros the boarder... alot of things could go wrong (terrorism) and that the government is just letting it go, taking jobs and such... just go through legaly! im not trying to sound racist...

way to go fow!

Posted by: Harold May 2 2006, 04:35 PM

QUOTE(KEVON @ May 2 2006, 03:53 PM) [snapback]540[/snapback]
i support you, and all the people that will be affected by this bill... but... i dont support how amrican border controle is letting illegal mexicans acros the boarder... alot of things could go wrong (terrorism) and that the government is just letting it go, taking jobs and such... just go through legaly! im not trying to sound racist...

way to go fow!

Some people can't afford crossing the border, so they hitch a ride up to a border town and hope they can get through--after all, you need your papers, too.

Posted by: Requiem May 2 2006, 05:16 PM

I got no problem with people coming into a country if they are wanting to work for what they get instead of freeloading. They are starting work programs in Canada where they get mexicians to come up and they get a 6 month - 2 year contract to work here or longer. Some of us Canadians r lazy basterds cause there is so much work up here like in construction n other stuff and nobody wants to do it. There was this family on the news who are doing this program thing n its a guy n his 2 sons and they just got their citizenship to canada so now he can bring this wife n daughters up here. He's also starting up his own construction buisness.

Canadian Mexicians... yes they do exist

Posted by: Harold May 3 2006, 06:16 PM

Most immigrants don't freeload. How is that even possible if you can't speak the language yet? Usually when someone comes into a community from overseas/border, they settle in with the same ethnic group as them, not with a totally different area. It's a culutral barrier.

Posted by: Ductape May 4 2006, 10:59 AM

i dont like the idea that people can come n go as they please this just scares me terriorist wise..

Posted by: Jkidd May 4 2006, 11:55 AM

True if we let them do that then the terrorist risk will go up. But not unless we give them a reason to become terrorists. I think that if they are willing to work and support themselves then why not let them in.

Posted by: Harold May 6 2006, 11:01 AM

QUOTE(Jkidd @ May 4 2006, 11:55 AM) [snapback]590[/snapback]
True if we let them do that then the terrorist risk will go up. But not unless we give them a reason to become terrorists. I think that if they are willing to work and support themselves then why not let them in.

Couldn't the terrorists just ride a big boat to the U.S.? It's not hard, and we're not protecting international waters very well. If this rule is going to come into play they need to make it to where it's very easy to get in (legally), with a few exceptions, like learning the basics of the English language and how to show your pride for the U.S. But even that is hard seeing how people can't afford to do it.

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