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=BGOAT= Forums _ General _ Bgoat Compition

Posted by: water Nov 23 2006, 05:42 PM

The rules are simple. Be the first person to find the cheat code for moon gravity on THP8.

You can play dirty men, bite, scratch, pull hair, what ever you want to win this competition.

The winner will get ... well the moon gravity code and props for being the one that found it.... so the more people that participate, the better and faster the chance we can find this cheat code!

If you choose NOT to participate in this bgoat competition then leave, and do not comment.

lets find this code!

Posted by: Harold Nov 23 2006, 05:46 PM

What's a compition?

Posted by: water Nov 23 2006, 05:54 PM

QUOTE(Harold @ Nov 23 2006, 06:46 PM) [snapback]9977[/snapback]

What's a compition?

sorry i ment competition not compition i fixed it.

Posted by: Duffedwaffe Nov 23 2006, 06:08 PM

Don't you mean competition?

Posted by: FeRgY Nov 23 2006, 06:08 PM

QUOTE(water @ Nov 23 2006, 05:54 PM) [snapback]9979[/snapback]

..... (stares) ...... (still pausing) ... oh your serious, a compition is where a bunch of people try to win, like basketball .... football.... a game of "horse".... if your still clueless look it up.

Posted by: water Nov 23 2006, 06:12 PM

QUOTE(Duffedwaffe @ Nov 23 2006, 07:08 PM) [snapback]9981[/snapback]

Don't you mean competition?

ya sorry cant spell.. i fixed my post up top..... still gets the point across though.

Posted by: Duffedwaffe Nov 23 2006, 06:20 PM

Too late....

IPB Image


Trie hokte onn fawnickze.


Posted by: water Nov 23 2006, 06:26 PM

maby......... i still want to get that cheatcode and if everyone in bgoat tryed at least 10 codes we would probly figure out the code.... like EVERYONE will participate that is....whatever it was worth a shot.

Posted by: bleed Nov 23 2006, 07:24 PM

There is no moon gravity in THP8.

Posted by: water Nov 23 2006, 08:01 PM

QUOTE(bleed @ Nov 23 2006, 08:24 PM) [snapback]9992[/snapback]

There is no moon gravity in THP8.

how do you know?

Posted by: ROOK Master wiz Nov 23 2006, 08:12 PM

Because I am good like that. you can't find something thats not there. it's like trying to find online for P8 on the ps2.

Posted by: Duffedwaffe Nov 23 2006, 08:18 PM

QUOTE(ROOK Master wiz @ Nov 23 2006, 08:12 PM) [snapback]9997[/snapback]

Because I am good like that. you can't find something thats not there. it's like trying to find online for P8 on the ps2.

Thar's funny because it actually exists. LMAO.

Posted by: ROOK Master wiz Nov 23 2006, 08:22 PM

theres online for P8 on PS2?. where?

Posted by: bleed Nov 23 2006, 08:48 PM

You need a gameshark for it, but even then BORING. There is no moon gravity for THP8 says so

Posted by: Jkidd «±» Nov 23 2006, 09:41 PM

LMAO Bleed...but you can't do that wink.gif

Posted by: Logan Nov 23 2006, 09:56 PM

QUOTE(bleed @ Nov 23 2006, 08:48 PM) [snapback]10002[/snapback]
There is no moon gravity for THP8 says so


Posted by: water Nov 23 2006, 10:02 PM

im going to laugh my ass off if it turns out there is moon gravity.

Posted by: water Nov 23 2006, 10:20 PM

hell how about we make this interesting bleed. lets make a bet in front of all of bgoat. you say there is no moongravity in tony hawks project 8. i say there is. so WHO EVER LOSES has to LEAVE BGOAT FOREVER.

deal or no deal??????? if you say deal then its on .... if you dont then there is no bet.

make your choice.

Posted by: ll BodyBag ll Nov 23 2006, 10:34 PM

lmao, too bad neither of you are "IN" =BGOAT=. so how could you leave?

Posted by: bleed Nov 23 2006, 10:42 PM

Deal. Pack your bags.

And yeah Kenny I'm aware I'm not in Bgoat but this is his silly bet, and my way of getting him out of here.

Posted by: Ares Nov 25 2006, 08:19 PM

why use moon gravity when you can glitch?

Posted by: water Nov 25 2006, 10:09 PM

QUOTE(Ares @ Nov 25 2006, 09:19 PM) [snapback]10217[/snapback]

why use moon gravity when you can glitch?

alot of people like moon gravity cause its easyer then using the wallplant glitch i found to get to higher places and alot more accurate.

bailing with it would be cool too (haha try the wallplant glitch with moon gravity ..... if you didnt know you would fly farther *hint hint* haha

but some people say there will be no moongravity so we will see.

Posted by: Ares Nov 25 2006, 11:39 PM

also, learn on how to spell competition haha, i never heard of such a word called compition. maybe its one of these new words i never hear cuz i have no life. lol jk

gl on finding moon gravity, your the only person who thinks there is a cheat for it. i myself really dont care cuz bail launch is just as good.

Posted by: The Biz Nov 26 2006, 11:37 AM

QUOTE(water @ Nov 25 2006, 10:09 PM) [snapback]10235[/snapback]

alot of people like moon gravity cause its easyer then using the wallplant glitch i found to get to higher places and alot more accurate.

bailing with it would be cool too (haha try the wallplant glitch with moon gravity ..... if you didnt know you would fly farther *hint hint* haha

but some people say there will be no moongravity so we will see.

ok if u think using moon gravity is a glitch like in thug oo i can use moon gravity to get over this and that thats for newbs fucking cg or bgscg dont use moon gravity if you dont wanna be made fun of

thats me being nice.

Posted by: Duffedwaffe Nov 26 2006, 12:03 PM

QUOTE(Ares @ Nov 25 2006, 11:39 PM) [snapback]10250[/snapback]

also, learn on how to spell competition haha, i never heard of such a word called compition. maybe its one of these new words i never hear cuz i have no life. lol jk

Shouldn't that be;

Also, learn on how to spell competition... haha. I have never heard of such a word called compition the word "compition". Maybe it's one of those new words I never hear of 'cause I have no life. lol, j/k.

KTHNX. (Purposefully made grammatical error. STFU.)

Posted by: water Nov 26 2006, 12:30 PM

um i never said that moon gravity WAS a glitch ... its a cheat ... but this topic is old cause me and bleed worked it out so could the moderators please close this topic.

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