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=BGOAT= Forums _ Nonsense _ 9/11....true Or False?

Posted by: tEh BiZoRz Apr 23 2006, 09:41 AM

watch the whole video. it kinda makes you wonder...

Posted by: Ductape Apr 23 2006, 10:40 AM

9/11 was obvs. true man it happened its the reason it happened is the big ?.

Posted by: ROOK Master Apr 23 2006, 11:36 AM

well that was a long video but the wife and I watched the entire thing. most of which I have all ready seen some of which I hadn't.... it points out some very good questions. but the thing is we will never know what truly happened and even though they state what they say are facts in that video how do we know that what there saying is true. I mean I could make a video saying that the old man on the mountain was pulled down and didn't fall and make up a bunch of facts and such but how will you know that what I am saying is true? the problem is that people see these videos they get all steemed up but then they go on about there daily business. it's the same w/ the gas prices. we complain about them and what not yet we don't do anything about it except make up stupid spam emails saying don't buy gas. LAME. the only way to prevent things like this is a nother war. a war were the people overthrough the government and take what is ours back. this is supposed to be a free nation. if it's so free then why do we have to pay taxes and everything else. we're no more free then hte prisoners in jail. only difference is our cell is larger.

Posted by: Dylan Apr 23 2006, 11:40 AM

Wow, I didn't watch the whole thing, mayvbe about 15 min of it, but wiz states a good fact(s).
But the title makes no sense, 9/11 is obviously true..

Posted by: tEh BiZoRz Apr 23 2006, 04:06 PM

it makes me think that by highering the gas prices and the taxs are a way to get more money for the government. like i think bush planed all this just for more money for the govenment and for him.

and yes 9/11 was real but i think it was planed warnotanswer.gif

oh and this is freaky, interesting and scary all in one!

Read down to the very bottom, you don't want to miss this!


1. The garden of Eden was in


2. Mesopotamia, which is now Iraq, was the cradle of civilization!

3. Noah built the ark in Iraq.

4. The Tower of Babel was in Iraq.

5. Abraham was from Ur, which is in Southern Iraq!

6. Isaac's wife Rebekah is from Nahor, which is in Iraq !

7. Jacob met Rachel in Iraq.

8. Jonah preached in Nineveh - which is in Iraq.

9. Assyria, which is in Iraq, conquered the ten tribes of Israel.

10. Amos cried out in Iraq!

11. Babylon, which is in Iraq, destroyed Jerusalem.

12. Daniel was in the lion's den in Iraq!

13. The three Hebrew children were in the fire in Iraq (Jesus had been in Iraq also as the fourth person in the fiery furnace!)

14. Belshazzar, the King of Babylon saw the "writing on the wall" in Iraq.

15. Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, carried the Jews captive into Iraq.

16. Ezekiel preached in Iraq.

17. The wise men were from Iraq.

18. Peter preached in Iraq.

19. The "Empire of Man" described in Revelation is called Babylon, which was a city in Iraq!

And you have probably seen this one. Israel is the nation most often mentioned in the Bible. But do you know which nation is second? It is Iraq! However, that is not the name that is used in the Bible. The names used in the Bible are Babylon, Land of Shinar, and Mesopotamia. The word Mesopotamia means between the two rivers, more exactly between the Tigris and ! Euphrates Rivers. The name Iraq, means country with deep roots.

Indeed Iraq is a country with deep roots and is a very significant country in the Bible.

No other nation, except Israel, has more history and prophecy associated with it than Iraq.

And also... This is something to think about! Since America is typically represented by an eagle. Saddam should have read up on his Muslim passages...

The following verse is from the Koran, (the Islamic Bible)

Koran (9:11) - For it is written that a son of Arabia would awaken a fearsome Eagle. The wrath of the Eagle would be felt throughout the lands of Allah and lo, while some of the people trembled in despair still more rejoiced; for the wrath of the Eagle cleansed the lands of Allah; and there was peace.

(Note the verse number!) Hmmmmmmm?!

Posted by: Jkidd Apr 23 2006, 07:02 PM

That is pretty crazy. Nice research Biz. You have a choice between these 3 cookies. Or the small parade
IPB Image
IPB Image

You may only choose one. wheelchair.gif

Posted by: Dylan Apr 23 2006, 07:05 PM

Small parade

Posted by: döughnutkingjr Apr 23 2006, 11:44 PM

Yeah. The video did make alot a sence. BUT, I thought it was funny he used wikipedia as one of his sources. And wtf is with the planes still in use? :-/

Posted by: Harold Apr 24 2006, 12:08 AM

My response:

OKAY, I SUPPOSE WE SENT THOUSANDS OF TROOPS TO AFGANISTAN TO FIND SOMEONE (OSAMA BIN LADEN) WHO WAS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ATTACKS FOR NO REASON? I think not. Laden clearly said that his group had executed the attacks. You conspiracy artists are absolutely crazy. And if you're dumb enough to follow them, you have just blantanly missed the facts that have been in front of you the WHOLE time. Plus, why would our OWN Government put thousands of people's lives on line, AND not to mention fly a plane STRAIGHT INTO THE PENTAGON. (Isn't that a Governmental office? YES.) PLEASE KIDS. Chalk up on your facts before you go digging in places you don't need to.

Posted by: Requiem Apr 24 2006, 07:42 PM

QUOTE(Harold @ Apr 23 2006, 10:08 PM) [snapback]163[/snapback]

why would our OWN Government put thousands of people's lives on line

You gotta kill a few million people to rule the world

QUOTE(Harold @ Apr 23 2006, 10:08 PM) [snapback]163[/snapback]

AND not to mention fly a plane STRAIGHT INTO THE PENTAGON.

A plane NEVER hit the pentagon. I've seen tons of videos and none of which have shown a plane anywhere in the area. Plus why didn't they ever look into it? They put more attention into the plane that crashed in the middle of butt fuck nowhere then a "plane" that hit the pentagon.

How stupid can a goverment be when they couldn't see this coming? I think everyone knew the US was gonna get attacked somewhere down the line. It just happened to be when the dumbest president of all time was in charge thats why it was suck a big cluster fuck. Bush has dug himself into a hole I think it's about time someone fills it with cement before he can get out and all these problems get fixed.

Posted by: Shadow Apr 24 2006, 10:49 PM

Man don't be stupid. Whats money when they have power.... They make the money. They pretty much don't need it.

Posted by: $park$ Apr 26 2006, 03:07 PM

This is the question I've been thinkin'. What are we trying to win? We are pretty much just sacrificing are selves and putting another country through misery. Yes, Iraq does have problems. We tred to help but they refused. And we still aren't taking our troops back. This is probably what you are thinking, "They'll just attck again." Well fighting and killing them isn't helping our reputation. I believe we should just help a little and not try to take complete control over the country. After all, they never wanted it. What do you think?

Posted by: döughnutkingjr Apr 26 2006, 05:38 PM

QUOTE($park$ @ Apr 26 2006, 02:07 PM) [snapback]321[/snapback]
This is the question I've been thinkin'. What are we trying to win? We are pretty much just sacrificing are selves and putting another country through misery. Yes, Iraq does have problems. We tred to help but they refused. And we still aren't taking our troops back. This is probably what you are thinking, "They'll just attck again." Well fighting and killing them isn't helping our reputation. I believe we should just help a little and not try to take complete control over the country. After all, they never wanted it. What do you think?



Posted by: Embro Apr 26 2006, 06:12 PM

That passage in the bible is fake

Posted by: Requiem Apr 26 2006, 06:37 PM

Best quote ever was from some iraqian on the news.

"Atleast when Saddam was in charge we had running water"

Btw whatever happened to capturing Bin Ladan? Was the US like "ahhh Im tired of looking in holes lets go get us some oil and start killing people at random and while were in the area lets go visit Saddam for some english muffins.

Posted by: Camo Apr 28 2006, 06:18 AM

Missle hit the pentagon.

Posted by: PiNkY Apr 28 2006, 06:58 AM

hmmm idk guyz but wut happened in NY was meant to happen.... if u really read the bible well(like i do) well u notice things that will freak u out.. but. point out wut things are goin on.... as of now Puerto Rico's Government is nothin... the police. school's, hospital's, and other government places have stop working because the governer's ppl........Governer want's to pay the ppl a 7% of more money..... but the ppl below him which sign and agree with him are agianst it which they only want to pay the ppl 4%... cuz ther diff party's and now the governer has his hands tide and ther is NO MONEY.. to give to the ppl... and as u would read in the bible the bible speaks about this coin that will be coming and taking the place of the dollar.. its already in about 7 country's i believe... Europe is one of them... ther some others... but wut i am saying wit this is that if i find u guyz the verse or chapter that is congruent to the WTC attacks u guyz can basically loook, think. and u will see wut i mean. closedeyes.gif

Posted by: Harold Apr 28 2006, 09:43 AM

You gotta kill a few million people to rule the world

Okay, why would the U.S. kill it's own people, people that are citizens?

A plane NEVER hit the pentagon. I've seen tons of videos and none of which have shown a plane anywhere in the area. Plus why didn't they ever look into it? They put more attention into the plane that crashed in the middle of butt ---- nowhere then a "plane" that hit the pentagon.

Okay, where'd the plane land then? There's recorded phones called proven to come from the plane's passengers. There's a population defecit from this attack, and you can't say that some plane flew, disspeared, and never came back. And NO, the plane that crashed into the field isn't the same one as the airliner that slammed into the Pentagon.

Best quote ever was from some iraqian on the news.

"Atleast when Saddam was in charge we had running water"

Btw whatever happened to capturing Bin Ladan? Was the US like "ahhh Im tired of looking in holes lets go get us some oil and start killing people at random and while were in the area lets go visit Saddam for some english muffins.

What's worse? Getting innocent people killed for saying what they want ot think, or waiting for clean water every weekend. After all, the U.N. does bring them in surplus.

Why aren't we looking for Bin Laden? We are. You are thinking too much about the MEDIA. We haven't pulled of out Afganistan, yet. Just because the news doesn't talk about it, doesn't mean it isn't going on. Let me use an example: Someone car runs over the sidewalk and killed 4 people in California. The whole word isn't going to hear it.

We aren't killing people randomly, nor for oil. If we wanted oil, we would have gone somewhere else where there's more oil. What with people using Bush as a scapegoat, too? He was just doing what was in our best interest of our people--to rid of terror(ism). Wether or not that means we goto Afganistan and wait 5 years to find Bin Laden (I'm not saying we found him, yet), or goto Iraq and destroy Saddam's reign over the people. I don't even want you to tell me, "Oh, what about those weapons of mass destruction." It's freaking doubt. Why do you think we have a court system? Because people have benefit of a doubt. If you think that Saddam killing his own step brothers and innocent people of Iraq, you have something terribly wrong with you.

Missle hit the pentagon.

Show me the proof that a missle was in the area. The U.S. isn't stupid enough to fly a darn missle into it's own building--it's stupid.

QUOTE(PiNkY @ Apr 28 2006, 06:58 AM) [snapback]401[/snapback]
hmmm idk guyz but wut happened in NY was meant to happen.... if u really read the bible well(like i do) well u notice things that will freak u out.. but. point out wut things are goin on.... as of now Puerto Rico's Government is nothin... the police. school's, hospital's, and other government places have stop working because the governer's ppl........Governer want's to pay the ppl a 7% of more money..... but the ppl below him which sign and agree with him are agianst it which they only want to pay the ppl 4%... cuz ther diff party's and now the governer has his hands tide and ther is NO MONEY.. to give to the ppl... and as u would read in the bible the bible speaks about this coin that will be coming and taking the place of the dollar.. its already in about 7 country's i believe... Europe is one of them... ther some others... but wut i am saying wit this is that if i find u guyz the verse or chapter that is congruent to the WTC attacks u guyz can basically loook, think. and u will see wut i mean. closedeyes.gif

Well put, I'm not sure if I've read that before, though.

What my point is guys is that blaming the government for everything, isn't getting anywhere. Bush hasn't done anything wrong, and it's within his power AND constitutional rights to liberate Iraq, and rid of terror. Things are happening, too. Groups aren't just shooting American Soldiers because want to, they know what they are doing is wrong (and it's to their benefit), and they want to keep it that way. Things in the Middle East ARE improving. The Iraqi president just appointed his Foreign Prime minister. That's a small step toward peace, but after all... It's the small steps that make the big things happen.

Posted by: Oompa Apr 28 2006, 04:19 PM

well...pretty much everything I was thinking has already been said...I'm w/ fow, and Pinky, and anyone else who thinks the war is right on this one

Posted by: Requiem Apr 28 2006, 06:41 PM

First off Im not from the states so Im not feed all this media crap. I think the media is retarded and about 1% of it is actual fact. Bush is a stupid redneck cowboy who's dead pony knows more about politics then him. Everything was fine before Nazi Boy became president. There was no WW3 in the making. Then you ask why would the US kill its own citizens and put them in harm? It's called Fear why do you think Saddam killed some of his citizens? Bush just wants to scare the crap outta all you Americans so you think you need him as President. Really do you think that retard would still be president if he didnt have this war. All he wants is the oil theres no if, ands, or buts about that. In this world everything is about the all mighty dollar. Power can come n go in an instant but if you gotta few billion dollars kickin around your gonna be on top for a very long time. I just cant wait to see the face on the next president who gets all this crap dumped on them. Really who is benefiting from this war besides the americans? Remember this is the perspective of a non-american who can see whats going on both sides of this joke of a war.

Posted by: döughnutkingjr Apr 28 2006, 06:47 PM

I just like this tidbit.

Ok, the ''confession tape" has Osamy signing the the letter and generally uses his right arm to do stuff. that said, on the fbi's site they have him to be left handed... Minor indeed, but still, they don't see 9/11 as something listable as stuff he's done...?

Posted by: Shadow Apr 28 2006, 11:04 PM

Their there trying to capture Binladen. Where still under threat. So we try to negate this threat before Any of us get hurt from the united states. Yes I know this cause the sergeant I talk to at my school Tells me these storys on his joruny to iraw and how hell it was. One more Year ill be soon a Governments dog aswell.

Posted by: =BGOAT=Nicholas Apr 29 2006, 08:44 AM

Okay lets put it this way Req.

What if Osama attacked big well known areas in Canada and places around where you live? Would you still be having these same thoughts? Would you be saying shit like your government attacked its own country? Would you say oh they didnt mean to do it lets not protect outselves from further attacks by going over there and taking out the terrorist?

You ask who benefits from this "joke of a war".... Lets see who was attacked? America. Why did we go to Iraq? To take out all the terrorists. Why are we taking out all of the terrorists? So we dont get attacked again and from us taking out the terrorists guess who benefits? OTHER Countries as well as the US. They could have easly attacked anywhere else AND I BET all my money whoever would have been attacked like we got attacked they would have done the samething like we did! Dont try to make this look like a Joke when it isnt man. Sometimes I wish this didnt happen to the US but to somewhere else to see what shit would be said about the attacks. AND EVERYONE DAMN WELL KNOWS THE US WOULD HELP WHOEVER WAS ATTACKED. I just cant stand people saying shit like the attacks were fake, planned, attacks from the US itself, or the president was dumb for making this war... He didnt make it fucking Osama did when he attacked the US.

Meh im done.

Posted by: Harold Apr 29 2006, 10:20 AM

THANK YOU NICK. Just this thread is enough to prove why the war is going on and how the Government didn't plan the war. If you want to make a point, then back it up with facts, cold hard facts. "What ifs" aren't going to prove anything.

Posted by: Requiem Apr 29 2006, 11:22 AM

I never said the US planned this. They got attack yes which is queer but wtf does that have to do with bombing the fuck outta iraq when it was Osama who attacked the USA and he's chillin in Afganistan. Was there ever proof that Sadam was helping Osama pull off these attacks besides what the goverment said? To my knowledge I've never hear Sadam or Osama say they were working together. Thats like if wiz broke into my house and I wanted payback so I went looking for him n couldnt find him so I just decided to go kick in nicks front door because he knows wiz. Ya I would have a different opinion if it was canada that got attacked and not the US but I still wouldnt be all happy about running over there and killing people, bombing them, and taking over THEIR country. How does that make us look any better? They attack us we go on a full scale invasion on their country even though it wasnt the whole country that attacked us it was a group. There was absolutely no need for this war even happening anyone could see that if they just sit back and look. The US are the bullies of the world. Its like back in school if you got in a fight with a kid and won then that kid getting like 20 of his friends to jump you and kick your ass, its a freakin joke.

Posted by: döughnutkingjr Apr 29 2006, 12:46 PM

*gives req a swirley*

Posted by: Harold Apr 29 2006, 01:42 PM

Dude, you just restated everything and gave an example. We just proved it wrong, and I wasn't directing that part of the reply at you, either. The war is on terror, it's not on a single person. Once again. THE MEDIA ISN'T THE WAR. We still have people in Afg. fighting/looking.

Posted by: Oompa Apr 30 2006, 01:41 PM

ya...i dont like how the media tends to only show/talk about the negative things about the war and the president...

Posted by: Harold Apr 30 2006, 05:24 PM

Also, they really only direct their attention to Iraq most of the time--leading people to think the war still isn't going on in Afganistan.

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