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=BGOAT= Forums _ General _ Thdhj

Posted by: tEh BiZoRz Apr 22 2006, 07:20 PM


Philly (classic lvl. all of it not just FDR. add Love park and Fairmens)
Manhatten (for a classic lvl. but make it bigger and better)
Kona (classic lvl. make less vert more street. expand it and make a warp to a skateshop in the lvl)
New Jersey (classic lvl. favorite lvl in thug. expand parts. and make the race shop a skateshop and make it a warp. make the school a indoor skate park. make it for story for some competition)
Aussie (classic lvl. it was a fair lvl in thug2. one of the ok ones. make it better. take out all the unskateable shit and make stuff in that lvl skatable.)
Litiz, PA (one of my fav skate parks around my area. its a nice skate park. and is by a school. make the park on one half of the lvl and the school the rest. the school in litiz is hudge and has alot of great stair sets/docks.)
Woodward East (i have been to wood ward and may i say killer! its a beautifull place. alot of shit to skate/bike to. Dave mirras game did not look like the real woodward. may i say if neversoft dose this. do it right.)

The Skaters:

1. Andrew Reynolds (great skater. one of my favorites)
2. Tony Hawk (of cource why not have tony its his game dry.gif)
3. Tony Alva (add some ledgends in again)
4. Jay Adams (another ledgend)
5. Stacey Peralta (needs him back but his old school style)
6. Rodney Mullen (why not have the king of flatground back in?)
7. Daewon Song (some compatition for Rodney?)
8. Danny Way (the great wall of china master)
9. Dustin Dollin (my fav skater. and a good skater)
10. Bam Margera (even though annoying he still spices up the game)
11. Chad Muska (we need this crazy white boy back)
12. Mike Vallely (Just a killer skater. nuff said.)

Sercet skaters:

1. Peds....
2. The Jackass cast...(they can mess around and do sum shit with bam)
3. WEE MAN!! (basically can fit into the jackass cast catagory but still wee man needs to come back)
4. Tosh Townend (best mellow skater ever)
5. Anything but stupid shit! and no cartoonish shit

tell me what you guys think! and feel free to add your own ideas

Posted by: ll BodyBag ll Apr 22 2006, 08:12 PM

with all that jackass crap, makes it sound like THUG 2. Which = horrible

Posted by: Dylan Apr 23 2006, 11:46 AM

Exactly, although Jackass was a great movie, we don't need it in a video game.
1. Andrew Reynolds (great skater. one of my favorites)
2. Tony Hawk (of cource why not have tony its his game dry.gif)
3. Tony Alva (add some ledgends in again)
4. Jay Adams (another ledgend)
5. Stacey Peralta (needs him back but his old school style)
6. Rodney Mullen (why not have the king of flatground back in?)
7. Daewon Song (some compatition for Rodney?)
8. Danny Way (the great wall of china master)
9. Dustin Dollin (my fav skater. and a good skater)
10. Bam Margera (even though annoying he still spices up the game)
11. Chad Muska (we need this crazy white boy back)
12. Mike Vallely (Just a killer skater. nuff said.)
13. Eric Koston (Great flip tricker)

I added koston, hes a good skater imo.
I agree with the levels 100%
You should add on and make a story for it smile.gif

Posted by: Adio Apr 23 2006, 05:40 PM

Here's what I want.

1. Tony Hawk
2. Bob Burnquist
3. Steve Caballero
4. Rune Glifberg
5. Eric Koston
6. Bucky Lasek
7. Rodney Mullen
8. Chad Muska
9. Geoff Rowley
10. Paul Rodriguez
11. Danny Way
12. Mike Vallely
13. Andrew Reynolds
14. Tom Penny. Why not?
15. Elissa Steamer
17. Kareem Campbell
18. Jamie Thomas

Mainly, just the original THPS Skaters.

I don't really care for the Secret Skaters, but I hope they put in some ACTUAL skaters. Especially Tom Penny or Donny Barley. Two awesome skaters.

Career Mode is perfectly fine with me.

A good 10-15 levels. Houston, Newark Airport, Rome, and more. A School III would be cool.

Posted by: FeRgY Apr 23 2006, 07:13 PM

If it was PS3 exclusive (that's a big if) why not put all the skaters that have been in the series except the retarded ones and all the levels in addition to some new stuff.

Posted by: ROOK Master Apr 23 2006, 07:23 PM

well I say that since it's blue ray and HDD w/ just the blue ray you have 50 gigs of space. thats enough space for every TH game to date to fit on there. here's my idea. Update the graphics a bit so there better then ps2's but not like omfg graphics rock. I want a better longer game rather then omfg graphics. just make em a little better. now w/ that much space you could include every level of the TH series on there. every skater ever in the games and a huge CAP editor and more. that would mean over like 50 levels 100 skaters and a CAP editor that would rock and there would still be enough space on there for like a bunch of other things. the game would be huge.

Posted by: ~Mythical~ Apr 23 2006, 08:49 PM

Ok this what i want on it.
one big level either:
New York City
Pennsylvania(where im from=)
Also minigames would be cool.. like from thps4.
Create a Tag would be cool.
Secret levels:
shipyard (classic level)
the mall (updated)
Danny Way
Tony Hawk
Mike V
Shawn White
Bam Margera
Geoff Rowley
Bob Burnquist
Arto Saari
Chris Haslam
Tony Alva (awesome old school skater)
Secret Skaters:
Sergio Yuppie
Dude on Fire... lol
and I can't think of any more for now..

Posted by: döughnutkingjr Apr 23 2006, 09:45 PM

Micro Machines World level... Toy story-ish. lol.

Posted by: BOOM! HEADSHOT! Apr 23 2006, 10:07 PM

As long as Jamie Thomas is in the game I will be satisfied.

Posted by: Harold Apr 24 2006, 01:18 PM

MANHATTANNNN, PLEASE! Maybe Moscow, too.

Posted by: tEh BiZoRz Apr 24 2006, 02:45 PM

idk if i could make a story. i have alot of ideas but im to lazy to type them. but if they were to make a story id make like maybe 3 posible storys. like chose what team to be on or something. kinda back to the roots of thug. thug=get sponcerd by your own chosen company. make each company have a different story. im sick of beating the same thing all over again. i think alot of ppl will agree with me there.

Maybe a story like you live in philly and you wake up one day go skate with friends. do a bunch of goals and like tour around to make a sponcer me tape. send it in and get sponcer. but you can choose who to send it to. like Blind, Flip, Birdhouse, and so-so. depending on the sponcer you choose it had different goals and so-so

Posted by: KEVON Apr 24 2006, 04:10 PM

id like alot of stuf from thug back... like the lvls and cad! also kinda like the story, and hard!

also some improvement on the online play...

dose any body else wonna get rid of classic mode for a longer story?

Posted by: BOOM! HEADSHOT! Apr 24 2006, 04:26 PM

Classic mode is really annoying. I would have it gone in a heartbeat for a better story mode.

Posted by: tEh BiZoRz Apr 24 2006, 04:50 PM

QUOTE(BOOM! HEADSHOT! @ Apr 24 2006, 05:26 PM) [snapback]196[/snapback]

Classic mode is really annoying. I would have it gone in a heartbeat for a better story mode.

maybe combind them. make the classic lvls in the story. just story with some classic lvls take out classic mode.

Posted by: Jkidd Apr 24 2006, 05:21 PM

I think that Biz has something there. But also like Harold said, I would like to see Manhattan back. This was my favorite level back in THUG.

Posted by: ~Mythical~ Apr 24 2006, 08:10 PM

Sounds like some good ideas... Ya I have a bunch of ideas but im to lazy to post them

Posted by: Requiem Apr 24 2006, 08:17 PM

For this game I think it's gonna be pretty basic for the difficulty and story. For the next thps aka not the kiddy game most of these ideas would be good but I dont think this thdhj game is gonna be some huge break-through where the series becomes good again cause this game is aiming for the younger players.

Posted by: PiNkY Apr 25 2006, 09:35 AM

yay! u guyz have some ideas and i agree with Fow... Manhattan better be on ther.. thats wuts up... and moscow... wow that level was funny.... well lets just hope that Neversoft/ActiVision open up their heads and get all dis to become reality..

Posted by: Harold Apr 25 2006, 10:02 AM

Yeah. And please don't let it be "kiddy" as it was proposed to be. They'll lose a lot of users online, and gain a bunch of complaints from 7 year old kids who can barely operate emailing because they can't get online.

Posted by: $park$ Apr 25 2006, 03:15 PM

QUOTE(Harold @ Apr 25 2006, 10:02 AM) [snapback]257[/snapback]
Yeah. And please don't let it be "kiddy" as it was proposed to be. They'll lose a lot of users online, and gain a bunch of complaints from 7 year old kids who can barely operate emailing because they can't get online.

Yeah, I think Neversoft should think hard about this game. But for the most part ^ Fow said it all. I think it would
be pretty sick if they mixed together classic and story mode goals together. Or like classic goals are extra points or something idk. I hope they have a really hard challenging story or something. The one's they have now pretty much suck.

Posted by: Oompa Apr 25 2006, 04:20 PM

who thinks that they should keep streaming levels in the games? By streaming, I mean no stupid loading tunnels where you go super slow in, but a real nice streaming level. like gta basically. i think they should have a good streaming level for the story mode, and for classic mode, they could get tons of the levels from the older games. I don't think they should have the same exact goals that there were in the older games, maybe they could do a THPS4 set up for the goals in classic mode. I'd like lots of THUG levels and THPS4 levels. A good deep story would be nice to...

Posted by: tEh BiZoRz Apr 25 2006, 04:36 PM

i love the gta streaming style. im still going with my lvls of choice and more. i also am stick to my different storys for different sponcers. that way we wont get tired of beating the same thing over and over agian.

Posted by: $park$ Apr 25 2006, 05:00 PM

QUOTE(Oompa @ Apr 25 2006, 04:20 PM) [snapback]276[/snapback]
who thinks that they should keep streaming levels in the games? By streaming, I mean no stupid loading tunnels where you go super slow in, but a real nice streaming level. like gta basically. i think they should have a good streaming level for the story mode, and for classic mode, they could get tons of the levels from the older games. I don't think they should have the same exact goals that there were in the older games, maybe they could do a THPS4 set up for the goals in classic mode. I'd like lots of THUG levels and THPS4 levels. A good deep story would be nice to...

Thats the best idea evr. That is the perfect way to flow lvls into lvls. If they are going to wait to release the game on PS3, than i doubt they do that. They'd prolly think that THAW is the best way but, Oompa's got a point here

Posted by: döughnutkingjr Apr 26 2006, 05:56 PM

QUOTE(Oompa @ Apr 25 2006, 03:20 PM) [snapback]276[/snapback]
who thinks that they should keep streaming levels in the games? By streaming, I mean no stupid loading tunnels where you go super slow in, but a real nice streaming level. like gta basically. i think they should have a good streaming level for the story mode, and for classic mode, they could get tons of the levels from the older games. I don't think they should have the same exact goals that there were in the older games, maybe they could do a THPS4 set up for the goals in classic mode. I'd like lots of THUG levels and THPS4 levels. A good deep story would be nice to...

Going too fast in gta lets you fall out the bottom of the level. lol. Or it would have a loading screen keep popping up and slow you down. or in vice city it did have an actual loading screen.

"Welcome to vice city"

But yeah...

Posted by: KEVON Apr 27 2006, 05:09 PM

speaking of gta games...

i no its not about lvls or charecteres r anything, i just didnt want to make a new topic. in the next game, on the opposite side of a wall (u have to glitch to get to it) there will be a sign that says"you wernt saposeto get back here you know."... and in a few games later, wen its a classic lvl, the sign will still be there, but it will say "Hello again!"... it will be cool if u knew what its a darkside from.... and on top of a building, there will be a sign that says "theres no glitches up here, go away!" or suntin like that...

Posted by: döughnutkingjr Apr 27 2006, 05:26 PM

That seems funny... to request a darkside..

Posted by: $park$ Apr 28 2006, 06:24 AM

QUOTE(KEVON @ Apr 27 2006, 05:09 PM) [snapback]385[/snapback]
speaking of gta games...

i no its not about lvls or charecteres r anything, i just didnt want to make a new topic. in the next game, on the opposite side of a wall (u have to glitch to get to it) there will be a sign that says"you wernt saposeto get back here you know."... and in a few games later, wen its a classic lvl, the sign will still be there, but it will say "Hello again!"... it will be cool if u knew what its a darkside from.... and on top of a building, there will be a sign that says "theres no glitches up here, go away!" or suntin like that...

That would be awesome lol

Posted by: KEVON Apr 28 2006, 04:24 PM

from gta3:

IPB Image

from liberty city stories:

and from san andreas:

IPB Image

my point is that rockstar adds these lil things that make their games intresting and funny, neversoft should do some things like this...

Posted by: döughnutkingjr Apr 28 2006, 06:54 PM

Yeah. gta3 pwnd. And had awesome glitches.

Which Reminds me, Any one have gta3 for pc?

I wannna find someone I know on multitheftauto. lol.

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